Chapter 9

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Squeaking, the heavy iron door opened and the girl pushed herself deeper into the corner, hoping this time he wouldn't see her. But as always, his gloating big smile directed itself towards her.

The blonde started to tremble and sweat formed on her forehead as the man approached her with large steps.

"Come on, Em-ma. We don't have that much time today", he said and grabbed her arm harshly. The girl winced as she was forced to stand up.

Clumsily, the young girl tripped over her own feet as she tried to free herself. But she was too weak.

Only seconds later, the strong man pushed her down onto the bed.

Tears formed in the young girls eyes and her throat tightened. "I don't want to", the girl whispered. The man glared at her and immediately the girl added "Daddy" and turned her head away.

The man just laughed and said: "But you don't get to decide that. You now that"

Soon, his big sweaty hands were all over the child's body.

Her panties got pulled down and the girl prepared for the pain she knew would come. "Please don't, D- Daddy" the girl whispered before he pushed into her.

Screaming loudly, the girl awoke from her dream. Sweat tripped down her forehead and tears glistened in her eyes.

Immediately, she grabbed the blanked and pulled it higher so it covered her whole body. She pressed it hard against herself and tried to control her breathing as she hastily scanned the room for anyone human.

The moon shone brightly through the window and a weird looking shadow formed behind the wardrobe. The blonde tightened her grip onto the blanked and slowly set up. Exhaling relieved, she realized that it was just a jacked hanging on the wardrobe.

A soft knock on the door straddled the girl and she pushed herself deeper into her pillow.

"Emma? Are you alright?", a soft female voice whispered from outside the door. Mary Margaret.

The teenagers heart bead fast as she took a deep breath and hoarsely answered with a simple 'Yes'.

"Do you need anything? Or do you want to talk?", the female then tried again.

"No", Emma just answered and hoped for the woman to go away.

"Okay, Good night, Emma", the female then whispered and went away.

The girl waited till she heard the bedroom door downstairs close and then cuddled back into her blanked. Her grip still tight, she tried to fall asleep again. But every time she closed her eyes, big sweaty hands appeared in front of her and a mean mouth smiled gloatingly at her.

Trembling, she opened them again and angrily whipped a tear away.

As the sun rose, the girl still twisted and turned but just couldn't fall asleep. Trying it one last time, a familiar hoarse voice stopped her from focusing on the images in her head. Regina was downstairs and it seemed like she was talking to someone.

Emma didn't want to stand up but thinking back to the promise, she gave Regina just hours ago, she stood up. Trying to comb her hair with her fingers, she made her way to the wooden desk standing underneath the window.

She grabbed her red leather jacket lying on the chair and noticed that the bandages on her hands where already loose and threatened to fall down.

Shrugging, she went to the door and made her way downstairs. As she walked down the last few stairs, Emma realized that everyone was staring at her. She blushed

Regina still looked at her as Mary Magaret said, "Good morning Emma, ​​did you sleep well?" She smiled at the blonde and the girl smiled back as she nodded trying to look as if she meant it. "Great, would you like to eat something?" she continued.

Emma gratefully accepted with a nod.

Mary Magaret went into the kitchen and the blondes gaze wandered to Regina, still staring at her. She wore a tight gray dress that almost went down to her knees. It flattered her figure and it was hard to turn her gaze away from it. She was wearing a black blazer and black high heels. Her hair fell smoothly down to her shoulders and flattered her perfect face.

As Regina realized she was staring, the brunette grinned.

"Hello Emma, ​​come on, sit down." Regina pointed to the chair beside her. Emma sat down and Mary Magaret came back with a plate of pancakes. The sweet scent rose into the air and the girl inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell. The woman put the plate in front of the teenager and the blonde began to eat greedily.

She had never expected to ever get such a good meal ever again and was infinitely grateful for it.

When her plate was half empty, the woman giving her a place to stay said, "I have to go to work now. But Regina said she'll stay with you, I'll be back home in the evening. Have a nice day and if you get hungry, help yourself. There is food in the refrigerator." Mary Magaret took her jacket, waved them once and then left the apartment.

As the door closed, the blonde continued eating greedily. Regina watched amused and waited patiently until the girl finished.

"How are your feet?" Regina asked.

Emma looked at her and swallowed the last bite before she said, "They do not hurt any more. Thank you"

The brunette smiled at Emma and said, "That's great, can I look at the wounds on your hands?" The blonde extended her hands and Regina carefully detached the bandage. It wasn't as red as it was the day before and it looked much better.

Regina stood up and said, "Wait a second, I'll get the ointment." Emma nodded. She watched Regina going into the bathroom and as she was out of sight, started looking around the small cozy apartment. Her gaze fell on a cupboard with family photos. Automatically, the orphan stood up and looked at them more closely.

They all seemed so happy. Everyone smiled birghtly into the camera. They were a perfect family. And suddenly, Emma knew she could never fit in here.

Realization hit her hard and she started missing her mother and father more than ever. With them here, she would have never had to go through any of this. Maybe they'd also life in a small cozy apartment like that one. Maybe they'd also have such an amount of family pictures. Maybe she could have been that happy too. If they would just still be alive...

Footsteps pulled her back to reality and the blonde turned around. Behind her stood Regina. She looked at her and smiled knowingly before saying, "Are you all right?"

Emma looked briefly to the ground. As she lifted her head again, a tear trickled down her cheek.

"Oh, kid," Regina softly said opening her arms. The teenager stood there for a moment, doubting if she should hug the brunette. Then she fell into her arms. Regina pressed her tightly against her front and stroked the little teenagers back as Emma began to sob.

For a while they were just standing there. Regina started to whisper sweet nothing into her ears and after a few minutes Emma ceased to sob. She loosened her tight grip but still staid in the embrace. Regina then softly took the girls arm, trying not to touch her wounds and pulled the now even smaller looking girl gently after her.

Regina sat down on a sofa and pulled Emma down beside her. The blonde dropped down onto the sofa and cursed herself for showing weakness.

But then, she felt a soft arm around her and leaned against the older womans shoulder.

Emma could still feel a few tears running down her cheeks and dropping onto Reginas blazer, forming a dark spot on it. It was getting bigger and bigger, but it didn't seem to bother the brunette. Instead, she pressed the young blonde against herself and soothingly stroke her arm.

Emma didn't know how long they stayed like this. She had stopped crying some time ago but Regina didn't move away. And that meant the world to Emma. The brunettes arm was still lying protectively around her shoulders and rubbed her arm. Not making any move to pull away. Staying longer than everyone else ever did. Helping her in a way no one ever had the time nor the will for.

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