Chapter 25 - emergency room

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(Chloe's POV)

It's was 5:30 in the morning. Payton was up, crying, again. This was the 4th time since midnight. I decided to get up with her this time as cameron had gotten up the rest of the times.

I lifted her out of the crib, cameron woke up and sat up in the bed.

"I'll take her for a walk, you go back to sleep." Cameron yawned. "No it's fine you have been up all night."

Payton was really hot. She has a fever and she was burning up. I decided to take her baby Onzie off so she could cool down. When I took it off I looked at her in horror. Payton had a rash all over her body. "Cameron..." He sat up again "yes babe?"

"we need to go to the emergency room! Now!!"

Cameron got out of bed quickly "why what's happened?" Cameron looked at Payton "where did she get that?!"

He lifted her up and rocked her trying to calm her down. "I don't know! She didn't have it before she went to bed! Did she have it when you got up with her?!"

Cameron shook his head. We both quickly changed into some sweats.

Cameron called nash to let him know where we were going.

We got into the rental car and made our way to the er.


When we got there, it was quite. Only 2 or 3 people were waiting to be seen. As Payton was so young they took her in quickly.

The doctor did some tests and took some blood. I hated seeing my baby in pain. Cameron had to stay with Payton. I couldn't take it any longer, I had to get out of there. I couldn't bare to hear her cry out in distress.

Nash arrived at the hospital around 7:30. I was sitting out side, Crying.

He came and sat down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me. He let me cry on his shoulder for a while.

"Why don't we go inside and see how she is. I'm sure it's nothing." Nash was right. I was probably over reacting. She probably just had a fever or something.

Nash helped me up. He put his arm around me and we made our way inside.

We walked into the room that Payton was in.

She was laying on the huge stretcher bed asleep with the sides up. She looked so tiny compared to the size of the bed. Cameron was sitting on a chair beside her rubbing his finger along her rosy cheeks.

Cameron looked upset. "The doctor came in with the results... They think it's meningitis!" That word sent shivers down my spine. The tears began to flood down my face again. I was only young. I was only 17! I shouldn't have deal with the factor that my baby was seriously Ill.

Cameron stood up from the chair and put his arms around me. I collapsed into them. What were we going to do?

"The think she has a good chance of making a full recovery because they caught it early, but there's still that small chance that she won't. But we will all get through it together!"

Cameron sat down on the chair again. He sat me on his knee.

At this point I just wanted my mum and jase! I just wanted all my family here for their support.

Nash agreed to go call them. Cameron told me that he would pay for their flights here.

Nash called them and they were getting the next flight here. The worst part was that we weren't even home in chino hills. We were in a completely different part of California.


It was 6:30 pm. My mom and jase had just arrived here and they were on their way to the hospital.

They had now taken Payton up stairs. They had given her some medication. She had been sleeping for a couple of hours.

My mom and jase arrived shortly after. Payton had woken up. Jason lifted her up and was talking to her and walking around the room with her. It's been a while since he saw her. He missed her I guess.

My mom gave me a comforting hug. "I don't know what I'm going to so mom?!" She looked at me with sympathy. "She will be fine. And once she gets better, I want you to come back home, and live with me and Jason again. It will be just me you and Jason. Just like it was before. And Payton to of course." What was she saying?! Different things were running through my mind. Cameron say forward in his seat.

"What about cameron?!" I was confused. "I've been thinking. Maybe Cameron's just to old for you! Your only 17 and he's nearly 20." I was now standing "what do you mean he's to old for me?!" My mother stood up to.

"Maybe Payton getting sick was a sign that your both to young to look after her yourself. You need a responsible adult to help you out." I couldn't believe the words I was hearing "your only a teenager Chloe. You don't need to be dealing with a baby on your own"

"She's not dealin with Payton on her own she has me! And she has my mom and Sierra to help out as well" cameron started to back me up. I knew he was getting angry just like me.

"Mom I'm perfectly fine with Payton! Me cameron and Payton are all fine. There my family now."

"Just listen to yourself. You didn't even notice Payton was sick"

I was getting mad. Real mad.

"You can't tell me what to do anymore! Im a better responsible parent now than you even have been. Once dad left you never took proper care of me and jase.

We had to defend for ourselves. You drank yourself silly because you couldn't Cope with the fact that he left your for someone better than you. You have never been a proper mother to me and your certainly not going to start now! You can't tell me what to do! Once Payton is better were going back home, to Cameron's, cause he's my family now! I don't need shit like this anymore!" I shouted at my mother.

I felt a sharp sting and my mothers hand came into contact with my face as she slapped me. Hard. I fell to the ground. My cheek stinging like hell.

"How dare you?!" Cameron shouted running over to me.

"Get out of here. And don't ever come back!" Cameron shouted and he kneeled down beside me.

He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face up. "Chloe are you ok?!" I shook my head and years streamed down my face "no" was all I could manage. He pulled me into a hug. "I'll make sure she comes no where near you ever again"

I was in to much shock to even say anything. I couldn't believe that my own mother just hit me.





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