Chapter 16

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Emma has been in therapy at Reginas for six weeks already. The two of them always had a lot of fun. Mostly, they didn't stay in the office for long. Instead, they went for a walk or ate at Granny's. Emma always felt like the hours she spent with Regina were the highlight of her week and she was always looking forward to it.

Regina felt the same way. The girl won her heart over the last few weeks.

But Emma didn't open up. Of course they had wonderful conversations. Talking about what happened the past week and laughing about anything that came to the womens minds. But Regina still knew nothing about Emma's life before Storybrook. The blonde refused to talk about it. Of course, she was aware that the girl had been abused, but she did not know for sure is she was physically or mentally abused. Didn't know if they were beading her or playing tricks with her mind. Or both.

And Emma not talking about anything, resulted in David not being able to find the girls 'parents' and put them into jail.

The blonde, however, knew that it was still too early to talk about anything at all. She wanted to forget.

And around Regina, she succeeded. At least for a few hours she was free of all her sorrows.

As Emma was sitting in the car on her way to Reginas once more, she was more excited than usual. Regina said, they'd do a picnic today. Emma, who had never been to anything like that, had been very nervous the whole week, talking about nothing else.

As she opened the door to Regina's office, her hands trembled slightly.

Glancing inside, she saw Regina sitting at her desk, not looking up. But Emma didn't notice it because she was too busy looking for a picnic basket.

Confused, she realized that there was no basket to be seen.

Maybe Regina hid it behind her desk and I just can't see it, the girl thought.

"Hi Regina", the blonde greeted friendly, smiling at the brunette still staring at her documents.

What the teenager didn't expect, was the dry answer. "Sit down!", the psychologist ordered with not even the smallest smile on her lips.

Irritated, Emma stood there for a moment. Didn't they want to go on a picnic immediately? Why would she have to sit down? Had she done something wrong?

Slowly, she made her way to the couch and sat down.

A moment later, Regina got up and made her way to Emma. With a notebook and a pen in her hand, she sat down opposite to the girl.

"Didn't we want to go on a picnic?" Emma asked confused.

For a short period of time, Emma could sense something like guilt in Regina's expression. But it had disappeared as quickly as it had come. The brunette just shook her head and said "We can't go anywhere, Emma. We have to make some progress with you somehow"

"But you... you said" Emma stuttered but the psychologist interrupted her.

"I know what I said, Emma. I'm sorry, but we can't" the woman snapped at her.

Emma felt so confused. She had no idea what was suddenly going on. Great disappointment arose in her body and she felt rejected. What was going on with that woman?

The blonde leaned back against the sofa and nervously played with the zipper of her jacket.

"So..., as I said, you have to make some progress", the therapist began "So let's start with your family"

Emma's heart beat raced.

"I don't want to talk about them," Emma said softly.

Regina looked at her. Almost like the woman was ashamed. But the shame had disappeared so quickly that Emma could have mistaken it.

"We have to talk about them, Emma," Regina said.

Emma felt uncomfortable. "No," the girl said a little louder.

Regina shook her head and said, "Emma, ​​stop being so childish!"

That sentence was the final straw for Emma. How could anybody blame her for being childish? Her whole childhood was practically nonexistent. Couldn't she be a child for a few years now? How could she be so wrong in Regina?! She trusted that woman with all her heart. And now she blamed her for not wanting to talk about her abusive childhood?!

The girl furiously stared at Regina. Her hand clenched to fists and she stood up before shouting: "How could I be so wrong in you?!" tears started to well up in her eyes but the girl didn't avert her gaze as she whispered: "I thought you were different, I thought you would understand me... I trusted you"

Then she turned around and ran out the office.

Regina had tears in her eyes by now too. Desperately, she let them roll down her cheeks as she looked after Emma. The brunette winced as the door fell shut and a sob escaped her lips.

Because what Emma didn't know was the call, Regina received just before Emma's visit.

Thoughtfully, the brunette read the file of one of her patients once more. His circumstances seemed to have become worse the last few days and Regina tried to find the trigger for that. However, the ringing of her phone ripped the psychiatrist from her thoughts.

She picked up and immediately the deep voice of the mayor spoke to her.

"Regina? Here is Mr. Gold"

Regina sighed annoyed before she said:" Good morning, Mr. Gold, to what do I owe the pleasureto?"

"I'm calling, because I have to talk to you about Emma Swan" the man said.

Immediately, Regina sat up in her chair and gave her full attention to her interlocutor.

"What is it? Did something happen to her?" concern clouded her voice.

An ironic chuckle was to be heard from the mayor before he said:" You seem so worried"

Regina sighed again before Mr. Gold continued:" There is no progress with her case. I often see you two running through Storybrook during your working hours. Eating ice cream and going for walks will not magically solve the case! That's not what I pay you for"

Regina stared straight ahead in disbeliever. "So you think building trust is unimportant and everyone just talks to me like that?! That I wander through the streets with Emma because I don't want to do my job? You think I don't want to help Emma?! The girl is traumatized. You can't really believe that in less than two months the trauma just gone and the girl talks about it like it was all just a horrible movie. Frequently, patients that experienced something similar to Emma don't talk at all for a few months. She is a very strong gir-"

But Mr. Gold interrupted the now furious therapist. "I'm not saying, that she should be completely cured by now. But we need information. We have to find the girl's parents and to cure her, she has to talk about everything! She can go eat some ice cream, or whatever else you do with her, with some friends. But that's not your job! Especially not during your working hours! So do your job or I need to send Emma to another Psychologist. That means, Emma would have to move to another city and that's not something you'd like, is it?"

Mr. Gold hung up before Regina was able to say anything else.

But the brunette didn't realize it anyways. The world around her blurred. Again and again she hear Mr. Golds voice saying: "That means, Emma would have to move"


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