Revali x Reader - Two Left Feet

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This one-shot was actually requested by a friend of mine on Tumblr #ShamlessSelfSponsering I thought this idea was so cute, I just had to write it!

Revali Teaching (or at least trying to teach) Reader to Dance


"It will be magnificent, (Name)! There will be elegant music playing, and a variety of different foods to taste!" Zelda exclaimed while twirling around her room; pretending to dance with someone. Meanwhile, you were sitting at her desk, and staring out the window; smiling.

It's the middle of winter, and Zelda's princessy girliness was starting to show. It's not every day the most refined, mature princess dances around her room like a child. She - with the king's permission - was throwing a winter gala to celebrate the year's end. Of course, the only interesting thing Zelda mentioned was about the food. "Oh, and the dancing!"

You turned to face her and noticeably cringed. "Yeesh, count me out." You grimaced.

Zelda stopped her waltzing and looked at you. "Surely you're joking. " She hoped.

Uh oh, you thought. I can already tell this isn't going to end well for me...

"Um... I don't like where this is going..." You mumbled.

Zelda walked over to you. "Did no one tell you? All champions are required to dance at any formal gathering hosted by the royal family." She explained.

"What?" You yelled; now on your feet. "Of course no one told me! I don't remember signing up for this!"


"I hate this..." You were currently sitting outside in the courtyard. It was cold and the fountain you were sitting in front of was frozen over, but your handmade champion's cloak was specifically designed to keep you warm. You clung to it and pulled up your hood. "This is truly the worst... I am so done for." You rubbed your temples to calm your growing headache. "I'm gonna end up dying of embarrassment."

"But if you die, who will keep me entertained?" You turned to your left to see Revali walking over to you. He then sat next to you. "I've never met anyone as witty as me, so it would be a shame if you died."

You rolled your eyes and smiled. "Is that all I'm good for?" You wondered jokingly. "I swear you make me question your feelings for me."

"Whatever makes you say that?" He chuckled. "Now, why exactly are you vowing your death? I'm sure it's only something trivial, but you do make me worry. Trouble follows you around quite easily, in case you haven't noticed." Revali joked.

You groaned and leaned your head against his arm. "Did you know we're supposed to dance at the ball?" You asked.

"Yes, of course, I did. No matter the occasion, the champions are required to dance to a piece known as the 'Champion's Ballad'... I assume you did not know."

"No..." You sighed. "I've never even danced formally; Not once."

Revali silently contemplated what he should do. He knows how to waltz - he's been to more balls, cotillions, and galas than he can remember - but he wouldn't consider himself the best dancer in the kingdom. Though, he couldn't let his reputation of being the perfect slip one, either.

He tapped your shoulder so you'd get off of him, and he stood up; holding his feathery hand out toward you. "Come one, then." He insisted calmly. "You look ridiculous; throwing yourself a pity party in weather like this."

You, of course, took his hand, and he helped you up. Revali then led you around the castle hall, and you finally spoke up. "Um, where are we going...?"

"The ballroom. I'm going to teach you how to dance. He glanced back at you. "I will not let my love make a fool out of herself at a formal occasion." You knew his words would've sounded pretty bad to anyone else, but you also understood that anything Revali did that involved you - whether he admits it or not - was out of love. 

Finally, you both entered a large, spacious room that had large elegant windows. Besides a few chairs and such, the room was empty. "Alright," Revali said while putting his bow down against a wall. "Let's begin."

At first, the lesson was going well. You were able to keep up with the tempo Revali was giving you (a simple 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3), but the phrase "follow my lead" didn't really make sense to you. Because of that, the lesson quickly went sour.

"No, stop looking down," Revali commanded gently. You mumbled a quick sorry and turned your head up; instantly stepping on his clawed foot. 

You instinctively moved your foot back. "S-sorry... again." You apologized quietly. 

"It's alright; I barely even felt it." He replied. "You're lighter than a Rito chick." Suddenly, the Rito had an idea. "Here, stand on my claws," Revali stated. 

"Wait, what?"

He insisted again, and you complied. You were off the ground by an inch or so, and Revali began dancing around with you standing on him. You were much closer to eye level with him because of this. You laughed a bit. "This could actually work! If I wear a long dress, no one would even notice!" 

"Precisely!" Your partner laughed along with you as he twirled you around the ballroom for another hour. 

Two weeks later, the gala was about to begin, and the princess as well the champions were presented one by one. First were Princess Zelda and her appointed knight, Link. Next were the four champions including you. You wore a long fitting dress that was gifted to you by Zelda specifically for tonight. As much as you loathed dresses, it was, unfortunately, a requirement to look like a member of society.

Soon, the Champion's Ballad began, and you all paired up with someone. Zelda was with Link, Urbosa with Mipha, Darul with his loving wife who was also invited, and you with Revali.

Once the music began, you quickly stepped up to Revali's feet and put your left hand on his shoulder while you grabbed his wing with your right. "You look nice." You complimented with a smile. 

Revali scoffed and said, "Of course! I couldn't possibly look any less than perfect for an event like this!" You stared at him with expectant eyes, and he cleared his throat; avoiding your gaze. "Yes, but you- um, you look very nice, as well..." 

You giggled and pecked his cheek. "Just know that I love you. I love you with all of my fucked up, piece of shit heart." You mumbled.

"Well, that's certainly one way to put it!" He chuckled while he nuzzled your neck a bit. Finally, he replied. "But, yes. I love you with every fiber of my being. Please, never question that..."


So Wattpad is being dumb and deleted half of the chapters I was gonna post...

It takes a while to edit them since Tumblr it's just as stupid, but they will all be out by the end of today!

Also, I added a little champion's Ballad reference cuz I'm so excited for it, as well as one my own personal ships: Mipha x Urbosa! I have no legitimate reason for shipping them other than I like that, but whatever!

Legend of Zelda x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now