Ravio x Reader - Almost Never Afraid

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Hi! As promised, here's the Ravio oneshot! If you haven't read the last update or don't really care, my tl;dr is... Depression. Basically. So yeah, but I'm back now! We'll see for how long lmaoo

This was requested by a babb OVER A YEAR AGO (I am so fucking sorry please don't hate me lmao). So thank you GreaserGirl22 for the request! This was very fun to write!

(Word count: 3,023)


Sheathing your sword, you very calming exhaled and stood up straight. The monsters surrounding you simultaneously collapsed to the ground before dissolving in a puff of black and purple smoke. Once the area was clear, you turned to the young man behind you who held his hood over his face in fear. "Are you alright, Ravio?" You asked with a sweet smile.

The nervous boy looked up and grinned embarrassedly behind his rabbit hood. "Yes, I'm okay. Sorry for all the trouble I've caused you..."

"Nah, don't worry about it. Besides, I enjoy beating up baddies, y'know?" You walked up to your friend and patted his head with a nurturing touch. "Just try to be more careful. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Ravio shyly tugged at his scarf before smiling up at you. "Okay...!"

"Good! Now, let's head back to the castle. The princesses should hopefully be finishing up their meeting soon." Without warning, you reached down and grabbed Ravio by the hand and began walking back to the dark castle in the distance. "And hopefully, Zelda doesn't leave the dark world without me. She's kinda my ride."

Ravio tilted his head innocently. "What would you do if she did? N-Not that she would, I mean!"

You scratched your head in thought before smirking. "I'd probably just bunk up with you and Hilda. The castle's big enough for one more, right? Plus, she'd be back for more negotiations eventually. "

"Wow, you're really not afraid of anything, huh?"

You shrugged nonchalantly. "I mean, of course I am. Everyone's afraid of something. Change just isn't what scares me." You turned back to him with your childish grin. "I'm very adaptable, and I'd be even more comfortable with you here!"

"O-Oh! Okay!"

With one hand already being occupied, you rubbed your neck with the other. The side of your throat was getting another one of its sharp pains again. It's been a common occurrence ever since you were younger, and you had made the mistake of telling your friend about your health issue. Ravio quickly took notice and jumped into an alarmed frenzy. "(Name)! Does your neck hurt again!?" He asked quickly.

"Meh. It's no big deal. It happens all the time, especially if I strain myself." You replied, trying to play it off like it was nothing. You didn't want to worry your already easily excitable friend.

Ravio almost instantly took charge and gripped your hand; his green eyes lit with a new-found determination. He walked faster than you, pulling you forward at an uncomfortable pace. "Come on! I'm pretty sure Hilda's lab has a few red potions to spare!"

You were slightly worried about the fact that the heiress of the dark world had her own lab, but you shrugged it off. Zelda liked to run off and play Sheikah, so why couldn't Hilda be a scientist?

With Ravio's persistence, the two of you arrived at the castle much quicker than you would've at your original pace. He didn't hesitate to take you down one of the spiral staircases and into a dim room. Then, he left you at the table to find a red potion on one of the wooden shelves.

"Hey, you can relax, y'know. It's really not a problem, Ravio." You tried to ease his worry, but there was no getting through to him. Whenever he threw himself into a panic, there was no getting him out.

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