Mate Convetion 3 (Even More Feels)

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I sighed softly as I rest my head against the counter. Smiling to myself as I hesitated on hitting the send button on my phone. I had been debating internally for weeks on whether or not to send Vincent a text.

Ever so slowly, I was coming to trust him. He'd sent me such nice and sweet gifts along with things about his life in the packages he left for me.

I sent the message and squealed into my hands. "I did it! I did it!" I excitedly said to myself before calming down and smiling as I hug myself in a hoodie Vincent had sent me. It was dark blue and covered my hips and hands. I'd been wearing it non stop for days now.

"Caaaam," Benny groans as he trudges into the room. "We're out of popcooooorrrrnnn," he says setting his head on the counter with his big fluffy ears resting against the cool counter top.

I giggle, "I'll go get you some. After all I'm gonna need some for myself later. Planning on watching one of my favorite movies," I finish off as I go to get my shoes on along with my wallet and keys.

(Time skip)

Taking a deep breath of the late autumn air I step out onto the sidewalk and walk a couple blocks. I'm about a block and a half away from the store when some guys start approaching me. It's only mid day and they're already drunk off their minds.

"Woooooweee~ look at that cutie~" one of them says while another whistles at me.
"Here kitty kitty kitty~" one says while curling their finger.

Rolling my eyes I try to walk past them, but as I'm waiting for the walking light to change colors one of them grabs my wrist.

"Come on baby~ lets have some fun~" pulling my wrist away I bump into another drunken man.

"Yeaaaah baaaby. Let me get a taste of you~" they slur as they lean inclose and I push them away.

The group of about six guys start shoving me around and I try to get out of the circle they've made around me.

"Let... me... go!" I shout pushing off one and tripping backwards.

Unfortunately, the car light turned green and I fell into the road just as a car came hurtling towards me. I screamed and got knocked out as soon as the metal behemoth hit me dead on.

(Time skip)

Brrrriiiing brrrriiiing... brrrriiiing briii-

"Hello?" I say into the call. My deep voice coming out like normal as my pointed wolf ears flick slightly.

"Vincent? Thank fucking gawd you answered," I hear a familiar voice say through the phone.

"Tucker, how very nice to hear from you-" I say politely before getting cut off.

"Not the time. Cam just got hit by a car."


"He's in the ER, please come quick," Tucker says before hanging up, and with that I grab my things and rush out to my car in the business lot.

(Time skip)

"Cam? Cam!" I see a familiar set of ears being rolled off to surgery.

"Vvv... vin..." hearing him murmur in such a soft voice breaks my heart as I catch up with the fast moving nurses I go to grab his hand. He shrieks and pulls it back. Screaming in pain.

"I'm sorry!" I blurt out quickly.

"Sir please step away from the patient," a nurse says to me. I start to slow down but Cam reaches out and grabs my hand.

"Wait for me! Wait for me p-plea!-" he started coughing violently and the nurses started running to the emergency ward, rushing him off to surgery.

I felt tears spring into my eyes as I my soul sank and I walked into a waiting area.

My poor baby had been hit by a car.

(Time skip)

"Is there anyone named Vincent here?" A nurse with big blue bunny ears asks as she looks around the room frantically.

I scrambled to stand up. "Yes?" I say coming over quickly.

"The patient in room 208, Cam I think, started mumbling your name before he started trying to get up and find you himself. Please come with me immediately," she says.

I dash with her to the room and see Cam trying to get out of bed with a cast on his arm, bandages on the other, and bandages on his legs and torso. "I-I need to s-see him!" He shouted at the nurses before spotting me. "Vincent!" He dashed over to me on shaky legs before throwing himself into my arms. "I thought you would have left!" He sobbed into my chest.

"No. Never again baby. I'm never leaving you again." I say holding him by the waist

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