Chapter 5

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The door closed and they were alone. The blondes heart began to beat faster and nervously she gazed at her fingers.

"Are you still cold? Do you want another blanked?", the brunette asked worriedly. But the girl shook her head, her eyes still on her fingers.

"Okay", Regina said kindly. She paused, then added: "You don't have to be afraid anymore. I just want to help you". The blonde slowly raised her gaze, gave the woman a short, forced smile and quickly lowered it again.

The brunette kept quiet for some time but after a while she said: "My favorite food is lasagna and pretty much everything with apples. I'm 23 years old" Uncertainly, the confused girl on the couch threw a questioning look at her and Regina fell silent. She smiled at the girl and said: "Well, we have nothing to do, so I thought we could get to know each other in the meantime".

Something about this woman made the blonde curious. She liked, that she did not ask any personal questions. In fact, she actually didn't think about what awaited her back home at all in at least ten minutes. She could actually feel comfortable in her presence.

Excited, she waited for the next words of the kind woman. Her eyes still adhered on her fingers. She realized, there was still some blood sticking to them, but before she could think about it, the brunette continued: "Let's see. What else is there to know about me". She made a short, thoughtful pause and then exclaimed: "Oh, I LOVE cooking!" As she talked about her hobby, she radiated pure enthusiasm.

"I discovered this new recipe for apple turnovers. It' really delicious!" She said. "Have you ever eaten any?"

Embarrassed about herself, she shook her head. "We'll have to change that! I'll have to invite you sometime and then I'll have you taste some! I swear, they are so great!"

The self-confidence of the woman impressed the young teenager.

"Oh, I didn't even ask if you wanted to drink something!", Regina suddenly said. The blonde looked at the woman and forced herself to smile at the brunette. Shyly, she nodded. With the slight movement of her head, a few blonde stands of hair fell into her face and embarrassed, she tugged them behind her ear.

Friendly, Regina looked directly into the girls eyes and the blonde quickly looked away.

"Cocoa?" the brunette asked innocently. The teenager nodded again.

She got up and made her way to a desk that stood near the couch. As she stood, with her back to the girl, to get a thermos from her bag, the blonde glanced at her. Regina had pulled off her coat and she could see the violet sweater that was previously hidden under the jacket. This one was tight and the girl could see her perfect curves.

As she walked, with the pot in her hand, to a shelf to get two cups out, the teenager forced herself to turn her eyes away from the smooth motions of her body and looked around the room a bit.

To her left was the desk. On it stood a somewhat older computer and the black bag of the brunette. Behind it there was a room separated only by a glass wall. To her right there were two cells. Behind, there was a window. She looked outside and noticed that it was still light out and estimated it was about 3pm.

A throat cleared and she got pulled from her thoughts. Slowly she looked up at Regina. She held out a cup of hot cocoa. It smelled delicious.

"You were lucky that I had packed some more quickly before I left." She smiled and paused for a moment before she continued: "I have that weird habit of always putting cinnamon into my cocoa, I hope you'll like it, if not, I can certainly find something else that I can give you. "

Shyly, the girl smiled at the brunette and took a big sip while Regina sat back in her chair. The warm liquid tripped down her throat and spread out in her whole body.
"Wow" she brought out softly, hoarsely. She was so overwhelmed by the great taste. For a moment, she forgot where she was and totally relaxed. Regina chuckled softly, then said, "Seems like you like it, I'm glad." She winked at the girl and quickly, she looked back at her fingers. Regina followed her gaze and remained silent for a while.
Then she said carefully: "Some time you should tell me what happened."

The blonde was nervous again.
"I do not want to push you to do anything, but how about we start with your hands? If you're ready, just tell me why you have blood on your fingers, we have as much time as you need!"

The blonde clasped the cup firmly in her hands. She ignored the pain of her open wounds on the palm of her hands. They were fused with the heat of cocoa cup.

'It could have been worse, right? After all, you do not have to tell her about your foster parents, ' her subconscious whispered. She squinted a few times and took a deep breath.

"I ... I fell ... on stones." She replied embarrassed. Surprised by her own voice, which sounded quite harsh and sore, and was breaking again and again, the redness rose in her face. 'Well done, Emma. The first sentence you are saying and you are already standing there like a complete douchebag. Really, well done! ' her subconscious whispered again, this time full of sarcasm.

Regina stood up without saying anything and went to the desk to the girls left. She opened a drawer and took out a small white case. Then she came up to the girl. She put the case beside the girl on the sofa and said, in a soft voice, "Thank you for giving me an answer, it really means a lot to me, I have a first aid kit here, can I look at your hands?"

the blondes eyes, which had tried to avoid any eye contact so far, stared into the brown eyes of the brunette. She was looking for a sign that would leave her doubting Regina's good deeds, but found nothing. After what seemed like an eternity, the blonde nodded shyly.

Slowly the brunette took the cup from her hands and placed it on the floor. She pushed her chair closer and sat directly in front of the girl. She opened the case and then carefully took her left hand in hers. As she touched it, the blondes heart began to beat faster, and her stomach began to tingle. Unconsciously she began to breathe faster and trembled.

"Don't be scared, sweetie, you have a few cuts and grazes from the stones but no deep ones, that's good, but I should disinfect it so that nothing can get infected." She took a small bottle from the case and said, "This is probably going to hurt a little. But it will feel better soon" then she immediately started spraying. The teenager shrugged, and exhaled sharply. It was quite a burn, but as Regina saw her tense face, she began to paint light circles with her thumb on the back of the girls hand. That calmed her immediately and she relaxed a little. Her whole body started to heat up. Everything tingled and she noticed, that she started to trust this woman. But with that thought, her heart began to beat faster. She was afraid to trust this woman. To trust anyone.

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