Sidon x Reader - Unspeakable Fate

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"Your Highness; Thank you for coming on such short notice!" The Zora King exclaimed.

Zelda nodded with a gentle smile and replied with, "Of course. It is my duty to assist you in any way I can. Now, you said that Vah Ruta was malfunctioning; what exactly is wrong?"

"Oh, you should go and talk with my son, Sidon. He's the one who noticed the issue and informed me about it." King Dorephan responded. "Though it's late, and I'm sure you're all exhausted. Please, go and rest; I'm quite sure Vah Ruta can wait until morning."

"Thank you for your hospitality," Zelda said kindly. then she turned to you and Link. "Alright then; let's go and rest."

But, this place is beautiful and I want to explore, you thought while pouting like a child. With only one look, Zelda knew exactly what you were thinking, and she waved you off.

"Fine. Link and I will go and sleep, but don't stay out too late." Zelda warned; walking away with her silent, blonde knight. You nodded excitedly and ran off in the opposite direction.

You were a very close friend of the royal family since her great-grandfather was head of royal security. You're usually invited on long trips across Hyrule because of your exceptional combat skills. To any man, you would be the "total package"! Cautious, generous, artistic, loyal, trustworthy; The list goes on and on! but, there's always a flaw...

And your flaw was selective mutism.

When you were thirteen, your mother was your everything/i>, while your biological father left when you were only a baby. Your mother fell in love with another man after almost 12 years of being single, and he was just about perfect... I mean, besides the fact that he tried to drown you. By some twisted miracle, he failed to do so, but he made you swear not to mention the incident to anyone. Being so terrified of what might happen to you, you just stopped talking altogether.

Of course, Zelda - being your best friend and the smartest girl in Hyrule - found out what happened almost instantly. Zelda took you under her wing, and you were treated like the princess's sister. But no matter how much she tried, you only spoke in front of Zelda and Link.

As you walked up a long path, you noticed the divine beast in the distance. It was powered down for some odd reason. Oh, that must be the problem, you thought. You continued to stare at it before being forcefully shoved to the side. You glared up to meet the eyes of a guilty Zora holding a stack of books. Thankfully, none of them fell

"M-My apologies! are you alright?" He asked worriedly. You lowered your guard once you heard the sincerity in his voice, nodded gently. "Are you positive? I wasn't exactly gentle..."

You simply waved him off; saying it was nothing. Then, you turned around and began walking away. "Um, are you perhaps going to the Inn? I'd be happy to accompany you if that is alright." You gave him a reassuring thumbs-up, and he picked up his pace to walk beside you. "Oh, I haven't properly introduced myself yet. Sidon, at your service!" He exclaimed; giving off an infectious smile, which made you grin as well.

So, this is the prince, huh? You felt him staring at you, and you thought that he was probably waiting for an introduction. "And you are...?" He wondered, confirming your suspicions.

You put a hand up to your throat; signaling that you couldn't speak. "I see..." once you both made it to the Inn, Zelda - who was waiting outside - walked up to you.

"(Name), I see you've met prince Sidon." Zelda said, and you nodded in reply.

Sidon bowed his head gracefully. "Your Highness! I did not expect you to arrive so quickly! A-and, this young lady is with you?"

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