Chapter 18

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When Regina awoke from her trance Emma was only vaguely recognizable. Involuntarily, she made a few steps forward.

"Emma! Wait! " The brunette shouted in a harsh voice and started running, but Emma was already too far away.

Desperately, Regina pulled her phone out of the pocket of her blazer. Her fingers trembling, she pressed on Mary Margaret's name.

"Did you find her?!" The worried voice of Emmas foster mother immediately answered.

Regina swallowed her tears before a stifled "yes" left her mouth.

"Where are you?!" Mary Margaret asked even more concern clouding her voice.

"She ... She ran away again. Into the forest by the lake " Regina stuttered.

The line was silent for a moment before Mary Margaret said, "We're coming, wait for us."

A loud beep came from the telephone but Regina did not move. Her emotions went crazy as she reviewed the whole day.

A hand on her shoulder straddled the woman. Quickly she wiped a few tears from her face and turned around. Any emotions disappeared behind the wall she had built long ago.

"Regina, what happened?" David asked immediately.

Objectively, Regina told the whole story and the two foster parents listened worriedly.

Mary Margaret had tears in her eyes as the psychologist finished the last sentence. David hugged his wife and kissed her hair crown. "We should hurry up and find her," he said then and set off for the forest. "I'm walking this way, Regina, you go there and Mary Margaret, you go there," he commanded as he pointed in several directions.

Regina nodded and set off. She must be strong for Emma now.

Hours later, Regina was still running around in the woods. She couldn't give up. She had to find Emma!

"Emma," the psychologist called again, her voice hoarse and low, a tear running down her cheek in desperation and anger spread through her whole body. She should have held Emma back, she should have run after her right away. No, she shouldn't have pushed Emma to say something she was not ready for.

Furiously, she punched a tree trunk with her fist. It helped to vent her anger and she did it again and again. Until she felt the pain that was previously inhibited by adrenaline.

Her hand burned and blood shimmered on the olive-brown skin. Exhausted, the brunette sank to the floor and let the tears flow down her face.

The ringing of her phone woke the woman from her thoughts.

Hastily she took it from her pocket and saw David's name light up. She quickly picked up.

"David! Did you find her?! "All fatigue and exhaustion had disappeared, Emma was the only thing that mattered now.

"Yes, Regina. We found her at the Troll Bridge, "David said, but Regina recognized something weird in his voice.

"Did something happen to her?! I'll come right now! "She said.

The other end of the line remained silent. Regina's heart began to beat faster.

"David ?!" she asked again.

The man cleared his throat before saying, "Regina, she's fine but she ... she doesn't want to see you"

Regina heart shattered into a thousand pieces. When did the blonde become this important to her? She couldn't develop feelings for a sixteen-year-old. But her heart ached.

"Oh ... Okay. I ... I'll go home then, "she said, fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry Regina. See you tomorrow"


As Regina arrived home an hour later, she had no idea how she made it this far. But her thoughts were still with Emma.

The psychologist biggest wish was to hug the blonde. But instead she went up the stairs of the big empty house and took a shower.

Regina twitched as the warm water made contact with her wounds. She cleaned them and her thoughts wandered back to Emma.

Sudden anger spread through her as she thought of Emma's previous foster father. Angrily, she turned off the water and got dressed.

She had to vent her anger and already knew exactly how.

A few minutes later, she stormed into the office of Mr. Gold.

The older man flinched as the door cracked open with a loud bang.

"Regina, let me guess. You're here because of this Emma?" He said calmly with a provocative grin on his face.

Regina's expression darkened even more. She kept walking toward him and stopped right in front of the desk.

Involuntarily, Regina longed out and her fist landed faster in Gold's face than he could react.


"I SHOULD REPORT TO THE POLICE THAT YOU HAVE THREATEN ME! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Regina raged with anger but strong hands held her back as she longed out for another punch.

"REGINA, calm down! " she heard David's voice. Desperately, the therapist tried to free herself from the firm grip but it did not work and exhausted she gave up. The tears were running down her cheeks and a loud sob escaped her mouth. David wrapped his arms around the brunette and held her close. Calmingly he stroked over her back with one and over her hair with the other hand.

"Regina?" The soft voice was too familiar and the brunette froze.

Emma had seen everything, and she sounded so disappointed or was it frightened? Regina stepped back, feeling ashamed.

"Emma ..." she whispered. Carefully the brunette raised her gaze and when Emmas eyes met the brunettes, the woman began to run.

"I'm sorry!" She said as she hurried past the blonde and ran out of the building.

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