Chapter 23

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The next three days were like hell for Emma.

She was afraid of sleeping, so she didn't do it. The first night she had took short nap, but a few minutes later she was awakened by one of her nightmares, which had now become reality.

So every night she forced herself into her room and sat down on the floor with her back against the bed. Her bed did not seem safe enough. So she sat there the whole night and stared straight ahead. The girl focused on every last sound of the house. Mary Margaret cleaning up the kitchen, David taking a shower, then Mary Margaret taking a shower. Then both of them going to their room together and then it was quiet in the house.

The next few hours were the worst. The memories came back and there was nothing that could distract her from them.

Again and again she was haunted by flashbacks, until she crouched on the ground, swinging back and forth. Hugging her knees, she wished for nothing more than to finally be safe.

Until the sunbeams announced the dawn, Emma stared straight ahead. Eyes empty.

Then, the girl got up, wiped the tears from her face, and put on the fake smile she had practiced. She went down to the kitchen and greeted her foster parents as happily as she could.

"Good morning, David, Mary Margaret," she smiled at them and sat down at the table as usual, but she hadn't been hungry for a long time already.

The past three days went on all the same. If possible, Emma would stay in the house, sitting on the couch in the living room. Again and again she would smiled kindly at her foster parents to give them no chance to ask questions.

But today was a different. After lunch, which Emma also omitted, it was time for a session with Regina.

As the blonde left the house, she was already greeted by a policeman. Emma appreciated that the city took her problem so seriously and tried to protect her. But wherever the girl went there were cops and Emma had almost no privacy left. She hoped to at least be alone with Regina.

When she arrived at her psychologists, Emma also saw an officer outside the building. He smiled kindly at Emma but the more often the girl saw the blue uniforms, the more annoyed she became. After all, she could not feel secure despite everything.

Emma climbed up the countless stairs to Regina's office and snorted in relief when she finally reached the top and there was no police man around.

The girl walked in and smiled as she saw Regina sitting on the couch. She was so absorbed in her work that she did not hear Emma coming in.

"Hello, Regina," Emma said loudly, laughing as Regina flinched.

"Emma!" the woman exclaimed. "You scared me!" she laughed. "Sit down," the brunette offered.

The blonde did as Regina wanted and sat down on the couch as well.

"You have a beautiful smile," Regina said softly as she put down the file she was reading.

Emma blushed and whispered a perplexed 'thank you'.

"So, how are you, Emma?" The psychologist asked after sitting down again.

"Good, thanks," Emma lied, giving Regina a false smile.

"You know, Emma, ​​I recognize your beautiful, heartfelt, honest smile and your practiced, fake smile," Regina said and Emma felt instantly secure, missing someone who was honest with her and realized how Emma really felt.

"Now tell me the truth, please," Regina commanded carefully.

When Regina looked at Emma, ​​the brunette noticed Emma dropping her mask and the vulnerable frightened girl came to light.

"I ... The ... So ..." Emma stuttered, turning her gaze away from Regina, who patiently looked at her patient, then cleared her throat briefly and said, "I wish everything would be just like it was a week ago."

With trembling hands she played with the zipper of her jacket. "I ... I hate the police officers who are everywhere"

She looked up and Regina saw tears in the girl's eyes.

"For years, I've been watched and now, when I'm supposed to be 'free', there are officers everywhere, watching me every step of the way," she took a deep breath and blinked the tears away, "I know that they only want to take care of me and I'm very grateful for that, but ... ", Emma paused for a moment and looked directly into Regina's eyes.

"I just wish it was all over"

With a blank expression, she stared at the woman in front of her while a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Regina just nodded and Emma felt her psychologist understood just how Emma felt. The tear that formed in Regina's eye only confirmed that. Emma stared at the woman in amazement.

But as soon as the tear made itself presentable, it was already gone again. The brunette cleared her throat and then said aloud, "I understand, Emma. But that's the only way to know you're safe. "

"But I'm not safe!" Emma suddenly shouted angrily, all concern and wonder about Regina disappearing.

Emma looked up, expecting to meet a glance full of anger, or at least confusion, but she saw nothing like that in Regina's eyes. Patiently, she gave the girl time to talk and her eyes encouraged Emma to go on.

"For the last few days, I felt more insecure than I've been for a long time," Emma continued cautiously, "I know that the whole city is trying to keep me safe, but I ... I can not help it. I'm Constantly afraid and don't know what to do ... "

Regina nodded and then asked carefully, "Emma, ​​when was the last time you felt safe? Truly safe. It doesn't matter if it was for an hour or just a few seconds, but when was the last time you felt truly safe? "

Emma was quiet for a moment. She knew exactly when that was but did not want to admit it.

Regina saw the doubt in Emma's eyes and whispered, "It's okay, Emma. I will not judge you "

The girl took a deep breath and then said, "As ... We were on the couch and ... I ..." Emma huffed frustrated, closing her eyes tightly and then saying loud and clear, "In your arms "

A small smile formed on Regina's lips and the woman took Emma's hand in hers. Immediately the girl's eyes opened again and her cheeks turned deeply red.

"Listen, Emma. Whenever you feel insecure or afraid, I want you to remember this moment, "Regina squeezed Emma's hand just before continuing," and if that does not help, just come to my office, I'm always here for you, Emma. "

There was silence for a while before Regina continued, "And I'll try to talk to David. Maybe he can do something about the many policemen. "She winked at the girl and Emma giggled.

Shortly thereafter, the blonde became serious again and said, "Thank you, Regina. That ... Everything .... really means a lot to me. "Then a tear rolled down Emma's cheek and with the tear, all her pent-up emotions came up and she sank into a sea of ​​whimpering and tears.

Immediately she felt Regina's arms around her and leaned into the touch of her psychologist.

"Shh, Emma. It's alright. You're safe here, "she whispered in Emma's ear.

Emma nodded gratefully and sobbed into Regina's shoulder.

When the blonde had calmed down a bit, she whispered, "You're the only one I could and can ever be myself with. Thank you!"

Regina smiled and tightened her grip on Emma.

I'm sorry but I'm not going to be very active for the next three to four weeks. There is a lot going on in school and work. I won't have much time for wattpad. Sorry. :(


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