Sidon x Reader - Freefall

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I friggin love Sidon.

So, I do have some stuff lined up and hopefully, it should be done soon. I know I say that every time. Sorry.

There's a Revali x child!Reader that was requested, a Zelda x child!Reader also requested, part three of Worlds apart, and a Revali x drunk!reader that I'm really looking forward too XD drunk people are so fun to write! Anyways, keep an eye out, folks!


"Finally done," the prince stretched his arms and pushed away from the pile of paperwork. "And just in time to meet with--" Looking up at the clock, Sidon realized the horrible mistake he has made. He jolted in his spot and ran out of his study to find his loyal attendant. "Muzu, have you seen (Name) anywhere?" The Zora prince asked, concerned.

The elder attendant thought for a moment before responding. "Ah, yes. I believe she was on her way to Ploymus Mountain." Without hesitation, Sidon pivoted on his foot and sprinted to the East Reservoir. He knew better than anyone just what you were doing. He also knew that was short on time.

With the grace and elegance of a royal, Sidon seam up the waterfall. The cool water felt refreshing on his body. It even relaxed him ever so slightly. He was more than worried about your wellbeing, and he believed that whatever happened to you would be his fault entirely.

Sidon ran to the very peak of the mountain, praying to the Goddesses every step of the way. When the Zora got to the edge, he briefly acknowledged the blue warning. Many Zora enjoyed jumping into the lake below, but it was extremely dangerous for Hylians - extremely dangerous for you.

Standing on the very edge was you; a naive little Hylian who believe you could do anything with zero negative repercussions. Sidon found it endearing at most times, but right now it was concerning. He knew you weren't suicidal, but you might as well be with the way you act out when you're upset.

You stood confidently with your arms spread out. Your hair blew gently in the wind, and the sight would've been almost magical. Looking over your shoulder, you could see Sidon's worried expression.

"(Name)!" He called. The prince didn't want to get too close for fear that you'd jump. "Please come over here before you injure yourself."

You smiled sweetly and almost made him melt at the sight. "But why? You taught me how to dive, so I know I won't hurt myself!" You replied. "Besides, you've been so busy, and I'd rather not bother you! It's alright, I can dive by myself from now on!"

Your voice was cheerful, but you also had a bitter undertone. Your smile was beginning to fade, as well. It was heartbreaking for the prince to know he had unintentionally hurt you, and he'd do anything to make it stop. Still, it happened time and time again, and not once have you complained. He's done whatever he can to show his love for you, but the bad outweighed the good.

Sidon was either late to meet with you, or just never showed up at all. You were only able to spend time with him in the early mornings or late at night. You also used to dive with him, but now you were forced to enjoy that rush alone.

So, you jumped.

You didn't line your body with the water correctly like the way Sidon taught you, so the impact with the water could actually kill you. But at that moment, you couldn't find the will to care. Sure, it wasn't Sidon's fault you were so lonely. Hell, his sole purpose in life is to not fuck you over. But you couldn't shake the feeling of being unloved. You missed your prince.

So, tears were shed. You cried silently as you plummeted to the lake. Yes, you were strong and confident, but you were just as emotional.

Just as your head was about to make contact with the water, your body was pulled into another's with their arms wrapped around you. They hit the lake first which made the impact on you less painful.

You and Sidon were completely submerged; your head nuzzled against his built chest. It was a nice feeling that you experienced in a while. It made your stomach turn upside down and fill to the brim with butterflies.

Sidon turned you both right-side up and pulled you to the surface. You gasped for oxygen and flipped some hair out of your face. Your entire body ached from hitting the water, and you could only imagine how Sidon felt. Hesitantly, you stared up at him and met his sad, golden eyes. He was obviously distraught by the events that just took place, and you couldn't help but feel guilty.

He sighed and grasped your shoulders tightly. "Love, please never do that again."

"Well," you tapped your dripping chin with a mischievous smirk. "It did catch your attention, didn't it?"

Sidon pulled you closer to him. "I've been neglecting you. You have made that frighteningly clear." He said into your damp hair.

"Yeah. Well, you didn't give me much of a choice..." You mumbled into his chest.

Sidon was always so warm. Even in the water...

He bent down and nuzzled your neck. "I sincerely apologize. I will find a way to repay your patience with me."

"Well, I should stop acting like a spoiled brat." You joked while smiling at your prince.

Sidon stared at you with a serious expression. "And I should stop acting like your emotions do not matter."

"... I didn't mean to make you feel bad." You whispered finally and grabbed the sides of his face.

He put his forehead against yours. "Nor did I," He said just as quietly.

You giggled. "We are just a couple of fuck-ups, aren't we?"

"Such foul words do not belong in your vocabulary, my love."

You rolled your eyes playfully before moving your face intimately close to his. "So annoying, my dear prince. I'm going to have to shut you up before you start a full-on lecture."

Your lips locked onto Sidon's with little effort. Held your waist close to him, and you were in love with how he refused to let you go. All the anger and resentment disappeared with just a simple kiss. Sidon truly did love you, and you knew he desperately tried to show it without getting too carried away.

He loves you. You, the dumb commoner girl who so stupidly bumped into Sidon even though he's taller than a tree. You, the girl who tried desperately to play hard-to-get but quickly melted at the sight of those gold eyes. You, the naive girl who jumped off a cliff just to get his attention. He loved every part of you, no matter how clumsy and crazy. He loved it all.

How could you ever possibly hate your prince?

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