Chapter 32 - family day

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(Cameron's POV)

*2 weeks later*

Payton had finally started walk around by herself. She was still a bit wobbly on her feet but she will soon steady herself! But not that's she's walkin she's a handful. She gets into everything!

I was just back from the gym and I was making lunch for everyone. Chloe was getting ready and Payton was walking around the apartment. She was in with nash the last time i checked.

I was almost finished with Payton's lunch when nash called me

"Cam! We have a problem" he shouted walking out of his room

"Yeah what's up?" I looked up to see him walking towards me holding Payton away from him. He stood her up on the counter beside the sink.

"She got into all the stuff in the bathroom." I got some tissue and started to clean her hands.

I sighed at the fact of having to clean it all up!

We cleaned her up and sat her on the rug with some toys while I finished with the lunch. She got up and started walking about again. She had the tv controls on one hand and she was opening drawers with the other.

She opened the cupboard beside the fridge where we kept things like cereal. She grabbed one of the boxes and pulled it out, causing cereal to spill everywhere.

I was losing my patients! "Payton!!!" I shouted loudly, accidentally scaring her. She started to cry.

I sat her in her high chair and gave her, her lunch to stop her from crying.


After lunch I got showered and ready. Chloe and I decided to walk to the park with Payton. I put her In her pink stroller and put her sun hat on.

We went down stairs. I pushed the stroller with one hand and held onto Chloe's hand with the other.

We got to the park after about 10 minutes of walking. I lifted Payton out and let her play in the sand box.

We sat in the grass watching her. Chloe lay down in the grass and out her head on my lap. Her perfect little bump seemed to be getting bigger by the day. I kissed her forehead and put my hand on her bump.

"We need to pick out a name for him! What do you like?" She questioned. "We both like Noah, so why don't we just go with that?" She smiled up at me "it's perfect. How about Noah Jason dallas?" I smiled this time "I love it!" That's it, we finally had our baby boys name!

I looked over at Payton. She was playing happily in the sand... And trying to eat it! I jumped up quickly and went over to her

"Payton you can't eat the sand princess" I lifted her up and cleaned her off. I took her over to the slides.

It was Christmas next week. I had something special planned out for Chloe. It was about time now that our family is growing.



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