Kass x Reader - Accompanimy

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(1766 words)

Do you like that pun in the title? Company? Accompaniment???? MUSIC????!!!

No? I didn't think so.

Anyways, the Lemon no longer has a set date since it's much more tedious and complicated than I thought it would be... I will finish, just don't know when. Also, I started writing part two of the Volga Oneshot, but unknowingly made it part three. So, I have to backtrack and find where part two would fit into this timeline. So uh Volga parts two and three confirmed?

Cool. Glad we got that covered :D

So this was requested by Pheonix_Crossbow (Also the inspiration for Volga part 3, so thanks for the cool name), this was fun to write! I wasn't sure if I'd be able to pull off Kass, but I think I did okay! I'll let you be the judge, though! 


"-Oh you were right!"

"Told ya!"

"Guys, stop playing with that thing! She's gonna wake up and see you!"

The sound of small children whisper-yelling at each other barely reached your senses. Still, somehow it was starting to piss off your subconscious. Being on the edge of wakefulness because of a group of high-pitched voices was something you weren't very fond of. But because they were children, you could turn a blind eye. They were pretty cute, after all.

You could not, however, ignore the painful screech that came from your flute, and you swiftly sat up to attention. You loved kids and their mischievous intentions most of the time, but your flute was off limits! No exceptions!

Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dim surroundings of the cozy village home. You laid in a traditional Rito hammock which was clearly a last minute extra given to you by Kass. You didn't leave him much time to prepare for your arrival since he didn't even know you were coming.

In hindsight, maybe you should've just stayed at the inn...

You rubbed your eyes and called out to the Rito children huddled around your bag across the room. "Hey, don't you think it's a little early to be going through my things?"

All the little chicks jumped in surprise at the sound of your voice. They turned to you with their hands behind their backs, yelling in unison, "Nothing!"

"That wasn't even the question..." You mumbled under your breath. You hopped out of the hammock and went over to the five little girls. "So, which one of you has my flute?" You wondered.

The blue Rito chick slowly pulled the instrument from behind her back and handed it to you. "Sorry..."

"Thank you for giving it back." You said warmly. "Don't you girls sleep in? The sun is barely even up."

The girls shook their heads. "Nope! We always get up early!" The purple chick replied.

"Yeah, but papa gets up super early!"

You nodded slowly in understanding. That certainly sounded like Kass. "Do you know where he is now?"

"He's out on the landing probably playing music." One of the girls responded. You turned to leave the home when she stopped you. "Hey, do you love papa?"

You blinked in surprise at the extremely blunt question. "Uh, excuse me?"

"You heard me! Do you love our papa?"

"Well, that's a silly question." You giggled. "Of course I do. I wouldn't have traveled across the country just to see him if I didn't."

The Rito chick narrowed her eyes at you. "And how do I know you're not lying?" She asked suspiciously. All the other girls seemed to start getting cautious, too.

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