The Introvert (soft emtoional chapter)

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The party was nuts. Barely adults getting wasted beyond belief on cheap beer and some even passing around drugs. Not to mention the main floor was packed full of crazy dancers and some... sexual ones. And every single room in the house was being used up.

"Gawd... what am I doing here?" I asked myself as I sat in the relatively vacant backyard. But when I caught a glimpse of my friend crowd surfing in his own home I was reminded of the reason.

Sighing I pulled my hoodie closer around me, gripping onto the sleeves as I shiver a bit, it was rather cold outside after all.

The only reason I came here was to hang out with my friend... but he didn't tell me he was throwing some huge party and I was caught off guard. Not to mention the numerous people who don't like me that shoved me around when I tried to find a place in the house I could bunker down in. I really thought people would grow up when they went to college.

I guess not.

But anyways... It wasn't a good night. I was feeling pretty lonely and rather worthless considering my friend didn't tell me what kind of evening he was inviting me in too.

And as I realized how little the people here cared for me I started to tear up. Sitting all alone in the backyard with no one even casting a glance my way.

Sniffling I wiped my eyes and got to my feet, enough was enough. I was going home.

Thankfully my bag was still on me, since I came halfway through the party and my friends room was already being used and I quickly got paranoid about my stuff getting messed with if I just left it somewhere unattended.

As I sat in the lawn chair I pulled out my phone and texted my so called friend.

"I doubt you care, but I'm sat alone in the backyard with no one to talk to. So thanks for ruining my night. I'm going home."

Once I sent that I went to text my best friend Conor for a ride when it buzzed and I saw he had texted first. I clutched the device in my hands as I read the new message from my bestie.

"Hey Pat, I know it's late but if you're not busy do you wanna come over?"
I quickly typed back as I sat in the back yard. "Would you be able to pick me up? I'm at Jamie's and he invited me over but didn't tell me he was also throwing a party."

"Ugh again? That guy needs to chill. I'll be there in ten minutes." He replied and I stood up and went to the front of the house to wait.

Unfortunately for me Jamie was just stumbling out the door and looking around. Spotting me he comes towards me rather quickly.
Internally panicking Jamie grabs my shoulders and spins me towards him. "You can't just leave!" He shouts and I flinch.

"W-why not?" I say bravely, "I... I have a right too."
"Patrick come on, you're the one being antisocial," he remarks and my eyes well up with tears.
"You... you know I'm not good around people or great with parties... and I especially don't do well having to hang around a bunch of bullies," I rub my arm anxiously.

Scoffing Jammie said in a mocking baby voice, "oh wha, college is so hard."
"It... it's not like that," I say before sniffling and Jammie rolls his eyes as he continues.
"I'm Patrick, and I don't hang out with people because I'm scaaaared," he says shaking his hands in front of my face and I tensed up as tears start rolling down my cheeks.
"Gawd. You're so pathetic!" Jammie yells before shoving my shoulders and making me stagger back.
Whimpering I look at the ground until Jammie marches towards me and grabs the collar of my shirt.
"I wonder how someone can be so incredibly we-"


My head whipped towards the abrupt noise to see Conor looking pissed off in the driver seat of his car. Jammie glares at him and flips him off. "Fuck o-"


Growling Jammie shouts, "SHUT U-"


"Mother fu-"


Throwing me to the ground Jammie delivers a swift kick to my stomach making me cough and curl up in pain. Conor slams the door to his car and Jammie dashes into the safety of his overpacked house.

Once Jammie was gone Conor ran over to me and knelt down, pulling me into his arms. Sobbing into his shoulder I held onto my one and only true friend. The one who was always there for me through thick and thin.

"Wh-Why d-does this... this always happen Conor?" I cry.
"I don't know Pat. It shouldn't. It should be a crime to hurt someone as nice as you," he tells me and I start crying more.

Sitting like this for a while in each other's arms I slowly calmed down and sniffled less and less.

At this point Conor picked me up and put me in his car, driving us to his house where I always felt safe.

"Does my bestie wanna go downstairs and watch YouTube on the big screen?" He asks me and I nod into his chest.

"And does my bestie want me to carry them?" He asks again and I nod timidly.

Standing up with me in his arms, Conor walked us out of the front room and down the stairs to his basement. Which just so happened to be the coziest part of the house and my personal favorite room.

Conor sat down on the sofa and pulled up YouTube's search bar. "What would you like Pat?"
"Uhm... funny animal vine compilations please," Pat asks politely as he rests his head against Conor's shoulder. Conor had sat down with Pat in his lap and Pat didn't feel like it was necessary to move away. He loved all the cuddles and hugs he could, which should have been more than he got honestly.

Pat's mood improved as they watched the short bits. He giggled cutely and soon they migrated to random videos that popped up in the recommended. First non-vine one being a PINOF video.

"But what would Satan think of this video?" The raven haired male in the video asked as he read off the question submitted to the pair of British personalities.
The curly haired, brown eyed one produced fake tears and said, "he would be... so proud."
The first one grinned cheekily and said, "your welcome Daddy," to the camera.

Pat giggled at the joke while Conor chuckled under his breath. His chin resting on top of Pat's head and his arms around the smaller males waist. Pat hummed at this and smiled happily.
Moving onto animation memes they got to a food one. It had a funny part where the character gently bit someone's hand.

Getting an idea Pat picked up Conor's hand and gently but down in time with the video. Conor observed Pat as he did this, Pat stared up at him for a moment before letting go and murmuring, "nom."

Conor's lips turned up in a smile and he laughed a bit. "Cutie~" he says making Pat blush a deep red and cover his face. "did I say that out loud?" Conor asks in embarrassment after a moment.
"Y-yes," Pat responded with a nod.
"Whoops," Conor says trying to play it off as a joke.

Pat lets him get away with it, deciding to just take it as a goof.
And so they went back to watching videos, that is until Pat yawned like a small kitten and his hands balled up in the air before coming back down to rest in his lap. He was pretty tired after the long night he had had.

Catching onto this fact Conor turned off the TV and once again scooped Pat up in his arms, taking him upstairs to his bedroom.
"Alright," he says once Pat is tucked into the bed. "I'll be on the couch if you need me-" he starts to explain before Pat whines and grabs his hand.
"Nu! Stay!" He squeaks in desperation, "Stay with me, please?"

Conor looks Pat over before giving in. "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely," he says as Pat scoots over and Conor slides in next to him.
"Now get some sleep Pat, I know you need it," Conor says as Pat gives him big doe eyes.
"O-okay... can I cuddle into you?" Pat asks and Conor nods before yawning,"
"As long as you're comfortable, I'm comfortable."

Pat smiled at his friend before scooting in close and snuggling into Conor's warm chest. "Thank you, for everything."

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