An Update

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So uh. Let's talk.

It's been a long ass time since I've said anything here. Halloween, then Thanksgiving... I even turned 17! Watch out, the world isn't prepared for me to become an adult in just a year! A full month and I've gone off without a word (not counting the discussion page). So let's all have a little chat.

School has been going well, or as well as it can when you're a procrastinator with little to no motivation. My teachers are the sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of learning from! My history teacher even went out of his way to buy me and my three siblings $200 dollars worth of winter clothes! Hats, gloves, jackets, and coats for the fours us! Even scarves! I don't ever use a scarf, but you can bet I fucking do now! AND he later got us each a video game for Christmas, telling my dad to pretend they were from him because he's a great fucking guy.

My dad did let us have the games when the came in, though... >.> ... <.< ... v.v ... Sowwy, Mr. C...

Halloween was boring as fuck, but whatever. Thanksgiving was mostly just a chill day with more mashed potatoes than usual. I don't really like turkey tbh... But the next day was my birthday!

Jk, I didn't do anything then, either. A lot of friends and family wished me happy birthday and I'll be getting birthday money in a couple days when my mom comes over. My lovely online friends pitched in and got me Smash a couple weeks or so before that, and I cried like a bitch... I legit cried and my friend recorded me over the phone cuz she evil af.

Nah she's the best. I love her so much.

I don't know if any of you remember me mentioning a Vaati story a while back, but lemme tell you about it now. It's going to be based on the Vaati x Goddess!Reader oneshots, which I LOVE. ORIGINALLY, it was going to be for something called the Zelda Watty's. I think it's safe to say, I missed the deadline. However, I haven't completely given up on it, oh no! In fact, I've been really at it the past few days! You can expect another update sometime after this once I'm closer to being finished! I'm super excited!

Now let's talk about the important shit. I've been gone for a month. I do apologize for that. I just haven't been feeling the motivation, which is why I left. I want to go off and do something else for a while. There are a lot of ideas I have, but don't exactly know how I should go about writing them. Anyway, I'm not sure when I'll come back. I do want to finish what requests I have now because that would be a dick move. Still, it's slow-going. And this isn't to say I'll be gone forever. I'd end myself if that ever happened! I absolutely want to come back once I get back in the Zelda zone. But for now, I'm really really REALLY into Dragon Ball Super like holy fuck! Can we talk about THAT for a while??? Like, I don't care what anyone says, Goku Black and Zamasu are my husbandos forever until the end of time!!!!!!!

Um. Sorry about that.

But like, I want to write about them, but writing in their voices is so HARD. They're kind of like Vaati but with a god complex that hits the bottom of the fucking ocean. And they HATE mortals with a literal passion so how am I supposed to write about how I fall in love with them?? I-I mean... how a random CHARACTER falls in love with them?? AND YA'LL KNOW FU? FROM DBXV 2?? FUCKING LOVE HIMMMMM!!!!!

SUDDEN EDIT FROM FUTURE WOLFIE: So this is random and stupid but I don't fucking care. My dad has been fucking up spaghetti sauce for the past couple months but today he FINALLY did it! I can't tell the difference between sweet and sour like an IDIOT so I had to watch him put the sugar into the sauce and found out he usually put too much sugar like a dummy!! But today he put a lot less and it is PERFECTO. MWA 10/10 WOULD TASTE AGAIN...! Okay, continue.

Anyways, I want to somehow start a Dragon Ball oneshot book, but there is a metric fuckton of other projects I want to do (that I probably won't get to cuz I'm dumb).

There is something I want to talk about for real though. A good friend of mine lived in Paradise, California. If you don't live near there or haven't seen the news, the biggest wildfire in history broke out and the entire town is basically gone. I can't even imagine how that must feel, to lose everything. It's just devastating. Houses upon houses, gone. Animals of all shapes, sizes, and species, dead. Nobody was given quick enough warnings and it was so difficult for everyone to escape. I don't know the death toll, I just know it's more than it should be. If you lived in that area, my heart and soul goes out to you. I wish you the best of luck in life. One day it'll all be a bad memory. I hope you're all staying safe. Love you all.

Peace, bitches.

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