Revali x Drunk!Reader - Just no!

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"R-Revali!" You giggled. "That's a funny name!"

The Rito dragging you up the stairs and sighed. He knew this would be a long night. "Please be quiet..." he groaned.

You pulled on his arm like a child. "Papa! Where does trees come fro- hic -from?" You laughed some more. It was just so fun messing with your lovely companion. "Revali! A-Answerrr!" You whined.

You had just passed the wooden landing deck, and Revali hoped you'd be cooperative enough to make it to his home. "You're drunk, (Name)." He deadpanned.

"No am not!" You argued while slurring your words. Still, Revali refused to let go of your arm "I can prove it lemme go, 'mfine!"

You didn't know what happened. One second, you were trying to pry Revali's hand off your arm. The next, you were staring at the floor. "Now shut up. You're giving me a headache."

"Revali! Did you - hic - just pick me uuup?" Instead of being even remotely distraught, you giggled. To be honest, the Rito was glad you were the kind to be happy when you were drunk. He didn't want to deal with someone too angry to listen to him or too emotional to pick themselves up. Besides, he didn't mind the sound of your laughter.

"Go to sleep, (Name). You're drunk." He repeated in a bored tone.

"I am not!" You pushed yourself up on your elbows to see the back of his head. "Y-You're just bl - hic - blurry!"

Finally, Revali made it to his small home beside the elder's. He dropped you in the hammock and threw a blanket in your face. "Sleep, woman!"

You blinked; your gaze going from the soft blanket to Revali. Then, you smiled and pulled him to you with his champion's scarf. You pecked him on the cheek before pushing him away. "G'night!" You giggled and then laid down.

"Perfect," Revali muttered. "Now I have to explain it all in the morning. Oh, how fun that will be..."


All you could feel was pain.

It was mostly your head, but your limbs ached as well. You didn't want to move, but you knew it was better to face the pain head-on. So, you forced yourself to sit up.

You looked around the small room in confusion; trying to piece together the night before. You remembered a birthday party for some guy at the inn. There was alcohol - a lot - and Revali told you not to even think about taking a single sip. But of course, why the hell would you listen? After six shots of only Goddesses know what, you blacked out. And now you were in Revali's room.

Oh. And your shirt was nowhere to be found.

"The fuck did I do...?" You groaned.

"Should I start with the twelve bottles of wine that you downed in four minutes or how you used your best seduction methods on a wooden chair?" A voice said.

You face-palmed. "My Goddesses. Neither of them."

"Too bad. That's not an option." Revali said as he walked in; tossing your shirt at you. It smelled clean. The Rito noticed the blush growing quickly across your face and laughed. "What do you think happened last night?"

"How could you laugh at a time like this?" You shouted. Then you brought your hands to your face; covering as much of the blush as possible. "W-We... um... we didn't... we- uh..."

"No, we did not. Now would you stop floundering and get dressed?" He turned his back to you, and you hesitantly pulled the sheets down. Then, you draped the shirt over you. "You threw up all over the place last night, so I had to take your shirt, as well as my favorite blanket... I had them washed before you woke up."

For a moment, you were at ease with that explanation. For a moment. "W-Wait!" You screamed; your blush taking its place on your cheeks once again. "Y-You took off my shirt?!"

He looked at you with his usual smug look. "Well, I distinctly recall you trying to make a move on me last night. I, of course, told you to shut up and sleep because I wasn't about to take advantage." He chuckled again. "But rest assured, it's nothing I haven't already seen."

"I-I hate you!" You yelled while standing up. "I hate you, and I'm leaving!" With that, you stomped out of his home and rushed down the village with Revali on your heels laughing the whole time.

"For the record," he said. "I'd be happy to take advantage when you aren't intoxicated!"

"Oh my Goddesses, Revali! Shut up!"



Okay, first off want to quickly discuss something. You people are so damn supportive, I honest to god started crying. Like, when I told you all about my situation, you were all so kind and understanding! Hell, I even met someone who's in the same situation I am! Anyway, that's what I wanted to say about that.

Now, I wanted to let ya'll know about my one-shots. There's a chance I might be taking this book over to It's not set in stone, but I'm really considering it. Now, don't worry. There's an app! Chillax! XDD

I dunno, I just like the setup of more than Wattpad and Tumblr. If you guys are really against it, then I'll probably reconsider.

Finally, the persona drawings. Now, I wanted to clarify what I meant. Basically, I want to draw and show you what original character of mine had inspired me to write a specific one-shot. Like, when I look at "(name)" in a one-shot, it'll be a very specific Oc that I made beforehand. Ie. For worlds Apart, I see a character I made named Hikari. Or for most other Revali one-shots beside worlds apart, I have a character named Nalyani (nahl-yah-nee). I'd love to share these characters with you, so I'm glad you like the idea, even though I didn't really explain it all that well the first time.

Oh. And also Kona. I live for sweet Kona. I shall draw sweet potion-making Kona because yes pls.

Oh, I almost forgot. I have about four one-shots lined up and all I gotta do is hit publish. So I'll be on schedule for a good month as long as I don't forget!

... don't let me forget. Yell at me on Wednesday if you must. I will not be mad.

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