part 2 of 1. (jyatt)

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I fiddled with my hands under my desk as I waited anxiously for the bell to ring, it was taking to long and I couldn't wait anymore.

I groaned quietly and banged my head on my desk repeatedly, I glanced at the clock and smiled only 1 minute left.

The bell suddenly rang and I jumped out of my seat running to the back of the school, I then saw the was beautiful. It had pink flowers scattered everywhere and it made me feel like I was in a safe place or home.

I walked up to the tree and snapped off a flower and brought it up to my nose, I smiled as it smelled like a perfume my mom once used.

I then placed it behind my ear and turned around, "hey you came" A voice said once I turned. I took a step back as we were really close, I simply nodded looking down. It was Wyatt.

I shut my eyes as he reached for the flower behind my ear, he admired it for a sec then looked back at me. "He loves me" He said, as he took a step forward as i took one back.

"He loves me not" Then he took a step back, "He loves me" He said, as he took an even larger step towards me. I stood still now to scared to move, he smiled at this.

"He loves me not" He said, then stood back as I breathed in and out slowly. There was now one last petal and I eyed it the whole time, he looked up "he loves me" Before he crashed his lips on mine.

Then I knew, the tree was not my home, or safe place.

Wyatt's is.


-A.M 🍪

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