Chapter 10

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At some point the blonde decided to say something: "Regina?"

"Yes Emma?" She softly answered.

"Thank you for everything. I feel like I can trust you. I've never had such a feeling, and honestly it frightens me ... but ... but I don't want to give in to the fear. You've done so much for me in this short time and I want to thank you for that! "

Regina squeezed the girl even tighter before she let go and sat up. Emma turned towards her, afraid of seeing and angry expression, but instead, the brown eyes sparkled not with rage but rather with being touched.

Regina looked her in the eyes and then said, "Emma, ​​I want you to know that you can always trust me. I don't want you to be afraid, I won't leave you!" The last sentence brought back some tears and before she realized it, they were already running down her cheeks. Regina looked at her, confusion written all over her face. "Emma? Did I say something that hurt you?" Emma replied immediately, "No! No, by no means! It ... It's just ... Nobody has ever taken care of me so far ... Thank you, Regina! "

The expression in Regina's face turned again and she looked even more moved than before. She took Emma back in her arms, and after a short period of silence she said, "Are you all right? Would you like to talk about what happened before?"

Emma thought about the photos and knew that she wasn't ready. So she shook her head. Not wanting to cry again she just started playing with the zipper of her jacked.

"Okay" Regina softly said and smiled encouragingly towards the blonde. "Come on then. We don't want Mary Magaret to come back while you didn't even brush your teeth, do we? "She smirked at the blonde and winked. Immediately, Emma blushed.

Regina stood up and led Emma into another room. There was a large sink with a mirror and a shower.

Emma knew, she was able to shower only once a week. So even seeing it was very special for the girl.

She stared at it and wondered if she was allowed to use it. Regina noticed what had drawn the girls attention and said, "You can go take a shower. Take as much time as you need. "She turned around and took something from a drawer before she continued:" Here you go, that's your toothbrush now. I'm in the living room if you need me. " With that she turned around and closed the door behind her.

Emma glanced at the door for a moment before she turned on the shower and took her clothes off.

Looking into the mirror, she gasped slightly. The blonde wavy hair was completely disheveled and pointed in all directions. Her face was quite dirty and dark eye bags where visible under her eyes.

The girls eyes traveled down her body and stopped first on the big blue bruises on her shoulders.

"Lay still, Em-ma. It won't hurt that much if you just relax" a threatening voice murmured as sweaty fingers grabbed her shoulder much too tight to push her down into the pillow.

Further down marks of scratches were visible.

Running towards the door, the girl already planed her way to escape, but sticky hands caught her arm. The girl screamed and fought. Nails dug into her skin as her arm slipped out of the sweaty palm of the old man. Gripping the doorknob, she almost couldn't believe it. But the short moment, it took her to open it, was the one a heavy body threw her to the ground. "You'll pay for that, Em-ma"

Now trembling, her eyes wandered towards her tummy. The stretchmarks from her pregnancy not too long ago were brighter than the rest of her skin.

Pain. Pain was all she felt as she screamed louder than she ever had. Pressing a little human out of oneself was difficult enough in a hospital but without nurses or doctors, it was ten times harder. And with the first cry of a new born, Emma fainted.

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