Blackout Soulmates

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"Yo Kurtis! How ya doing man?" A friend of mine calls out to me. Laughing softly I run my fingers through my hair and let my football buddies catch up to me before I left for the day.

"Dude I'm so wiped out," I chuckle. "I don't know who I went down with, but damn. We went hard," I grin and my buddies laugh.

Shaking my head slightly I sigh while smiling. No, i hadn't gone to some party and gotten shit faced. Although I have done that before. No no. I'd had a Blackout Day. Basically you become more in touch with yourself or some hippie shit, you don't have much of a filter, and you don't remember anything that happens. Yeah. Weird I know. Yet somehow you're supposed to find your soul mate this way, because a blackout only happens when you've met the person and can make contact with them during the time of your blackout.

So when I woke up this morning I woke up stark naked in my bed with scratches, bite marks, and some bruises all over me. And I felt incredibly satisfied.
But the only problem was I couldn't find the person who I'd slept with.

At this point I shouldn't really care. But something is nagging me inside my head. And it's driving me crazy.

Out of the corner of my eye I see a shrimpy nerd named René trying to walk past me, but he was blushing bright red and clutching a book to his chest.

I noticed something else very unusual about him today. Usually he went for a sweater or something when it was this kind of stormy weather. But today he had on a graphic t-shirt, a comfortable jacket, and a thick fluffy looking scarf.


One of the jocks I wasn't really friends with- but was still walking with my group anyways- elbows René in the side and sends him into a row of lockers. Stumbling René hits his head and whimpers as he shuts his eyes tightly. The guy cackles and I simply punch his shoulder.
"Hey, we don't do that here, jackass," I mutter as I continue walking.

"Awww come on Kurtis, it's just a stupid nerd," the guy replies and I glance back to see René staring at me. But it wasn't in awe or thanks... it was more... searching, hopeful maybe?

"And you're just a dumb jock," I reply. "Don't be a fucking coward and bully someone physically weaker than you. Cause I bet you anything René could cream you in a science or math class."

The guy opens his mouth before quickly shutting it. René's cheeks redden before he smiles bashfully and walks past me.

Confused I shake my head and continue on to my car. It was the end of my school day and I was rather excited to get home and try and scrounge up anymore clues. Maybe the guy had left his number hidden in my desk or something.

(Time Skip waves with their sweater sleeves covering their hands)

Getting home I flopped onto my bed and groan. It had been a long day, but god did my bed smell good. It was like my bed was a cozy couch with warm fuzzy blankets and pillows all across it with a person cuddled up on a couch with hot cocoa in a rainy day.

Or at least that's what it smelled like to me.

I hear a buzz and open my phone. Checking the message there and blinking as I struggle to comprehend it.

Hey Kurtis, you said I could text you after a full twenty four hours from this account you made me. I hope I'm doing this right.

Reading the message over I type back.

Who is this?

I got a response rather quick.

Aw dang you really don't remember. Well I guess that would make blackout you happy since they wanted to make this a game.

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