Chapter 12 - your having a...

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(Cameron's POV)

It's been a couple of months since Chloe found out she was pregnant. She is having her ups and downs but she is generally handling the pregnancy really well. I'm so proud of her. She will make an amazing mum.

She was now 23 weeks pregnant, and because we had magcon and stuff and business meetings to attend we missed her 20 week scan so we booked it for today!

It was 10:30 am and her scan was at 1 pm.

I had already been up and had gone to the gym and on the way home I picked up some breakfast.

Chloe had been staying with me the past couple of months. Jason had finally calmed down about the whole pregnancy and was starting to bet excited about becoming an uncle. Hlow had decided she wanted him to be the godfather. My sister Sierra was going to be the god mother.

I had parked my car in the driveway. My mom and Sierra had already left for work.

I unlocked the front door and was greeted by jake.

I walked into the kitchen and threw my gym bag down on the floor. Chloe still wasn't up. I walked up stairs and into my room. She was lying peacefully sleeping in bed. I walked over and lay down beside her and kissed her forehead. She started to wake up.

"I brought back breakfast!" I whispered. She turned around and faced the wall "five more minutes." I could tell she was tired. She was still experiencing morning sickness even though she gets it at any time of the day and she had been up all last night with it.

I decided to give her the extra five minutes. I went down stairs and made her some hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows. I had brought back some chocolate chip pancakes from IHOP. I put them on a plate and put the plate and got chocolate on a tray and took it to her upstairs.

I sat the tray down on the table beside my bed. As soon as she smelled the pancakes and say up. I say down on the bed beside her and handed her the tray. "And this is why your the best boyfriend ever" she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

Once she was finished eating, we both got showered and dressed and we got ready to go to the ultra sound appointment.

We got into my car and we drove to the hospital.

We waited for her name to be called.

"I'm so excited to find out what were having" she was like an excited young child.

"Me either I laughed, we will have to start thinking of names when we find out." She nodded "I want the baby to have your last name" she said and smiled. I felt a smile spread across my face. I was so happy

"Ms. Chloe-Michaela." We heard the nurse call. We both got up and walked into the room. I closed the door.

"Hi, my names Emily and I will be the mid wife looking after you through your pregnancy. And this is Dr. Morewood. He will also be taking care of you if there's any issues or concerns with the baby."

They asked Chloe a few questions and took down some details.

They lay he on the bed and put the jelly on her stomach. She had the smallest little bump. I sat beside her and held her hand whilst looking at the screen. The doctor checked and made sure everything is ok.

"Would you guys like to know what your having?" We both have nodded our heads together and smiled.

"Ok, your having a little baby girl" the doctor smiled. Chloe

Almost screamed with excitement, and to be honest so did I. It was finally starting to kick in that I was going to be a dad.

Once we were finished with the appointment, me and Chloe walked back to the car hand and hand. I opened the car door for her so she could get in.

"We should start thinking about names! And we need to get her a crib and get her stuff for the nursery! And what about a stroller? We deffinitly need a stroller cam!" She was excited.

"Woah calm down" i laughed "we have plenty of time to think about that! What do you want to do the rest of the day?" I asked

"I want to go shopping for her! We need to tell your mom, and Jason and all the boys" she took her phone out and called Jason. She told him that we were having a girl and that he was going to be her god father. She told him she would come and visit in a week or two and that she loved him. They then finished talking and hung up.

We went to the mall and decided to get some lunch.

"What should we call her?" She asked

"I like Brooke, or Payton!" I answered

"I like charlotte! We could call her Charlie for short!" It wasn't my favourite name but i didn't mind if it made chloe happy I was happy!

"I really like Payton!" She smiled "I want her to be called Payton Alexandria Dallas, after her amazing daddy!"

It was settled. Our baby girl was going to be called Payton Alexandria Dallas.

After lunch we did some shopping. My mom had told us that because the spare room

In our house wasn't used, it can be the baby's nursery. Chloe still hadn't decided if she wanted to have the baby here or back home. But even if she does have Payton back home I still want to have a room here for Payton to sleep in.

For the room at my house we decided the colour scheme would be different shades of pink. Different shades of blue and a touch of white.

We went to a home decor store and picked out so pink and blue wall decorations and picture frames. All the furniture in the room was going to be white. We picked out some white letters that spelled out the name 'Payton' so that we could hang them above her crib along with the pictures and wall decorations.

We finally picked out a light, almost baby blue paint for the walls. Chloe was getting tired so we decided to go home.


Chloe-Michaela x

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