Chapter 25

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The first rays of sunshine shone on Regina's face and the woman began to wake up. Sleepy, she opened her eyes and blinked a few times before she realized where she was. A soft smile formed on her lips as she saw the petite body of the blonde in her arms.

Carefully, the brunette turned her head and what she saw took her breath away. Only a few inches away was Emma, ​​looking more relaxed than ever. Regina's upper arm served as a pillow to the blonde and Regina blushed slightly as she caught herself thinking how easy it would be to kiss the blondie now. Her lips were only a few inches away and the brunette would only have to move her head forward a bit.

But immediately she banished that thought from her brain and let her gaze glide over Emma's body.

The blonde's eyes were closed and her hair was ruffled. With her head tilted slightly to Regina, one hand under her chin, the other just stretched away from her body and the rest of her body covered by the blanket, she looked more gorgeous than ever. And just then Regina realized that this was more than a crush on Emma.

With a soft sigh, she also banished this idea from her head and hugged Emma a little tighter.

The still sleeping girl then changed her position. She turned to Regina's side. Her outer hand found a way around Regina's waist, cuddling her like a stuffed animal. In the process, Emma's head moved from Regina's arm and landed on the woman's chest. A soft smile formed on the lips of the still-sleeping girl, and Regina giggled, but stopped immediately when she thought that Emma would feel the vibration of her laughter and wake up.

Then Regina felt a leg swing over her and come to a halt between her legs.

Regina smiled in blond hair before she closed her eyes again and consciously inhaled Emma's scent.

Silently she relived the previous day and suddenly felt more important than ever.

She just lay there for an hour, Emma in her arms, lost in her thoughts. Until Emma started to wake up. The girl blinked a few times before she opened her eyes and looked around.

The sun was already high in the sky and the blonde realized that she had slept through the night. Not a single nightmare has slipped into her dreams. She was still tired, but even her headache was not as strong as the days before.

Her cheeks turned dark red as she realized what the soft surface, on which her head lay, was. Immediately, she slit her head away and heard a soft giggle beside her ear.

"Good morning, Emma," Regina greeted the girl and was a little disappointed when Emma immediately rolled off her.

Emma stammered an embarrassed 'Good morning', but did not dare to look at the brunette.

"Did you sleep well?" the woman then asked and Emma nodded. The blonde dared to look at her psychologist slowly and her heart stopped shortly. The brown short hair were tangled and not at all as professionally styled as otherwise. Her natural face looked even prettier in the daylight and that's when she noticed that Regina didn't look tired at all anymore.

"How long have you been up already?" The girl asked sheepishly.

"For about an hour," the woman giggled, "I did not want to wake you," she added, winking at Emma.

"You should have woken me up!", Emma then said, adding to herself rather than Regina, "God, that must have been boring ..."

Again the psychologist chuckled and shook her head. "I'm free until 1pm so I would not have had anything better to do"

"You have to be hungry," Emma said, changing the subject. She sat up and looked directly at the brunette.

"Okay, let's go eat something," the woman nodded and stood up.

Together they made their way down stairs. They could already hear David and Mary Margaret talking cheerfully.

"Oh, Good morning Regina, Emma," the two foster parents greeted the newcomers.

"Good morning," Regina smiled friendly, but Emma realized that the woman wasn't feeling all too comfortable.

"I hope you're hungry, I made pancakes," Mary Margaret said with a huge grin on her face, shoving the plate of food towards the two women.

"Thanks, they look delicious," Regina answered and grabbed a plate.

"Thanks, I'm not hungry," Emma said, filling a glass with water.

David and Mary Margaret, who thought Emma was healed, looked at Emma in disappointment.

Regina, on the other hand, poured some syrup over her breakfast and began to eat.

An embarrassing silence spread in the dining room and Regina decided to end it.

"Wow, the pancakes are really tasty, Mary Margaret. May I maybe have the recipe? "She asked.

Immediately the huge smile formed on the foster mothers lips and the woman jumped up. "Of course, Regina. Here, I already know it by heart. Take it with you, "she said enthusiastically, handing the recipe to the woman.

"I got it from my mother and she from hers," she began to tell, and Regina listened attentively as she let fork after fork full with food disappear in her mouth.

When the plate was empty Regina thanked them for the meal and went upstairs to change. But before she reached the first step, she turned around and shouted, "Emma, ​​are you coming with me upstairs? I need to talk to you"

Emma did what she was told and followed Regina upstairs. Arriving in her room, Regina closed the door and then turned to Emma.

"Listen, I know it's hard to start eating again. But if things continue like this, then you will soon be in the hospital. So how about a deal? "She asked and her eyes sparkled as she waited for Emma's answer.

"What deal?" Emma asked hesitantly.

"If you eat something everyday, whether it's just an apple, a slice of bread, or a whole plate of lunch, then you'll get a surprise from me by the end of the week," Regina said, staring at Emma expectantly.

Irritated, the girl stared back. "It's not like I refuse to eat, I'm just not hungry. I do not understand what the problem is when I'm just eating when I'm hungry. "Stressed, she took a deep breath before continuing," My body will tell me when I need something to eat, and so far I just wasn't hungry!"

"See, that's the problem. Many people believe what you just said. But Emma, ​​your body does not know what's good for you right now. The shock has made you forget about hunger and that's why you have to eat even if your body does not tell you to, "she explained.

Immediately, Emma said that this was not the case and a discussion began. But half an hour later, Emma gave in and agreed to the deal.

"Good. On Sunday, I'll call Mary Margaret and ask if you've upheld our agreement, "she told Emma and disappeared into the bathroom.

Emma was left speechless. In her head, everything was spinning. How would she manage to stick to the deal?! And what was the surprise?

A few minutes later, Regina came back still without makeup but in her professional tight dress and freshly brushed hair.

"See you on Sunday," Regina said, smiling at the girl.

Emma waved shortly before she dropped down onto her bed and got lost in her thought again.

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