Ghirahim x Reader - Hide and Seek

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(756 words)


Notes at the end. This was requested by JinxKatKazama

... I hope you're happy with yourself. (I'm just kidding, this was interesting!)


"Hm... Where to hide...?" You mumbled to yourself while glancing around the forest. You knew that staying on the main path back to your village was stupid, but you'd rather not get lost in the thick woods.

Without much choice, you climbed up one of the many trees that lined the dirt road. Once you made yourself somewhat comfortable on a sturdy branch, you watched for any sign of movement below. Your heart was beating anxiously as you heard a slight rustle in the distance. Quiet footsteps approached from your right, and that's when your eyes landed on him. Your lover and his silky white hair. The lover you happened to be hiding from.

The egotistical Demon Lord Ghirahim.

Yes, you had fallen in love with the infamous servant of evil, and you couldn't be happier... Well, in this specific moment you could.

See, you're not exactly hiding for the fun of it. During your most recent conversation, the skill of hiding had come up, and Ghirahim's arrogance was starting to rub off on you. You boasted about being the best hider in your village, and that he could never find you.

"Alright, Love." You recall him saying. "Let's make this a bit... interesting. If I give up before finding you, then you are allowed to play with hair as much as you desire."


"But if I win," You remember how quickly he pushed you against the nearest wall in his temple. "Well, I suppose I'd be allowed to have my own fun with you, wouldn't I?"

You shuddered with a deep blush at the... explicit memory. You weren't completely sure what he meant by "his own fun", but you sure as hell weren't about to find out.

Looking back down at your diamond-covered demon, you watched intently as he walked right past the tree you were sitting in. You finally released a breath you didn't even realize you'd been holding. You suddenly felt more confident in your own stealth skills, since the poor blade spirit couldn't even find the common village maiden who was hidden in plain sight.

"Found you." A passionate voice whispered from close behind you. You flinched a little too hard and began freefalling toward the forest floor. Unsurprisingly, you never touched the ground because Ghirahim would never allow his precious jewel to be injured; especially not after he'd just won... whatever the hell he wanted out of this twisted little game. The only problem was, he refused to let you go, and his strong grip around your waist was unnecessary; if not slightly annoying.

"Alright, Ghirahim. You won; now put me down." You grumbled with your arms crossed.

He turned the thought over in his head for a while before allowing your feet to touch the grass. Only, there was no grass; instead, there was polished white tile underneath you. Your entire surroundings had changed, and it only took a couple seconds to realize that damned demon teleported you both into his grand bedroom.

You weren't able to take in these new surroundings due to being pinned against the wall. You almost freaked out when you noticed your arms were being bound by some kind of magic, but Ghirahim's lips brushing softly against your neck pulled you back to reality. "Don't worry, my sweet jewel. I'm certain you'll enjoy this just as much as I will." He murmured against your skin; his cool breath sending chills up your arms. So, you begrudgingly gave in; you did agree to his terms, after all. Maybe next time, you won't make bets you know you'll lose.

But, as he gently nipped at your collarbone, you made a mental note to remind yourself to make as many losing bets as possible.



So um, this one is one of my more... sexual (?) One-shots. This was a new experience, I guess... I mean I won't deny it was fun to write! Made me a bit uncomfortable at times, but I think that was only because I was typing on my computer and my sister kept glancing over my shoulder. If this was a bit much, let me know and I'll dial it back. And if it wasn't too much, was it good? Too much description? Not enough description? This was literally the first time I've written something like this, so need feedback! 😂

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