Revali x Reader - Untie Me

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"So, Revali," You started casually. "Does this remind you of anything?"

He shot you an unwavering death glare. "Yes: That I need to request a new partner." Then he absentmindedly glanced down at the ropes that bound him before adding, "One that won't get me caught by the entire Yiga Clan."

"I was talking about that time in Zora's Domain, but yeah. That works, too I guess..." You muttered while looking down at your own ropes. "And I want to be mad at your little 'new partner' comment, but I'm too busy being uncomfortable... I am the worst."

"I couldn't agree more." Revali mused quietly. "First, you insist on taking the mission that requires graceful stealth, which we both know you do not possess. Then, you - being your overconfidently clumsy self - dropped your dagger; alerting the entire Yiga cave of our presence!" He chuckled dryly as his gaze wandered up to the stone ceiling of your chambers. "How in the name of Hylia do you achieve that level of failure in one day?"

You rolled your eyes while attempting to hide your embarrassed blush. "Gee, thanks. Because I didn't feel terrible already."

Revali sighed, and his sharp glare softened at your sadness. Such a softy, really. "I'll save the rest of my lecture for later. For now, we need to get out of here." He glanced around the room. "Do you see any way of escape?"

You ignored his question and continued speaking solemnly. "And the worst part is that I need to use the bathroom..."

"(Name), can you focus, please?" Your love pleaded.

You sighed dramatically. "I've been holding it since we left yesterday..."

"(Name)."Your head shot up as you called out, "Hey! You guys got a bathroom?"

"Really...?" The Rito questioned. You simply shrugged in response; as though you both weren't trapped in a cave deep within the Gerudo Desert.

The door opened to reveal three Swordmasters. "Oh, thank the Goddesses!" You exclaimed as two of them roughly lifted you to your feet and dragged you out of the dimly-lit room. Meanwhile, the third stayed behind to keep an eye on Revali. Thankfully, my legs aren't tied. Poor choice on the Yiga's side of things...

The two Yiga members led you to a room and stared at you expectantly; like you were supposed to open the door with your damn mind. "Oh, haha. Now, untie me before I piss myself." You growled. They looked at each other as if to second-guessing their decision. "Oh, C'mon! There's two of you! If I try to run, you'll just slice my head off!" They stayed silent for a few more seconds before one of them cut off the ropes around your arms and chest. "See? No harm in helping a girl out!" You gleamed cheerfully. Then, your happy demeanor changed to one slightly more sinister.

The vibe in the hallway became dark, and the Swordmasters noticed it. They quickly swung their weapons at you, and you were able to dodge the first blade. Unfortunately, the second had barely grazed your shoulder. The adrenaline in your veins made it feel like nothing, but you knew it would hurt later.

You strafed to the left and ran along the stone wall.  The Swordmasters stood in shock as you swiftly turned and jumped off the wall; kicking them both hard in the face. The two large men instantly fell to the floor unconscious and looked down at them with a smirk.

"Not so tough now, huh?" You taunted. Suddenly, you blinked for a moment because you forgot what you were doing. "Oh, yeah. Duh." You giggled as you silently ran down the hall. You honestly almost forgot about your poor, feathery partner who was waiting for your return.

You turned the corner with haste so you could meet with your arrogant warrior sooner. You soon knocked into something which made you fall to the ground. "Ow..." You groaned while caressing your back painfully. Your eyes wandered upward to see a feathered hand stretched out to you. With a roll of your eyes, you took the hand and stood up.

"So, how did you escape?" You wondered while being handed your weapons.

Revali shrugged while playing with the string of his bow. "Don't underestimate a great champion such as myself, Love."

"Of course. So, shall we get the hell out of here?" He nodded and led the way.

You both tried your best to be quiet, but excitement began to take hold as you noticed the exit in sight. You took one fast peak around the room before sprinting in the direction of the cave's exit.


But it was too late. Yiga had surrounded the two of you while also blocking the only means of leaving. "This is bad..." You muttered.

"Who's fault is that?"

"Yeah, I get it." That's when the pain in your shoulder started to grow. You winced and glared down at your bloodstained arm. "This is bad."

Revali glanced back at you. "You already said that."

"It seemed worth repeating."

A footsoldier was the first to make a move; running toward you with a small scythe-like weapon. You blocked it with one of your daggers, but not without straining your arm even more. Regardless of the excruciating pain, you pushed the Yiga away and took care of the situation without hesitating.

"We need to go," Revali stated.

"Yeah, no shit!"

He gestured to his back, and you pushed away another Yiga before throwing your arms around his neck. With one swift movement, you and Revali were gliding past all the obnoxious footsoldiers below you. "Watch your head." He warned calmly. You ducked a bit as you flew through the cave's opening. A smile spread across your face as the blistering sun hit your face. Usually, you'd complain about how hot it was, but you vowed to never take the sun for granted again. As you slowly let go of Revali to spread your arms out like you were flying on your own, Revali snuck a few glances at you. Sure, you weren't the stealthiest person alive, but you could be somewhat graceful when you weren't paying attention.

Revali landed at the nearest stable and you giggled once your feet touched the ground. "Home free!"

"Not quite." Your partner responded. It made you want to sigh overdramatically, but you didn't because he was right. You still had to report to the castle to tell the princess your original mission was a failure. But at least you could tell her how many Yiga there really were... She wouldn't be happy with that.

"Yeah, well at least we're not tied up anymore."

Revali wrapped his arms around you, and you rested your head under his chin while he gently kissed your forehead. "Always seeing the glass half full as usual."

"Where would we be if I was as pessimistic as you?" You wondered.

He thought for a moment before smirking. "Well, I'm not completely sure, but I know we wouldn't have gotten tied up if you were a negative person."

"Oh hush." You laughed.

You both stood there quietly in a comforting embrace. It wasn't an unnerving silence, and you just stayed there; enjoying each other's company.

"You're an interesting girl, (Name)."

You looked up at him with a smirk. "That was a bit sudden." You hugged him a bit tighter. "But I guess that's what I fell in love with."

"Yes, and cannot possibly get rid of me." He responded You suddenly pushed him away and crossed your arms. "That a challenge I hear?"

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