Gym Orgy

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(Eyo! Just wanted to say there is some violence in this chapter and a few homophobic slurs. Oh! And I added a character that goes by it/it's pronouns)

"What are you gonna do? Beat me up? Ruffle my feathers," I teasingly say as he holds tightly onto my white t-shirt. Glaring up at me with such an intense stare I'm surprised I don't burst into flames.
"Open the locker Jake," he says without looking away from me.
Jake snickers and starts doing the combo to one of the tall lockers.
Snorting I shake my head. "Idiot. You really think I can't get out of there?"
"No. It's a fucking metal box. You'll be there all night Eugene," he smirks before pushing me against the row of 'metal boxes'. "Or maybe until after the baseball game... maybe I'll let you out then and see what the team can do to you," he threatens before pushing me down into the locker.
"Hah! You're funny Zander! Reallll funny!" I say as I situate myself inside. It's definitely a tight uncomfortable fit, but I'll be fine. I won't be in here long.
Scoffing he slams the locker closed and I hear the click.
"See you after the game gay boy!" He says before kicking the locker and making Jake cackle. Dude sounded like a pig.
Rolling my eyes I silently listen and wait for them to walk off.

Once there was complete silence blanketing the empty school halls I manage to slip my hand into my trench coat pocket and grab my incredibly useful tool. A hammer that came apart and became different kinds of screwdrivers.
Grinning I manage to focus my eyes in the dark light and see the mechanism of the lock. Feeling along the top I find a slit between metal pieces and jam the flat headed screw bit into it. Once it's in I take the small hammer head that came off and slammed it down onto the butt of the screwdriver. A loud crack of metal sounding and I hear a piece of plastic fall to the ground.
Euphoric I push the locker open with ease and stretch. Putting the tool back together and shoving it in my pocket.
Closing the locker I put the plastic piece back in place, precariously balancing it.
Pushing my black hair back into it's normal swept position I saunter off. Strolling down the dark halls and out of the main building.

Seeing the baseball field lit up I glance at the gyms beside it. Knowing that's where Zander and his baseball cronies are.
Checking my phone I see Daisy texted saying, "We're waiting outside the stadium for you! >U<"
Smiling softly at its dorky lil emoji it sent I walk on over to the entrance.
My close knit group of friends was standing off to the side of the ticket booth. Seeing me they call out and cheer.
"Ayeee it's the boyyyy," one says with finger guns and Daisy tilts its head with an oblivious smile.
"Where were you?" It asks, its sharp black eyeliner paired with bright yellow eyeshadow.
"Jerkwad decided to stuff me in a locker," I say simply and it gasps.
"No!" Daisy exclaims.
"What a prick," Oliver says as he crosses his arms. Black turtle neck and grey bomber looking incredibly comfy.
"Yeah- I'll get him back after the game tho," I simply reply before holding up my student card. "Ya'll ready to watch that dick head swing the bat at someone's head?" He asks and my friends laugh heartily before we pop into the short line. Getting let through for free since we had our student ids.

Going in we walk along the concrete ground and up through the small tunnel to the stadium. Needless to say we had a rather good baseball setup- with how often our school won championships and how many local baseball groups used the field it wasn't a surprise. Walking up the steps our group of 6 looks for a spot and finds one over in the far corner. Which was convenient since I'd be able to zoom down after the game and sneak over to where the players would come off the field and go back to their gym lockers.
"Hey! Want Ron to sit in front of you so your trench coat gets obscured?" Daisy asks politely and I wave my hand.
"Nahhh- I'll just take it off for now. We're up by a space heater anyways," I point out and Daisy nods. its cardigan framing its body perfectly.
"I'll sit down one lower so I don't block anyone or you then," Ron replies. He was a huge guy, a year older than the rest of us and working a hot dad bod. He sometimes got mistaken for a teacher funnily enough.
"And I'll sit beside our boy wonder over here," Oliver jokes as he jerks his thumb at me making me snort as I slip my black trench off. My short sleeve white t with a handmade design on it showing.
"Fine by me shortie," I lightly tease and he gasps before giggling. Oliver and I were fuck buddies and best of friends. He was so chill but sweet. I adored him. We both were horny but not looking for commitment with each other.

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