Chapter 19

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Regina had been in her bed for hours. While tears still flowed down her cheeks, heartbreaking sobs were heard throughout the whole house.

She had lost Emma forever.

A knock on the front door silenced her. The brunette swallowed to keep from sobbing again.

Again, there was a knock and Regina pushed her head into her pillow to dampen the whimpering.

When it knocked for the third time, the brunette stood up, groaning loudly. Quickly she wiped away most of the tears and made her way to the front door.

There was another knock before Regina could open the door.

In front of her stood David, who was about to knock again. Ashamed, Regina dropped her head and stared down at the floor.

"Regina ..." he whispered when he saw the situation the brunette was in.

"What are you doing here?" Regina snapped, her grief suddenly replaced by anger.

"Regina, you must know that Gold's secretaries had already called me as you stormed into Gold's office. As a sheriff, of course, I had to come immediately. We came in just in time to see how you hit him ... I was on the way home with Emma and we were very close so ... "He took a deep breath before he looked at Regina and continued." That's criminal assault, Regina "

Shocked, the psychologist looked up. That was not how she had looked at it. "W-what ?!" she stuttered, still staring at David in disbelief.

"I already talked to Gold. After all, I've heard everything you've accused him of"

Regina closed her eyes. This couldn't end well. She will lose her job and go to jail. But worst of all, she will lose Emma.

But David put an arm on Regina's shoulder and squeezed it briefly. Regina looked up and noticed that David smiled sympathetically at her.

"He confessed everything, Regina. He told me that he influenced your treatment methods. Of course, he did not know what impact this would have on Emma. "David paused, not wanting to defend gold, but that was what he had said.

"He will not report you," David said and saw Regina looking a little less stressed.

"What ... What about Emma ...?" She asked softly.

"We decided that we should let Emma decide if she wants to continue therapy with you," David said.

Regina nodded and her eyes focused on the car behind David. She could see golden curls and emerald eyes staring at her.

David followed her gaze and then said, "During our whole car ride here she said she wanted to talk to you. But I don't know if that's the best idea just now.

Infidel Regina looked at David. "Why not?! I would never hurt her! "

David gazed uncertainly towards Regina. "She could say pretty hurtful things. I'm not so sure about that- "

Regina interrupted him and looked at him angrily. "David! I have gone through worse things in my life than being insulted! I can handle it!"

Still uncertain, David looked back and forth between Regina and Emma. Then he nodded towards Emma once and the blonde got out.

Tears welled up in Regina's eyes when she saw the blonde. She strode past Regina and marched into the house.

Regina, who had not expected that Emma wanted to be alone with her, looked at the girl puzzled.

Emma turned around, first looking at Regina and then, past the brunette, to David. "I'll be home by 10," she said coldly before turning around and walking farther into the house.

David just nodded. There was no point in talking to Emma now, so he turned and walked to his car.

Regina stood in front of the open door for a moment before closing it and following Emma.

The blonde was already in Regina's living room and all her annoyance and the emotionlessness of a few moments ago were gone. In front of Regina now stood a vulnerable, frightened teenager.

The brunette cursed herself for having Emma feel that way about her.

"Emma, ​​it ... I'm sorry! You ... you know that I ... I would never hurt you, right? "The psychologist asked.

Emma gazed up briefly. But when their eyes met, Emma looked away again and observed her shoes.

"I don't know what came into me when I hit Mr. Gold... I was so mad and ... I just didn't want you to get hurt and that .. was the easiest way that seemed logical to me... "

Emma nodded briefly. She looked up again and now had tears in her eyes.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me," she said in a shaky voice.

Regina would have loved nothing more than hugging the blonde right now. Pushing all her pain and suffering away. Just for a few minutes.

Emma piercingly looked at Regina for some time. She expected to see pity and regret, but could only find sympathy and understanding in the eyes of the brunette.

That triggered feelings in Emma, ​​which seemed completely strange to her. Her heart began to race and her walls broke down. She didn't have to hide anything from this woman. She could just be herself.

So Emma's face twisted as the first tears rolled down her cheek. Emma's arms wrapped around herself and a loud whimper shook her body. The past caught up with her and Emma was sure that Regina was now there for her.

As the brunette saw Emma, ​​her heart broke. The child had been through far too much and kept her feelings to herself.

The therapist quickly made two steps forward and put her arms around the girl. The teenager froze just before she sobbed loudly into Regina's shoulder and carefully wrapped her arms around the older woman's waist. She held Regina close, never wanting to let her go.

Tears started to stream down Reginas cheeks too. Seeing Emma was just too much for the brunette. How could anyone do such a terrible thing to such a wonderful girl?

For a long moment, both women just stood there hugging each other. Every now and then the silence was interrupted by a whimper, but nobody said a word. Regina stroke patiently over Emma's back and the blonde calmed down a bit.

Carefully, Regina broke away from the embrace and took Emma by both hands. The blonde looked up shyly and Regina smiled sadly at her. The therapist led Emma to the couch and sat down. She let go of Emma's hand , gaving her the choice of deciding where she wanted to sit.

Emma hesitated just before sitting down next to Regina. The brunette smiled briefly and carefully took Emma's hand back in hers. She gave her a quick squeeze, but Emma didn't look up.

For a while, both women were just sitting on the couch. Nobody said a word. Every now and then, Regina gently squeezed Emma's hand to calm her.

There was silence for a few minutes before the girl looked up and stared at Regina for a few seconds.

"Are not you going to ask me about my adoptive family?", Emma asked, feeling a little bit confused, thinking that she had to tell Regina everything, but the brunette just shook her head softly.

"I think you'll tell me everything when you are ready for it. And now is clearly not the right moment"

Relief washed over the blonde as she exhaled deeply. The fear of having to talk about everything disappeared, for now at least. Shyly, she leaned against Regina and rested her head on the psychologist's shoulder. The brunette released Emma's hand and put her arm around Emma's shoulder to hug her.

"Thank you" Emma whispered softly.

I'm sorry that this update is so late. I planned on uploading it earlier. Like three days earlier 😅 But I kinda was in the hospital so I had no chance to do so... I had planned to write at least three more chapters till Sunday but I don't think that that will work out now...
Hope you like it anyways 😊👍

-L 💕

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