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Roy Torres's POV:

"Alright now... Roy Torres. Ah yes, Roy! You're working in the VIP section tonight," my burly boss, Hanson, says while checking his work sheet.

"As always," I say with a chuckle making him smile.

"This is why you're the best one here," he whispers so only I can hear.

This makes me beam as I trot off towards the VIP section in my own interpretation of a playboy bunny outfit. Tight booty shorts hugged my curves, a crop top that fit me snuggly, A variety of loose bracelets dangled from my wrists, And of course the iconic bunny ears and tail that went with the concept. The whole outfit had a black theme. And I topped it off with my signature item, a lollipop hanging out of my mouth.

It wasn't long before the usual guys where calling me over by some variant of the word lollipop. I made my way around getting paid handsomely for even just a moment of my time.

Minutes pass and after more than a dozen or so of them come and go I take a break by waiting for new guys to come up to me. Leaning against a wall in the lounge I suck on my lollipop occasionally taking it out of my mouth to smack my lips and lick it before putting it back in. It doesn't take long for a guy to walk up to me.

"Hel-lo gorgeous~" they say slowly as they lean with an arm propped up against the wall to my left.

I turn to the guy. "Well hello to-... you... too?" I start off all flirty as normal, but my voice falters as my eyebrows furrow as I look up at the guy in front of me.

"Is there a problem?" He asks in a monotone voice, but still with an interest as he stares at me.

"Javier Peterson?" I ask in befuddlement. The guy nods making me shake my head from side to side. "You've got to be kidding me," I mumble to myself.

"What? You can't tell me you didn't miss me~" he says with a smirk.

I glare up at him and smack my lips while tacking the lollipop out of my mouth. "I didn't miss you," I say flatly.

He looks me up and down before staring at my mouth. "Im surprised you aren't sick of lollipops by now, because it's been like what? 8 or 9 years since we graduated. And you're still sucking away on them."

I roll my eyes, but before I can say anything he adds. "It is pretty hot to see you sucking on a lollipop like that though~" he flirts once again making me groan and turn on my heel. He grabs me by the wrist.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asks trying to intimidate me.

It doesn't work. I scoff and yank my wrist out of his grip. "My shifts over, and I'd rather not spend another second with you," I sneer. And with that I storm off and go into the back of the building where the dressing rooms and access to the stage is. Once I clock out I drive myself home and try not to spend another second thinking about that asshole Javier.

Stupid asshole jock Javier... stupid... jerk...

Javier Peterson's POV:

I watch Roy's hips sway as he walks away from me. The little bunny tail bouncing up and down as he takes each step.

There's no way I'm letting this beauty slip away from me.

(Time Skip totally isn't taking a nap at the moment... oh wait yes they are)

Roy Torres's POV:

Hanson had texted me an hour ago to tell me I had a reservation. A reservation being someone had "reserved" me for the night. With this in mind I asked a friend to drop me off for work and they did. Strolling past security I make my way to Hanson's office to get the info on what I needed to do.

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