Chapter 32

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The next morning, nobody talked about the events at the campfire anymore. Regina didn't have the strength to talk about it and wanted to enjoy the last few hours of her date.

Emma decided, not to ask any further. Whenever Regina wanted to talk about it, she would come to Emma herself.

But both of them smiled as they thought back to the kisses. Even though neither of them had the courage to repeat them, they put a smile on their lips.

With a packed backpack, they stood in front of the cliff to look down one last time.

"I'd like to try the game of you and your dad", Emma said as she looked into the depths.

"Next time", Regina smiled and took Emmas hand. "I have to go back to town. Back to work", Regina rolled her eyes and Emma chuckled.

Faster than both of them wanted, they arrived at the car and put their bags in the trunk.

The care ride was quiet. Emma studied Reginas face all the way home. She got to know a completely different side of Regina last night and was thankful that the woman had so much trust in her to let her see it.

"We're here", Regina quietly said as Emma was still staring at Reginas face, lost in her thoughts.

Emma looked around for a moment and then back into Reginas eyes. "Right", she whispered, couldn't will herself to get out though.

Something was missing. And both women knew exactly what it was.

Contemporaneous, they leaned in and as their lips met, both women had to smile.

"Thank you, I had a lot of fun" Regina whispered and rested her forehead against Emmas.

"Me too", Emma whispered. The girl sat up and moved her hand to the car door.

"I hope we can do it again sometime", Emma said and got out of the car without giving the brunette any possibility to answer.

With a big grin, Emma entered the house and her foster parents where already waiting for her.

"Hello Emma. Did you enjoy camping?", Mary Margaret asked.

"Yes, so much!", Emma answered and wanted to run up the stairs to her room. But David stopped her.

"Emma? Hold on a second. We have to tell you something"

Worried, she turned to the two adults. "Okay?"

"David and I have to go to Killarney next weekend. We would stay over night because the conference is split on two days", Mary Margaret started.

"Is it okay if you stay here alone for one night? We can also ask someone if he'd take care of you if you'd feel safer that way" David said.

Emma smiled gently. "That's okay. I'm fine on my own", she said and went towards the two of them.

"It's not far away. We are always within reach. Just call if something is wrong", Mary Margaret said.

"You two should take a break some time too. Have fun and don't worry about me", Emma said, doing something neither David nor Mary Margaret would have expected.

She went straight to them and hugged both tightly. Something, Emma had never done before. But today, Emma felt like doing so. She was happy and didn't let anyone destroy that.

Regina and Emma hardly saw each other all week. Emma was at only one session because she got ill. However, they talked a lot on the phone.

When David and Mary Margaret left on Saturday, Emma was fit again, but had to promise her foster parents not to leave the house and let anyone in.

So she obeyed and stayed at home.

She cooked lunch and ate an apple for dinner. Then she called Regina to say good night, like she did every night.

It was already dark outside and the house seemed more quiet and sinister than usually.

"Hey Emma. Are you going to bed already?", the voice on the other end asked and the blonde had to smile immediately.

"Hi Regina. Yeah, it's a bit scary all alone, so I'm going to bed a bit earlier", she answered.

"How was your day?", the girl asked and sank into her pillow.

"It was alright. Working in the morning, lunch at Granny's and working in the afternoon" she told her patient. "How was yours?"

"Said goodbye to David and Mary Margaret, watched some TV, cooked lu-" The girl broke off mid- sentence as she heard a rustle in the hallway.

"Emma? Everything okay?", the worried voice on the other end of the phone asked.

Emmas heart was racing faster than ever and she pulled her blanket higher. "I heard something in the hallway. Wait a minute" she said, putting the phone down.

And indeed, she could hear footsteps. With every step that approached her, Emmas heart began to beat faster.

"Emma? Are you still here?" Regina asked.

With trembling hands, Emma returned the phone to her ear. "Someone is in the house" she whispered.

"What do you mean? Emma? Are you alright? Is David back yet?", Regina asked worriedly.

But at the other end of the phone was silence.

"Emma should I come over?" the brunette asked, her heart racing now too.

Then she heard the squeaking of a door through the phone.

"Hello, Em-ma. Long time no see, eh?", was the last thing, Regina heard before the line broke off.

I'm ready to crush all the love I got for the previous chapter. I'm really sorry but something had to happen eventually. 💕
I was writing this and the next chapter yesterday evening before going to sleep and I actually woke up from a nightmare a few hours later ._.

There are only two more chapters and I hope you aren't disappointed by them😳💕

-L 💕

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