[insert tittle here cause I can't think of a good one]

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Kevin Shaw's POV

I shut my locker once I grab my things and slip them into my semi organized school bag covered in patches that I've acquired from various places. I turn and jump seeing a face I'm all to familiar with.

"Lloyd Kennedy," I seethe inside my own head. This law breaker asshat was surprisingly popular with his jet black hair and piercing blue eyes.
He was an absolute dick to an outcasted geeky valedictorian like me. Oh wait, I'm the only outcasted geeky valedictorian around! Hahaha let me just laugh at my own misery real quick before shoving it all down into the caged bottle that is my heart.

"Hey Hoodie," Lloyd greets using a nickname I hate him calling me. I may wear hoodies 24/7, but at least I'm dressing for me and no one else unlike all the other uncultured swine who look to a social pyramid for security. I genuinely like the yellow hoodie I'm wearing today it reminds me of a golden star color without the gold.

I sigh in annoyance and ignore Lloyd as I just turn and head towards the school parking lot where my lovely Mercedes Benz awaits me. Side note: don't you just love how people view cars so highly? It's an absurd social concept. But then again in the Victorian era showing the legs of a table was considered scandalous. The more you know or whatever other saying you'd prefer.

As per usual, Lloyd decides to follow me as I walk to my car. He blabs on and on trying to find something that'll nag at me enough to elicit a snap reaction of words he probably won't understand due to my sardonic way of speaking. What can I say, I'm a cynical piece of conscious garbage.

"You going to the party tonight?" That ignorant sentence catches my attention.

I respond with a scoff and some of my contemptuous humor, "what would I even do? I'm not like every other sexually engaged and drug wired teenager at those events, so why bother going?"

Lloyd blinks and I just shake my head side to side. I open the door to my car and get the engine running with the turn of the key. I look behind me and pull out of the cramped parking lot heading home to do whatever the hell I feel like.

And maybe some school work, because I'm lame like that.

(Time Skip a few hours to the night time)

Around 11:30 I'm typing an extra credit story for my creative writing class when I hear loud pounding coming from my door. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. I live alone in my own apartment payed for by my parents. I stand up from my desk chair and walk to the front door opening it.

"Hello- hmph?!" A body stumbles into me. I push them off me and get the person to a standing position, but they still wobble on their feet.

I inhale sharply when I look up and see Lloyd standing in front of me. Lloyd is clearly wasted beyond belief and is probably on some sort of mind altering drug. Like cocaine or something. His hair is a disheveled mess and so is the rest of his outfit. Just his general person is in a state of extreme disorder.

Lloyd falls into me again and I'm barely able to keep standing from his heavy weight. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and chuckles deeply for no apparent reason. My cheeks flare up a brilliant red hue as I stiffen at the unusual action. Moving Lloyd off me proves difficult since he's a stubborn baby bitch and wraps his arms around my waist. I grumble and manage to move his face out of my neck, but that makes us nose to nose with one another. Lloyd looks at me with lidded eyes and a dopey smirk while I just look back with an unamused glare.

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