SS!Link x Reader - Growing Wings

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Hhhhhh most notes are at the end. This was requested a while back by  x-b1tch1n-x lol thanks for being so patient and I fucking adore that tag lmaoo

(Word count: 2791)


Watching the rising sun from the deck just behind the Goddess Statue was your favorite part of being alive. The sky lit up with various different hues of orange, pink, and purple. The morning air was crisp and cool; bringing goosebumps to your skin. It was just the thing you needed to wake up and start your day before classes began.

"If I jumped, would you save me...? Or would you just let me die...?"

However, waiting until the crack of dawn to go through with your master plan wasn't your smartest idea. The night patrols were switching out with the day shift at the moment. Nobody was on alert right now. So basically, if your half-assed plan failed, it was very likely that you'd die before anyone had the chance to save you.

Glancing down at the cloud barrier far below, you cringed at the overwhelming drop. No, it would NOT be fun jumping straight into what you could only assume to be the void. However, you were running out of options and getting desperate for results. You cooked homemade nutritious loftwing feed, studied extensively on different bird calls, and even danced and prayed in the fucking rain. Nothing ever seemed to work.

So, you spread your arms like they were wings and let gravity pull you off the wooden landing.

The wind was loud in your ears and your hair whipped viciously in your face, but it somehow soothed you as you plummeted under the floating city. You swiftly brought your fingers to your lips and blew air through them as hard as you could. The sound pierced through the strong wind, and you waited patiently for something to happen. However, after a good thirty seconds of free-falling, you knew your loftwing would not be making an appearance just like it never did.

"Well, shit..."

Watching as the floating island got smaller in the distance, your mind began to wander. Maybe you should've written a note or said your goodbye's before doing something as stupid as jumping to certain death. It was a shame, too. You were such an optimist, and you were hoping today was the day you'd meet your loftwing. Sadly, your dreams were crushed once again. Only this time, you wouldn't be alive long enough to mope about it.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, you heard the beautiful call of a whistle and saw a blur of red feathers. The loftwing circled around you and caught you on its back. Then, it turned to swiftly catch its blonde master who was still in free fall.

Suddenly, you wished you DID fall to your death instead.

You were well aware of Link's overprotective tendencies, so you were in for an earful this fine morning. "(Name), I'm compelled to ask what the hell is wrong with you!?" He yelled as soon as he landed behind you.

You laughed nervously while scratching the back of your neck. "Well, I know there's an explanation somewhere, but for the life of me, I just can't find it." You shrugged lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

Link shook his head and gently guided his loftwing toward the village. Somehow, you could tell he was anything but done with you. "Come on, (Name). You're so smart, so why would you do something so stupid?"

"Would you believe me if I said it was because I have faith?"

Link tried his best to stay mad at you, but your witty comments seemed to break his rage. "No, you're just crazy!" He chuckled.

"Possibly!!" You replied happily. You figured that would be the end of it. Your days would continue as normal. You'd grab some quick breakfast and go to class together and everything would be normal. You'd go back to your usual goofy antics and plotting your next loftwing idea.

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