Chapter 12

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When Emma and Regina returned, it was already late. The sun had long since set, and Emma began to feel a bit chilly as they entered the house. With a big smile on their faces, they dropped onto the sofa and just stared at echother for a moment.

Green eyes met brown. Everything was quiet.

"...Thank you, 'Gina. I hadn't had that much fun for a long time. " was the only thing the blonde could say after long silence.

Regina smiled at her and put a hand around the girl. She pulled her into a long hug and Emma closed her eyes as she fell asleep in Reginas arms.

A brightly lit flashing light woke the girl up and Emma sat up terrified. A smile formed on her lips though, as she saw who stood in front of her.

With a wide grin and a camera in her hand, Mary Magaret was standing in front of the sofa.

"Slept well?" She asked

The blonde nodded as something moved beside her. The girls head turned and her heart skiped a beat as she saw who was lying there.


Her hair was disheveled. Sleepy she looked around.

"What time is it?"

Mary Magaret and Emma had to giggle as they heard the hoarse, sleepy voice of the brunette.

"7 pm," answered Mary Magaret, then calmly asked, "Are you going to have dinner here?"

Regina's eyes widened in shock.

"I still have a meeting! Damn it! I'll be late! "She jumped up at once and hurried out of the door before another word could fall.

Mary Magaret and Emma looked at each other amused and had to giggle.

"What would you like for dinner?"

"Regina made pizza. I think it's still a bit left. " she thought just before she added," Umm ... maybe you want to do something else. The pizza is a little burned. "

Mary Magaret chuckled just before she turned and disappeared into the kitchen.

An hour later the whole family, including Emma herself, sat down at the dining table.

Mary Margaret placed a bowl of Spaghetti on it and started handing out the food.

"Emma, do you want some sauce?", the woman asked and smiled at her. Emma nodded thankfully.

Taking a fork, she looked at it absently. Letting the light reflect in the silver.

The young girl took the plastic fork and looked at it absently. Twisting and turning it. Trying to see the funny reflection, that always reminded her of home. Real home.

But it just wasn't there.

Letting her gaze fall to the paper plate, she scrunched her nose. Just like always, a slice of bread with a thin layer of butter lay on it. Next to her on the cement floor stood a glass of water.

Taking it, she sipped carefully. Enjoying the water as it trickled down her throat.

Picking up the bread with her other hand, she realized that it was already try and hard. She looked at it for a few seconds but her crumbling stomach convinced her of eating it anyways.

Blinking a few times, Emma came back to reality. But this time, instead of freaking out and feeling like crying, she looked at the reflection in her fork and smiled.

This felt right.

She looked around herself and noticed everbody smiling and being happy.

Everyone had something to tell and everyone listened to each other. Emmas heart warmed as she saw each one taking care of the other. She was not used to that.

"How was your day, Emma?" Mary Magaret suddenly asked. Everything at the table was quiet and everyone looked at the girl eagerly. Thinking about it, Emma realized, that she had never had so many people around her, that were willing to listen to what she was saying.

And right there and then, Emma felt welcome. She felt like, at least for now, they were happy to have her here.

The blonde smiled briefly before she turned her head towards her food and said, "It was wonderful, I hadn't had so much fun for a long time, apart from that, I can't remember when I got warm food the last time, or something fresh to put on or shower during the week, or ... "suddenly she fell silent. Or that I didn't have to life in fear. She added in her mind.

But instead of saying anything, she just smiled at the two adults. It was quiet until Emma whispered: "Thank you for everything. I just can't say it often enough. Even if it's just something temporary. It's really kind of you."

They smiled at the girl and David said: "It's our pleasure, Emma. We like having you around"

The blonde just smiled thankfully and took a deep breath before she stood up and said:" I'm going to sleep, if that's okay?"

Mary Margaret nodded and Emma turned around.

As she sat foot on the first step, Mary Margaret stopped her. "Emma, wait." The girl turned around.

"If you need someone to talk to, David and I are always here for you. I can also call Regina at any times. Just wanted you to know."

Emma nodded, smiling politely at the woman talking to her. "Okay, thank you. I'll keep that in mind."

"Great", the woman said and Emma continued walking upstairs.

"Sleep well, Emma"

The girl had to smile. This really did feel right.

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