Revali x Reader - Bad Timing

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(1371 Words)


"Hey, this is kind of fun!" You exclaimed while jumping from one rock to another. You could hear your partner telling you something, but it was drowned out by your joyful giggles.

You and Revali were on a "serious" mission. Somebody discreetly informed Princess Zelda about a mysterious structure they saw just off the path of Rito Village. The person mentioned that it was barely glowing a dim, orange light, and Zelda was hoping it's a shrine. Of course, she can't just go to find it by herself; It's hasn't been safe lately with Yiga everywhere. So, she sent you and Revali to confirm her suspicions instead.

Honestly, you were happy to be on a mission with him. He made it more interesting. If it were Urbosa, she'd force you off the rocks; Mipha would practically beg to get off of them, and Daruk would try to join you (which would never end well). Revali warns you about the dangers, but he does so in a way that makes you want to playfully ignore him.

Revali sighed and called out to you a bit louder, and suddenly it was hard to ignore him. "If you don't get down from there, I guarantee your foot will slip. And while you writhe in pain, I will only laugh." He warned from the dirt path beside you.

"Oh, relax! Nothing's gonna happen." you tried to assure him with a giddy smile.

"Really," He mused. "Because you seem to always go looking for trouble."

You scoffed and sent the champion a playful glare. "I do not!" Then you turned away with a slight laugh. "Though, I do enjoy befriending it..."

"Well, it seems you have some potential friends on their way." Revali nodded his head forward to a large group of Lizalfos that was running towards you both.

With a smirk, you hopped off the small pile of rocks. "Well, it would be rude of us to not introduce ourselves." You noted.

"Then why don't we go say hello?"

You both took your time walking toward the horde since they were running towards you at full speed. Soon, they were upon you, and Revali began shooting them. Meanwhile, you pulled out two of your hidden daggers; standing in a defensive position. Your partner took a quick glance at you before letting another arrow fly.

"(Name), do you not have your sword?" He questioned.

You hesitated a moment. "... No."


"...It um... It got swallowed up by a giant rock monster..."

Revali rolled his eyes and shot another arrow. "Honestly,   (Name)..." He sighed under his breath.

You couldn't lie, you were having a great time! Usually, missions were boring since you weren't ever paired up with Revali. His sarcastic jibes lined up well with your witty remarks, so there's always some kind of dynamic between the two of you. In fact, you've come to love meeting up with all the champions just to talk to Revali. You might have even come to love him...

Sudden you awakened from your little daydream to realize that the monsters have formed a circle around you.

"Lovely..." You muttered.

Revali looked around and sighed. "It seems they've surrounded us."

"Perfect." You exclaimed with a perky voice. "Now we can attack in every direction!"

The Rito was prepared to interject, but he decided now wasn't the time to give you a lesson on proper battle etiquette. So, you both did your best to fend off the monsters. While Revali flew to the air and began shooting from his spot, you would run up and quickly attack a few of them before retreating back to the middle of the "death circle" as you liked to call it. Your methods worked so well that most of the Lizalfos had already turned to dust.

There were only a couple left when one of them got behind you. Of course, Revali was there to take care of it, but the damage was already done. You clung to your left arm and dropped your blades while Revali took care of the last of the lizards.

"That went well..." You grumbled sarcastically as you cradled your cut-up arm.

Revali groaned and led you over to sit on one of the rocks. That tiny blush from earlier had returned when Revali put his wing on your back, but it wasn't a blush of embarrassment this time.

"I take my eyes off of you for one second and suddenly you're bleeding out." He exclaimed while rummaging through the small bag you brought. He found a roll of gauze and started to wrap it around your arm.

You turned your head, hoping your hair would be able to cover your red cheeks. "Y-Yeah, well you're the one who told me to make friends!"

"No, I merely suggested it," Revali replied. As he took care of your injury, he noticed you were being... odd. "... Alright, start talking."


"You. You've been acting strange ever since we left the village. So, start. Talking."

Great, you thought. And, he's like some sort of lie detector. He's gonna make me tell him everything until he knows I'm not hiding anything else from him!

Yeah, you liked him. But you could never dream of telling him! He... He sees you as a burden who just so happened to be good enough to become a champion. You're the burden who just so happens to be as witty as he is sarcastic. But, as he stared at you with his expectant emerald eyes, you couldn't help but open your mouth.

"... I'm... I'm sorry." You mumbled; lowering your head.

Revali attempted to wipe off some of your blood he had gotten on his pristine feathers while staring at you with genuine shock. "Why in the name of Hylia would you feel the need to apologize?" He wondered. "The Lizalfos attack was not your fault."

"No, I mean... I'm sorry for being so annoying." You corrected. "I know I'm loud and obnoxious, and I can never seem to shut up no matter what the circumstance, so I'm sorry... And, I know I got blood all over your wings and this probably the worst time to say this, but I kinda like you."

Revali stayed beside you in complete silence, and your blush began to grow even more. You were so nervous that you began to inspect your hands. Soon, you became fascinated with your palms. Was that fourth palm line always there...?

Finally, The warrior spoke. "(Name), you may see yourself as a nuisance, and yes; you are everything you just mentioned. Even so, you are probably the most interesting person I have ever met." Your head slowly began to look up at him, and you could tell through his snide-sounding words, he was sincere. "And I certainly do prefer to be paired with you rather than any of the other champions... I have grown fond of your presence."

Your nervous expression quickly became one of happiness, but the blush never faded. You clung to his torso; Giving him a tight bear hug. The pain in your arm grew, but you simply ignored it. Nothing could stop you from being your perky self. "You're such a softy, Revali!"

"Be quiet! And you speak of this to no one! I'm trying to keep up appearances! And besides, what do you think would happen if people thought we were together? I'd lose their love and respect!"

You quickly pushed off of him and crossed your arms. "Still an arrogant jerk."

"What, you think a confession of your feelings would change something everything about me? You think highly of yourself." He chuckled.

You smirked but your eyes gave him a deadly glare. "I will pluck you for dinner." You both continued on threatening each other in different, creative ways, but that only made you even happier.

You were glad nothing really changed between the two of you, but you were going to try and make your relationship something more... Someday soon, you hoped.

For now, you'll just sit on the side of a dirt path with gauze wrapped around your arm; telling the Rito warrior himself to cut his wings off and throw himself off a cliff.

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