Revali x Reader - Cold Arrogance

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As the sun began to hang low in the vibrant evening sky, a young Hylian warrior stood at the edge of the flight range; shooting as many targets as she could, which wasn't very many...

Now, usually you were a great shot, but today was slightly different. Today, you've been outside in the frozen air for most of the evening; trying to blow off steam due to a ridiculously stressful argument with a certain egotistical Rito Champion. Your nose had tiny icicles hanging from it and your fingers were also frozen to the tip, but it didn't matter; you just didn't seem to care.

You see, you and Revali have a... special relationship. You'd both tend to bicker over the smallest of things; whether it's about your "inadequate" archery skills, or Revali's natural, undying hatred for Link. But when it mattered most, you made a great team. It's not often that you two would get into a serious fight. Unfortunately, Revali unintentionally brought up the fact that you were hydrophobic, and the situation just escalated from there.

"C'mon, Revali. I'm sure you can hit that target no problem!" You snickered sarcastically.

The target you were referring to was so far away you could barely even see it. However, Revali was anything but deterred by your snide remark. "Now, now. Let's keep our ignorant comments to ourselves, shall we?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe I was the one who started this, Mr. I-can-hit-a-target-farther-than-you."

"I CAN hit a target farther than you..." He muttered like a child. "Now, hush. I'm trying to concentrate." Revali pulled the string back and aimed the arrow with accuracy.

You chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder, effectively moving his arm and making him miss the target. He growled angrily and gave you one of his best glares. "If an 'ignorant' girl like myself can make you screw up that bad, how are you going to be a useful asset on a hectic battlefield?"

"Listen here, you incompetent little twit-!"

"Such harsh words, my delicate, sensitive Rito flower."

"-Just because YOU'RE a useless, so-called 'warrior', doesn't mean you have to drag the rest of us down with you!" You stepped back in surprise, completely shocked by Revali's words. He only scoffed at your reaction and turned away with his arms crossed. "Now, why don't you drown in a lake. Go and save me the trouble of having to babysit you."

You completely froze in place; the simple THOUGHT of being in water making you go stiff. And the fact that Revali would even say such a thing made your stomach churn. No, he didn't know the full extent of your phobia, but he was specifically told by the princess herself not to mention water near you. You couldn't quite blame him for saying the first hurtful thing that came to mind since you were doing the same thing, but that didn't mean his words didn't upset you.

Almost immediately realizing his mistake, Revali stiffened up and quickly turned around. His beak opened – probably saying some sort of half-assed apology – but you didn't hear it. You were too deep in your own thoughts. So, you did the only thing you could.

You turned on your heel and swiftly walked away without another word.

Which brings us to this moment; poor you stress-shooting until your hand falls off. After that... painful experience, you made your way out of the village and came to the flight range. It was quiet and closed off, and nobody would come to bother you. Especially not in this weather. Unfortunately for you, you were so worked up that you forgot the proper clothing for a place this cold. But the last thing you wanted to do was go back.

Frustrated with just about everything, you put down your bow and hid your hands in between your arms so that they didn't get frostbitten. "Oh my goddesses, why is it so cold?" You yelled; shivering to no end.

"Considering you aren't wearing any clothing suitable for this weather, the fact that you had to even ask that question is extremely concerning." A voice replied from behind you. Already knowing who it was, you turned around with a bored look in your eyes and came face to beak with arrogance itself. Sighing, you turned back to the ravine of the flight range.

"What, Revali? In case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of busy being pissed off at you," you muttered sarcastically. When you weren't in the mood, you'd make it extremely clear to anyone within a radius of a few hundred feet.

Revali sighed in defeat but stayed silent for a moment. Finally, he said, "I... I do apologize for my earlier behavior; what I said was uncalled for, and no phobia should be taken lightly."

You glanced over your shoulder; completely and utterly shocked. It's rare to get any sort of apology from Revali; especially one of sincerity!

You finally snapped out of your trance and gave him a narrow glare. "Apology not accepted."

He took a slight step back. "... Excuse me?"

Finally, you had lost all restraint. You've been trying to put away everything you've been feeling but just couldn't do it anymore. Angrily, you began taking long strides forward while pointing at the Rito accusingly. "You say something completely out of line, drive me to the point where I spend my day out in the coldest place in Hyrule, and then you think an 'I'm sorry' can just fix all of that?" you questioned furiously, your voice rising with each word. Then, you took in a deep breath and crossed your arms before finishing quietly, "You... You really fucked up... ya know?"

"... You're completely right to say that, and I understand if you don't wish to forgive me right away... or ever, for that matter." He said quietly; staring down at the floorboards. "But, just to show you that I am sincere, this is for you."

Revali silently handed you a small, glass bottle, and you could already feel the warmth radiating off of it. Your surprised glance went from the bottle to Revali's guilty face.

Slowly, you removed the cork and chugged the drink; feeling the tingling warmth spread through your body. You then looked back at Revali and smiled gently. "Thank you."

"It's the very least I could do for behaving the way I did." He responded. "So, do-"

"Sure," You interrupted. "I'll forgive you." You confidently walked forward, and Revali flinched a bit.

It's always nice to see such a pretentious bird so nervous, you thought.

You smirked and gently poked his chest. "But, say something like that again, and I'll be plucking you for dinner." With that, you walked away; comfortably warm.

"... I'd like to see you try!" He yelled back at you.

You turned and saluted to him, saying, "It's a date, then!"

It took a few seconds for the flustered champion to fully comprehend what just happened. "... Wait, what?" He exclaimed loud enough for the distant Hylian to hear.

"I'll leave that to your arrogant imagination, Revali." You mumbled amusingly to yourself.



uh, so Revali has basically taken over my entire being and I don't know what to say other than requests are open. Read the description of the book to see what I will accept.

EDITED ON 3-4-19

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