Vaati x Goddess!Reader PT2 - Understanding You

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So, I was gonna publish the Volga x Reader tonight, but it was taking longer than anticipated. This was all I had prewritten, and I really wanted to wait to publish this one, but I guess it doesn't matter that much. I love Vaati, so this is always perfect. Anyway, here you go! Volga x Reader next week!


Glaring red eyes met with playful blue ones as two figures faced each other in a palace courtyard. The blue-eyed boy smirked and sent another shadowy energy blast to the other boy. He barely jumped out of the way; the blast just grazed his upper arm and flew past his lilac hair. Pain shot through his spine, but he hardly even flinched.


The younger shadow boy laughed and sent another ball of energy toward his opponent. This time, it collided with his shoulder which made him stumble back a bit.

"... Again."

The boy with blue eyes laughed once more, but it was less playful and more nervous. "Okay, then!" Another energy blast, but this one actually hit the purple man head-on, completely knocking him down. Wearily, he stood up, wavering slightly.

"........ Again."

The hero's clone pushed his maroon bangs aside. "Uh, Master?" Shadow mumbled. "Don't you think we should take a break?"

Vaati breathed heavily. It was obvious his body was at its breaking point, but he didn't give a damn. "No, I don't." He growled. "Now, again!"

"Look, Master. I love beating you up without any consequences just as much as the next guy," The shadow boy said. "But I don't think I want to see what happens if you get pissed off."

"Shadow, if you don't hit me again, I will be beyond pissed! Now, hit me. Again!"

You slowly opened your eyes and sighed. "Not again..." you mumbled worriedly.

Ever since Vaati got his ass thoroughly kicked by the Hero of legend, he's been training nonstop every day. He even created a clone of the hero just for this reason. He doesn't take breaks unless he collapses, unconscious. It wasn't good for his health whatsoever, so you had to swoop in and stop him from killing himself. Of course, he never appreciated it, but you didn't mind.

And it wasn't that he was weak, no. He was one of the strongest mortals alive. However, his human body wasn't really useful in a fight; it was more of a disguise than anything. His full transformation was his strongest weapon, but he couldn't use it forever.

With a deep breath, you fell beneath the clouds and flew to the world below. Thousands of feet above the clouds was an elegant palace of lavender and gold. It was the perfect home for someone hiding from the world until it was time to strike.

In the center was a lovely courtyard with trees and flowers lining the cobblestone area in the middle. Well, it was only lovely because you made it that way. Vaati didn't care much for time-wasting hobbies like landscaping.

You landed quickly between  Vaati and another one off Shadow's energy blasts. Swiftly, you raised a hand and extinguished it with your light magic. "I agree with Shadow. The two of you are finished until you both have had the proper time to recover." You said with your usual kind tone.

The wind mage growled while holding his chest. He was wheezing like something was seriously wrong with his lungs. Yet, he didn't even acknowledge it. "Quit meddling, woman! Nobody summoned you, so go back to wherever you came from!" That's when he collapsed to his knees. His glare never let up on you as you knelt beside him. "Do not bother me!"

You only smiled and held your hands to his chest; a light emitting from your palms. You were carefully when healing his wounds. You had to make sure not to use too much magic at once. Even a little bit of your holy power stings him because he was considered an evil being, according to the goddesses.

Shadow sat close by, patiently waiting his turn to be healed. He had his own injuries, as well. "You're a real saint, (Name)!" He teased with a big grin.

"Actually, I'm a goddess. But thank you." You smiled.

Vaati rapped his fingers against the cobblestone ground impatiently. "Are you finished yet?"


Finally, Vaati had finally had enough. He shoved your hands away and stood up. "We're done here." Then, he stomped off into his palace.

You and Shadow stared at the door that just slammed shut. "Huh. Who knew Master Vaati could be so childish?"

You turned around and got to work on Shadow's wounds. "I did. This isn't exactly the first time he's acted like this."

"That's true." He said. "Still, he's gonna end up dead if he keeps this up, don'tcha think?"

You nodded. "Yes, I do. But I've learned that he is very independent. He relies on no one, not even me. It's almost... sad." The word felt strange in your mouth, but it seemed right.

"Yeah... he's pretty cool though! Hell, he made me, so he can't be all that bad!" Shadow exclaimed with a smirk.

Your sweet smile nearly melted his heart. "Yes, that's an interesting notion in its own regard."


Shadow stayed outside as you went in to find the stubborn wind mage. You didn't know him as well you'd like to, so you could only guess as to where he'd be.

You began your search, looking in every room you passed. The throne room was abandoned, as were the dining rooms and kitchens. The rooms in the hallways were mostly empty and unused. There was a library, but it was unused for the most part. Except...

In the corner of the library was a lavender cloaked boy curled up and sulking like a child. He had a book in his hands but you could tell he wasn't reading it since his eyes weren't moving.

"Vaati, let me heal you." You said.


You walked up to him slowly. It was as though he was a forest animal that spooked easily. Then you cautiously sat beside him. "Why not...?"

"Because I didn't ask for your help." You continued to stare at him with your beautiful big eyes until he caved. With a sigh, he shut the book and placed it on the carpeted floor. "I've never required help from others. I've never learned how to depend on somebody, so it's aggravating when you show up out of nowhere trying to help me. I don't rely on people because they let me down. You can't keep forcing yourself onto me whenever you feel like it. It's... painful in a way.."

His fists were clenching and unclenching at his sides. He was trying to figure out what he was saying. He couldn't relay his emotions very well, so his go-to was always anger.

You smiled and placed your hand on his, making his fist relax a bit. "I'll stop being such a pushover if you stop working yourself so hard." Your magic worked its way up his arm and coursed through his body. And for once, he accepted it. Vaati didn't really have a say in the matter. Even though you said you'd keep your distance a bit, he knew that was a lie. You were so fascinated with his way of life, you just couldn't stay away. So, the mage accepted the fate he was tied to.

And that fate didn't seem too terrible when he thought about it.

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