Ghirahim x Reader - Bandages

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(702 words)

I wish I could remeMBER WHAT DAY IT WAS, YKNOW?

uh, sorry. I swear I thought it was Wednesday. Guess who's always wrong though (^-^;)



You were breathing heavily, and your vision was starting to blur. Your fighting stance was sloppy and uneven; it was obvious you'd been fighting for a few hours. Your arm had a long cut pouring blood, as did the inside of your leg. Your grip on your elegant rapier was weak, and you were about ready to collapse. Still, you refused to give up. You would not lose again, especially not to him!

The eloquent man across the room stared at you intently. He wasn't being his usual, perverted, obnoxious self. He seemed concerned about you.

Ghirahim sighed and made his black sword disappear. "We're done for today."

"Wait, huh?" You straightened up and let your rapier fall to the ground. "Come on, I can go another round!" You whined.

He walked over to you and chuckled. "Except you can't." Then, the demon servant flicked your forehead, and that's all it took for you to topple over. Of course, Ghirahim caught you before you hit the tiled floor like a sack of potatoes.

You grumbled and crossed your arms as he picked you up. "Fine, I see your point..."

"Good." He responded with a cheerful grin. The two of you teleported outside of the old temple, and Ghirahim set you down on the cool grass. In his hands were a roll of bandages and a clean rag. "Alright then. Let's have a look at those cuts."

You laughed. "My battle scars."

"You're the one who insisted I teach you how to wield a sword." He began rubbing your arm with the rag; cleaning off some of the blood. "You're the only one to blame."

You watched silently as Ghirahim cleaned the large wound on your arm, and you soon realized you were smiling. He noticed your grin and gave you a strange glance.

"And what's that look for?" He wondered while unraveling the bandage roll.

You shrugged. "I don't know..." You mumbled. "I guess I just don't see this side of you very often."

"Please elaborate." The bandages slowly made their way up past your wrist; he was taking his time.

Your eyes lingered on his concentrated face for a moment. "You're usually very annoying-"

"Ouch." He joked.

"-And horrifyingly perverted. A tad arrogant at times." You finished bluntly. "But look at you right now! All concerned, and whatever! It's adorable... I guess I don't get to see you like this, that's all."

Ghirahim finished with the bandages on your arm. Then, he looked up at you. All he did was stare with the smallest of smiles. It was like he was memorizing every last one of your features. You responded by admiring his glowing brown eyes.

Then, he slowly reached for your chin and put his pale lips against yours. His hands held the sides of your face; his thumbs rubbing calm circles across your cheeks.

Your lips moved in sync like they always did, but there was something - just something - about this kiss that was so different. The two of you moved slowly and with pure affection towards each other. It was almost innocent.

Hesitantly, Ghirahim pulled away so he could finish with your leg. He took the rag and rubbed the cut on your inner thigh. You flinched in pain, and he pulled his hand away at lightning speed.

"It's alright," You said. "You can continue."

He stared at you nervously. "Are you positive?"

"Yes." You giggled. Ghirahim went back to cleaning away the blood, and you started to pet his silky hair. You let your eyes close as you hummed in content.

Ghirahim finished with the bandages on your thigh, but he kept his hand on it; rubbing it thoughtfully. "I apologize. I should be a bit more careful next time..." His hand silently made his way up your thigh, and you peeked my eye open.

"What do you think you're doing, Ghirahim?" You asked with a smile.

He continued up your legs as a smirk grew on his face. "If you're willing to, I was going to show you how sorry I am."

"You're terrible!" You laughed. Even so, you grabbed his face and pulled him for another, more passionate kiss. You tackled each other to the ground, and the bandages were left completely forgotten somewhere in the grass.


So, I've always figured Ghirahim to be the usual obnoxiously pervy guy on the outside, but when it really came down to it, he was a total sweetheart! I don't know, I just like him so much more that way. Still, it's always gonna end up being about sex with that guy XDD


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