Urbosa x Fem!Reader - Sunsets and Sunshines

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(678 Words)

This was requested by Trash_fm1 so thank you for this one! Urbosa is p hawt, y'know?

Uh, so this is pretty short. Sorry. Maybe I'll do more in the future to make up for it.

Oh, I thought you'd all like to know that the preview for My VaaZel story should be out on Monday. I might even start updating for real since I'm doing pretty good on my writing. Don't quote me on that because it's just as likely that I don't start updating it. I'm pretty excited, to be honest! 

Finally, I know it says Fem!Reader, but I honestly still kept the chapter in second person pov. I'm just so used to it that it kind of just comes naturally. Whether it says female or not, you should still be able to read it regardless of your gender. I just don't want anyone to be upset/offended, y'know? Aight, that's it. Go read!


"My goddesses, you're so slow!" You yelled with a laugh. "Keep up, would ya?" Sand splashed and hit your legs as your sand seal raced ahead toward the small oasis. Just behind you was a fit Gerudo woman racing closely with her own seal. She was yelling something at you, but you couldn't really hear what she was saying.

No, all that really mattered at the moment was the fact that you were winning. "Hurry up, now! We wouldn't want to sully that Champion name, would we?" You screamed with a cocky attitude. That's when your sandboard got caught on a rock hidden under the sand. You were sent flying and quickly hit the ground with a thud.

Grains of white sand was everywhere. In between your toes, under your arms, and in your fingernails. The sand also stuck to your knees since they were scraped and bloodied. Your seal had stopped and stared at you curiously. Meanwhile, the Gerudo Champion was hurrying toward you on foot, hair flowing in the hot breeze. She got on her knees and slid to you.

"What did I tell you before we left?" She asked, and it was obviously rhetorical. You absentmindedly waved your seal over to you and took the pack from its saddle bag attached to its side. Urbosa snatched it from you and quickly began rummaging for something to clean your wounds. "I told you to be careful. Hidden rocks are everywhere..." She muttered.

You glanced away while leaning against your arms. Urbosa had found a canister of water in your bag, and she began cleaning the sand from your knees. "Sorry..."

She stopped for a moment to look at you. "I'm not mad... I just wish you'd be a little more aware of your surroundings." She sighed and patched up your legs with some bandages she'd found in your pack. "If you got seriously injured and I couldn't help you... I'd feel like that would be my fault."

"I know. And I'm sorry. I can't make any promises, but I'll try to be wary from now on." You said. When she was finished, Urbosa helped you to your feet. "But thanks for patching me up. I'd probably be dead without you at this point." You laughed.

Urbosa smiled and pecked you on the cheek. "I wouldn't put it past you."

You puffed your cheeks with red blush covering your face. "First of all, that was a bit mean! And second of all, you couldn't have kissed me on my lips?"

"I could've, but I wanted to hear you ask for it, first." Then, the fit Champion grabbed your chin and turned your head up. You looked into her eyes and smiled before she pulled you closer for a kiss. Your face was on fire as you got on your toes to reach her lips.

Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around you and hoisted you off the ground. You instinctively wrapped your legs around her waist before finally pulling away for air. "Okay." You breathed. "Not bad."

"You have such a way with words." She laughed. "Come on, love. It's getting dark."

Your feet hit the sand gently and the two of you began walking the rest of the way to the oasis with your seals following close behind. "Hey, Urbosa.?" You looked up at her with a big grin and rosy cheeks. "I love you."

She smiled and put an arm around you; holding you close while you walked. "You're adorable." She replied. "I love you even more, my sunshine."

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