Chapter 28

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Two months later, everything went back to normal. Twice a week, Emma went to a session with Regina and a clear improvement was to be seen. Emma started eating again and stopped worring about Greg. He had never been seen again.

But over time, the police started to take care of other things again. The only officer still looking after Emma was David. But the blonde had no problem with that at all. She was happy to have some more privacy again.

As the girl stood in front of Reginas office once more, she glanced around and realized how well she was doing and how thankful she should be for the whole town to take care of her. A smile formed on her lips and in a positive mood, she entered the room.

"Good morning, Regina", the blonde greeted the psychologist friendly and automatically made her way to the couch.

"Good morning, Emma. You don't have to sit down today" the brunette informed her before Emma could even reach the sofa.

Confused, the blonde turned around. "Why not?" she asked.

Regina smiled mysteriously. "Do you remember the promise I gave you a few months ago?" she asked the girl.

Emma stared helplessly at the woman and tilted her head questioningly.

Regina chuckled and said "We won't stay here today. I promised you a picnic and that's what you are going to get today" She reached under the desk and picked up a basket full with food.

Emmas eyes sparkled brightly as she saw it. "Really?! You really want to go on a picnic with me?!"

Regina nodded and walked, with her coat over her arm, through the door. "Come on, Emma. The earlier we arrive, the earlier I can have breakfast"

Immediately the blonde followed her therapist, smiling all the way. She just couldn't will her mouth to stop.

With a fast beating heart, she grabbed Reginas hand. The brunette had to smile as her stomach began to tingle. Happily, she squeezed the girls hand.

As they finally arrived at their destination, Emmas eyes where huge. The place was the most beautiful Emma had ever seen.

On a clearing at the edge of the woods Regina stopped and put the basket onto the grass. The roses, that where planted every now and then, and the water fountain in the middle made everything look so noble.

As she looked towards Regina again, she realized that the woman already spread the blanked and started putting the food onto it.

Emma sat down next to her psychiatrist and helped.

As they where done, the place seemed to be even more gorgeous. The checkered blanked, they sat on, let the noble place look alive. The smell of jam and warm rolls reached Emmas nose and her stomach growled.

But before she reached into the basked, she closed her eyes and leaned back for a moment. Just letting the sunbeams shine on her skin.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw Regina smiling at her.

"Ready to eat? I'm starving!" she said and Emma nodded.

Carefully, she reached for the food and loaded her plate with a roll, butter, jam, grapes and strawberries.

Regina on the other hand just reached for an apple and cut it in slices.

"So, you are starving, hm?", Emma teased and giggled as she put the butter onto her roll.

The woman rolled her eyes, couldn't contain her smile however. "I can still take something when I'm done with my apple"

With shrugging shoulders, Emma put her knife down and bit heartily into her roll. "It if gorgeouf here!" she said with her mouth full.

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