Sidon x Drunk!Reader - Royal Afterparty

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Aha! I got the computer back! And yay, another sweet drunk girl! I love doing this a little too much, I think. ^-^;;

This oneshot was requested by Trash_fm1, so thank you for that! This was fun to write!

Uh, just in case anyone was curious, I will absolutely be participating in #WattPride this month. Since I am still finding where I exactly land in the system, I'll be writing about my journey so far in finding just who I am. If any of you reading are part of the LGBTQ community, I suggest you write as well! Any story with a tag #WattPride will count to $1 for the ILGA (International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association). If you want to read my story, it should be coming out between tonight and Sunday night. Maybe even later than that. It'll be done before June 30th, I swear. XD

That's all I really wanted to say! Enjoy the oneshot!

Ps. Turns out 'soberer' is a word. Wtf? I thought it was 'more sober'???


This was the first year you were spending Sidon's birthday with him. You never knew just how grand a birthday party could be until you met him. The ballroom was so vast and spacious, people from all over the continent visited just to be in that room. There were elegant music and expertly crafted food. But the only thing you were really going to enjoy was the booze.

No, you weren't a serious drinker, but you really did like alcohol. You always took care of yourself, so a drink here or there wouldn't hurt. And boy did that party have drinks. The wine was so amazing, and you were just gulping that stuff like it was water. You never really noticed when you became tipsy. It sneaks up on you, y'know?

At some point, Sidon was carrying you over his shoulder back to your bedroom. Instead of clinging to him with nothing but love, you were scratching and kicking and hitting his back and arm in response. "Love, this would be much easier if you'd only comply." He pleaded.

"No! I wanna be at the birthday bash just like everybody else, Fishy!" You cried. "Is not fair at all! I'm okay, I swar!"

He sighed, but a tiny smile crossed his face at his new nickname. "I know you do. And when you are a bit soberer, you can join us." Well, technically he wasn't lying. You could try to fight the sleep, but you most likely wouldn't be joining the rest of the guests anytime soon. You'd be knocked out before any of the alcohol was out of your system.

You gave him your sweet puppy dog eyes. "Pwomis?" You asked.

He placed you on the bed and laid you down slowly. "I promise, my love." He said sweetly. You smiled and finally relaxed. You rested your head on the pillow, and Sidon stayed to pet your hair calmly. Just as expected, you were out in seconds, and Sidon was able to get back to his party. He was a bit upset that you weren't able to join him for the rest of the night, but he was put at ease knowing that you were resting well in your shared bedroom.

When the party was over, Muzu escorted the guests out of the palace, and a few other attendants helped clean up. Meanwhile, Sidon was sprinting down the hall to your room. He wanted to make sure you were still safe there.

But when he made it to your room, he was met with an empty bed. Not good.

Sidon turned on his heel and began dashing through the castle, searching every room he passed. Where could you be? You're far too drunk to be thinking clearly. He could only hope to find you before you found your way outside. He'd heard enough stories of drunkards falling into a lake or a river and drowning; he did not want you to be one of those stories...

As though the Goddesses heard his wishes, there you were when he pushed the library doors open. You were perfectly safe, far away from the main entrance. Well, not 'perfectly safe', but it was better than finding you dead.

Your feet stumbled a bit as you noticed Sidon in the doorway. You clung to a ladder, reaching to one of the higher shelves for a book. One hand held the ladder as the other waved to him happily.

That's when you were so happy you wanted to use both hands.

Thankfully, Sidon's predator instincts could pick up on things just before they happened, and he was already halfway across the room before you even started falling. By the time you were close to the floor, he was underneath with arms out. Flawlessly, you landed in his strong arms, and he sighed in relief.

"Oh, hi Fishy." Was all you could say.

Sidon chuckled at your innocent face despite the circumstances. "Hello, my lovely (Name)."

You tilted your head. "Is the party over now?"

"Yes, love. I'm afraid it is." He stood up, holding you in his arms. "However, I'm sure there will be another one next year."

You raised your arms in excitement, and Sidon nearly lost his grip on you. "Yay!"

"Yes, and I suppose I'll have to hide the wine from you next time."


Sidon shook his head with a knowing smile. "No, it was nothing."


The next morning was as beautiful as you could expect. There was a light mist throughout the domain, and morning dew stuck to every leaf and window sill in the town. Sunrise was always so pretty when it shone through a layer of fog, and you enjoyed how calm it looked when the walls were covered in its orange and pink hue.

Not this particular morning, however.

"Oh, for the love of Nayru, shut those blinds!" You cried while pulling the covers over your face.

You could hear Sidon chuckling beside you before the sound of the shades being pulled across the room. "What's wrong, Love?" He wondered but he already had a few ideas.

"Oh my Goddesses, why do I feel like I got hit by Link's boulder breaker?" You groaned. "It's like a Talus sat on my head and a Lynel cut right through my stomach..."

Suddenly, the covers were pulled away from your face and all you could see was Sidon's childish grin. "Maybe it was the glass after glass of alcohol that did you in. I mean, it's only a theory."

"Funny." You muttered sarcastically. Then you sat up, holding your head. "At least tell me I didn't do anything stupid in front of all those nobles... I wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of all your important friends."

Sidon smiled sadly and grabbed your chin, gently forcing you to look at him. "No, you didn't do anything publicly. However, you took quite the tumble in the library after everyone was gone. But please understand, there's nothing you could do to embarrass me. If anything, you should be ashamed of me. I am quite clumsy."

"Why would you say that?" You wondered in a whisper. He was far too close to your face for you to be talking normally. "You're pretty graceful on your feet, and everyth-"

A sudden playful peck on your lips and Sidon was quickly across the room. "Because I fell for you."

"Ugh, I'm too sober for this." You giggled and fell back onto your pillow.

Sidon laughed with you while going through the bookshelf absentmindedly. "Ironic considering you had no place saying that last night."

"Let's just not ever mention yesterday ever again. Not exactly my best moments."

Another musical laugh from across the room that nearly got rid of your pounding migraine. "I beg to differ."

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