Volga x Reader Part 2 - Begin Again

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I don't really have much to say other than I'll be going back to older oneshots during the week to edit them, so if you see an update, it'll probably just be that. I won't post anything new until Wednesday! ^-^

This was requested by waterhydra and Flame_runner4423! Thank a bunch, guys!

Oh, and a part three is inevitable, just not next week. :D


The field of grass in front of you was silent, the only sound being the gentle breeze swaying the blades of green. You stood alone in the empty plains and appreciated the peaceful sounds of nature. It was a beautiful scene you enjoyed frequently. You liked being by yourself.

Ever since your escape from Cia, solitude has been your closest friend. There was no denying the fact that the sorceress had messed with your head. You used to be loud and confident, and you could never seem to keep your mouth shut. To most outsiders, it would look as though you hadn't changed in the slightest. But a certain dragon knight has noticed just how softspoken you've become. You hid it very well, but there was no disguising the constant look of distrust in your eyes.

You let out a deep sigh and stared up at the glimmering night sky. It was so entrancing that you almost didn't notice Volga standing beside you. "Need something?" You asked curiously, not looking away from the stars.

"I went to your house to check on you, but you weren't there." He responded stoically.

You glanced over at him with a snort. "Sorry for worrying you, but you don't have to watch me all the time. I can take care of myself without anyone's help."

"That's what worries me..." The fiery man muttered to himself while glaring at the ground. Then, he looked over at you with a softer expression. "Tomorrow, the princess is holding a festival to celebrate Cia's defeat. We should go."

"'We'? Last I checked, you hated social gatherings... and anything having to do with people, for that matter."

Volga scoffed. "And I still do. If I had a choice, I wouldn't have even mentioned it." The man watched as you picked at your fingernails, pretending not to care. "However, I believe it would be in your best interest if you went."

"Why would I need to? My social skills are perfectly fine. If I start to get rusty, I'll still have you to talk to." You retorted dismissively. The knight nodded sarcastically. Then, he swiftly raised his arm. You flinched and stumbled backward, putting your arms up defensively. "W-What the hell?" You yelled, the fear prominent in your eyes. "What was that all about?"

Volga stared at you, slightly guilty for scaring you the way he did. Still, he needed to get his point across. "You don't trust anyone, not even me. Any sudden movement leaves you trembling. You may be in denial, but I can see it. You're terrified, (Name)." He explained.

You stayed away from Volga as you tried to calm your shaky breathing. "And some kingdom shindig is supposed to help with that?" You asked incredulously.

"Hopefully, yes."

With a huff, you gave in. "Fine, I'll go to the damn festival." You then turned and started walking home. "Just don't expect me to be sober the whole time..."

Volga said nothing as he followed you home. He didn't want to stress you out too much, or you might change your mind. Still, he wanted to make sure you got to your house safely.

At your front door, you finally turned to face him. "Go home, firestarter." You said with a subtle laugh. "I don't need a babysitter all the time."

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