Chapter 11 - I'll be here every step of the way

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(Chloe's POV)

"Congradulations, your pregnant" the doctor smiled at me.

I was shocked "I'm...pregnant?!"

I looked over at cameron his jaw had dropped to the floor and just like me he was in complete and utter shock

"You sure are! I'll leave you two alone and let it sink in" the doctor walked out again.

I started to cry "cameron what am I going to do?!"

He was over to my side like a shot. He was sitting on the edge of the bed pulling me into a hug.

"Hey, hey, shh it's ok. Well think of something. I will be here for you every step of the way. We will get through this together!"

I sobbed into his chest "I love you cam"

"I love you to babe" Cameron's phone started to ring. He took it out of his pocket and then looked at me. "It's Jason!"

"Don't tell him anything! I don't want him to known yet" "what am I supposed to do? I told him if call and let him know what was wrong" he panicked "just answer and tell him the results of the tests aren't back yet!" Cameron went outside And answered his phone.

5 minutes later he came back in.

"He's letting your mom know what happened and then he's getting the next flight out here. You will have to tell him then!" As much as I didn't want to tell my mom and Jason, I knew cameron was right and I had to tell them when they got here.

Cameron came and sat on the edge of the bed again "don't look so nervous, like I said I'll be here every step of the way and we will get through this together." He pushed a strand of hair out of my face. He pulled me into another hug and kissed my forehead.

*a couple of hours later*

I was being kept in for a day or two so the doctors could keep an eye on me. Cameron had gone back to his house for a while so he could get some stuff for me. He insisted on staying here with me so he had to get some stuff as well.

He came back later. "Jason called. He will arrive at the airport at 9 am tomorrow morning. He got a flight for early tomorrow morning. I told him is collect him."

"You still haven't told him right." Cameron shook his head but he looked guilty "cam please tell you didn't tell him!"

"I didn't tell him, but I did tell someone!" Cameron looked at the door. His mom and sister Sierra walked in "hey sweetie, we just wanted to see how you were. Cameron told us everything!"

"I'm fine, I feel a lot better. Just please don't mention anything to my mom or brother!"

After a while Cameron's mom and sister left. I fell asleep and cameron fell asleep on the big chair beside my bed.

When i woke up the next morning cameron was gone. It was nearly 10 am. He must have gone to get Jason at the airport.

The nurse gave me some breakfast. I hadn't been out of bed yet so I decided to get up and go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I decided to change first. Cameron had left me a pair of his grey baggy sweatpants and his magcon hoodie. I got changed Into them and went to the bathroom. I was standing brushing my teeth. I had been standing to long and I started to feel light headed. I ignored it and continued brushing my teeth. I felt dizzy, and all of a sudden everything went black.

(Cameron's POV)

I had just picked up Jason from the airport. We were heading straight to the airport to see Chloe.

When we had got there, the door to her room was laying wide open and a couple of doctors had rushed in. Me and Jason ran in. She was lying collapsed on the ground.

"Chloe what happened?!" I questioned "sir please, if your could please wait outside!" "What happened her?! Why is she on the ground?!" "I'm her brother I should be allowed in" me and Jason were determined to go in. "She just fainted again and the doctors are trying to bring her back around. Her body just hasn't gotten used to the pregnancy yet." Oh no. We were busted. Our secret was out. Jason looked at me "wha..what did he just say?! She's... Pregnant?!" Jason shoved me up against the wall "this is all your fault!!!" He shouted at me "you got her pregnant! She just turned 17 for god sake! How could you be so stupid!" He had a firm grip on me "Jason please! We didn't think this was going to happen! It was a mistake please, I'm sorry!!" The doctor took Jason away from me. "This isn't the time or place. This can be settled in your own time." He turned to Jason "she has just woken up, she's requesting to see you" "can I come in?" I questioned "she just wants to see her brother for the time being"

I stood outside her room while she talked to Jason.

(Chloe's POV)

Jason walked into the room. "How could you be so stupid and immature?!" "Jase I-" he cut me off "your 17, Chloe! What's mom gonna say when she finds out?!" "Where is she?" I was only now noticing that she wasn't there "she had a business meeting to go to in Texas. You should know what she's like by now!" I felt my heart drop. My own mother is more interested in her job than her own daughter. "Your coming home with me as soon as you get our of here!" "No! Jason, I want to stay with cameron! And I have magcon this weekend!" "Your not staying with cameron! Look what he has done to you!"

I was so mad at Jason! How could he blame this all on cameron. This was my fault to.

"I'm pregnant Jason, I'm not dying! And don't dare blame this all on cam because this is just as much my fault than it is his. We didn't think this was going to happen, I love him and I'm going to have this baby and were going to be a family!" Jason looked disgusted.

"You do whatever you want. Just leave me out of it all." Jason walked out of the room.

Cameron walked on straight away and hugged me. I sobbed into his chest again "he's so mad cameron."

"Shh... Everything will all blow over in a couple if days and he will be fine. And as for you, as soon as your out of here I'm gonna take care of you myself. Neither of us are going to magcon this weekend.

"But cam, what about your fans"

"I'm sure they will understand"


Chloe x

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