Sidon x Reader - One-sided tickle fight

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(1391 words)

Good evening, lovely people! Welcome to your weakly one-shot! This one was brought to you by nalalue, so thank you bb! I hope I did your request justice!

Oh, and just in case it wasn't clear before, the Ghirahim lemon that so many of you are interested in will be happening. I repeat, I will be writing it! Whether it's next Wednesday or the week after, it will come out eventually! I've never done a lemon before, so there's a chance you'll be waiting a bit. I don't want it to be shitty, so I'll try to write it at a decent pace while also making it good to read. Quality content! yeah!!!


Reading calmly beside the river, you only glanced up to make sure Sidon was still in the water. Each time you met his golden eyes, he'd give you the most dejected look. As much as it hurt to see your beloved in such a state, there was no way you would give into his puppy dog eyes. "Would you knock it off already?" You said without bothering to look away from your book. "Just go back to swimming."

"We came out here so we could swim together..."

You nodded absentmindedly and turned to the next page. "We did," You agreed. "But that was before you grabbed my foot and dragged me under the water."

Sidon huffed like a child. "I simply got carried away, and I've apologized countless times... But everybody has one!"

You rolled your eyes and finally put your book down. "I don't know what else I have to do to get you to understand! I do not have a tickle spot!"

"But everyone does." He groaned in defeat.

"Apparently not."

You didn't feel too great about lying to Sidon. You loved him more than anything, and you couldn't imagine yourself with anyone else. However, being the unreasonably defensive person you were, you couldn't bring yourself to give Sidon information that might leave you vulnerable.

For example, your tickle spot.

It was a small area on your body that was very inconspicuous. Sidon has been searching for it for months now; going as far as pulling you under the river's surface to try your feet. Maybe he was so interested in it because he wanted to learn something new about you. Or maybe he was just trying to even things out since you already knew his tickle spot. Of course, it wasn't hard to find it considering the gills were the most sensitive part of any Zora.

Finally pulling yourself from your thoughts, you saw Sidon splashing the water sadly. His eyes put all of his emotions on the table, it was like reading a book. You could see the guilt and regret in his eyes. That's when you started to feel bad about leaving the water.

Well, I mean... He did apologize... You thought to yourself. ... A lot.

Leaving your book behind, you stood up and brushed off some grass that stuck to your damp legs. It took Sidon a moment to realize you had slipped into the water beside him. With a giggle, you tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"(Name)! The Zora Prince exclaimed happily. Before you could respond, he lifted you by your waist and spun you around. You laughed, seeing the pure joy on his face. Once Sidon had his fun, he put you back down in the water. His hands never left your waist, though. "... I truly am sorry for my earlier actions, my love. I never meant to cause you any harm."

You smiled up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I know. And I'm sorry for overreacting. I'm such a drama queen sometimes."

"Yes, but a queen nonetheless."

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