Chapter 8

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This chapter may be a little... brutal? It's kinda a taboo topic... but well... then again, this whole book more or less will be one. The story is just not working without it. So if you don't want to read anything containing rape or pedophilia, this is not the right book for you. The focus of my story will of course be on Regina and Emma but it's still a part of the story. For those of you, who still want to read it, I hope you'll like the chapter.


"It's very nice to meet you, Emma!" Regina said, taking the blondes hand carefully into hers before squeezing it lightly. Always as careful as not to hurt the girl.
With her hand still in Reginas, she quickly looked up and smiled at the woman briefly. Right there and then, Mary Magaret and David came back. Regina got up and said, "Mary Magaret, David, this is Emma Swan."

The teenagers heart stopped as the brunette introduced her to everyone. Now there was no going back. Now everyone knew who she was. They can easily send her back now. Anyhow, she raised her head and looked into two brightly smiling faces.

"Welcome to Storybrook, Emma" Mary Magaret smiled at her before she continued: "It's very nice to meet you!" David agreed with her with a slight nod before Regina turned to the girl: "It's been a very exhausting day, would you like to go to sleep?"

Emma nodded and yawned tiredly. "Good, then I'll show you where your room is." Regina stood up and supported Emma again. But before the brunette went up the stairs, she turned to the others once more and said, "I'll be right back, please wait here." Then they left.

Regina led the girl up the stairs and opened a door at the end of a short hallway. Emma looked inside and the first thing she noticed was the big king sized bed in the middle of the room. She stopped and petrified. Shortly after, her breath began to hitch and she tried to free herself from Regina's firm grip.

"Wow, that's where you live? That place is huge!" The child's eyes sparkled as she jumped out the car. Excited, she ran towards the entrance and swirled around a pillar once.

"Emma! Stop, you are going to break it! Don't touch it!", the soft voice of the middle-aged man had been so warm and friendly on their way here but now he sounded nothing but strict and scary and mean.

"Sorry", Emma pouted and let go of the pillar.

"It's okay, sweetie. Just don't touch anything. Come on in now", the woman said, still sounding friendly and almost pitifully.

Not so enthusiastic anymore, the girl went inside. But her now ruined mood changed the second she saw the beautiful foyer.

"Come, child. It's time to go to your room", the man said now all friendly again.

Emma nodded and followed him upstairs, through a door and into a small room.

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