Revali x Reader - Unfamiliar

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(1791 Words)

Aight, I think I've seen enough anime to know how to do this one. XD

This was inspired by the bean known as Fruits Basket. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend!

(I'm 2 weeks late, I know :'0)


New Year's Eve was a special night for you. It was the one night you could stay up until the sunrise and make a wish on a new day without seeming like a complete lunatic. Ever since you were old enough, you traveled from village to village and lived there for an entire year. Then, you'd watch the New Year's sunrise to see if they varied in different locations.

It was a fun hobby you enjoyed, but it was also something you disliked. It was a lonely trip across the continent for you. Surprisingly, nobody wanted to be with someone who moved based on the season. But, you'd suck it up and travel by yourself. You worked better that way anyhow. It was faster and less expensive.

Your eyes opened and you stared up at the wooden ceiling. You were resting all afternoon at the Rito Inn, and it was currently pitch black outside. The sun was nowhere in sight. Sitting up, you noticed that everybody was asleep. So, you grabbed your bag and headed for the door.

Your feet were silent as you walked swiftly to the top of the village. Just as expected, everyone was fast asleep. Perfect, since you were planning to do something pretty stupid - possibly even illegal in this village.

Once you were at the top, your gaze wandered up the large stone pillar in front of you. It was steep with little to no footholds, but you were determined to watch the sunset from up there. So, you adjusted your backpack and put your hair up. Then, you grabbed ahold of the pillar and began scaling upwards.

The climb started off easy, but your arms started to get weak halfway up. You've climbed things pretty tall before, but you either had rest or it was never as high as this. There were also fewer footholds as you got closer to the peak. Even so, you refused to turn back. Glancing over your shoulder, you realized you'd spent too much time being careful. The sun was just about ready to rise, and you still had a little ways to go.

It took extremely long hours and no food or water, but you did it. Your arms were noodles and your calves hated you. You could barely breathe from the high altitude as well, but you were standing pretty at the top.

Dropping your pack, you opened your arms and embraced the cold, natural air. Normally, you weren't a fan of the freezing weather, but you could make an exception just this once.

Just as you sat down on the cold rock, you noticed a large mechanical bird flying high above you and the rest of the village. Right, the Rito Champion lived here. You missed the inauguration last month, so you've never actually seen him. But to see his divine beast up close, it was nice.

Just then, an unnatural gust of wind blew upward behind you. You turned your head and shifted some hair out of your line of view. A lean Rito stood there with his head high and his arms crossed.

"Can I ask how a feeble Hylian such as yourself got all the way up here?" He questioned. His voice held nothing but pride. How arrogant he acted as if he owned the entire village.

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