Revali x Reader - Heart Attack

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Revali stood just outside your guest room in the village as strange mechanical sounds came from inside. "(Name), do mind me asking what you're doing?"

"Yes, I mind very much." You yelled in reply. "Just, give me another few minutes so you can see for yourself!" You seemed quite excited to show Revali your newest death trap, and he'd rather not ruin your fun since it'll be short-lived. You considered yourself a bit of an inventor. But most of the time, your inventions didn't seem to work. Even so, Revali was very supportive of your hobby no matter how many times it almost got you killed.

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal you wearing a strange contraption on your back. "Ta-da~!" You exclaimed cheerfully. With a closer examination, you were wearing something that seemed to resemble wings. The feathers were mostly a dark shade of blue, and-

"(Name), are those my feathers?" Revali interrogated and nodded your head truthfully. "How in the name of Hylia did you get all of those feathers without me knowing?"

You walked past him with a smirk. "It only takes one good molting season, and you don't always seem to clean up after yourself." You winked at him and added, "And besides, I only want the best for my latest creation."Revali mumbled something about having the finest feathers in the village before you sprinted up the many stairs until you reached the large landing pad. You stood on the edge with confidence; waiting for Revali to come see your creation in action. "C'mon!" You called out. "Hurry up, slowpoke! I want to show you this thing before the sun goes down!"

Revali rounded the corner and saw where you were standing. His stoic expression never seemed to change as he leaned against the wooden rails along the platform. "What are you doing, (Name)?" He questioned.

"... I thought it was obvious. I'm gonna fly, dummy." You responded as though the answer was in plain sight.

"This is going to end terribly. I can already see it: You plummeting to your death without a care in the world." You simply rolled your eyes.

You jumped a bit in your spot. "Okay! You ready?"


You completely ignored him and yelled, "Okay!" With that, you jumped. Revali stayed in place for a moment before getting mildly concerned and leaning over the edge to see if you were okay. With a burst of air, you flew up above him with the biggest grin on your face. "Ha! See? Maybe next time, you should have a bit more faith in my inventions!" Just as your ego began growing, your little machine had stopped working. You started falling toward the water below you, but you didn't scream. You were convinced your creation would start working again, so you kept quiet. Unfortunately, it never did. Panic began to rise in your throat, but you wouldn't give Revali the satisfaction of being right.

Just before you were engulfed in the water, a gust of air surrounded you, and you were picked up high enough to land on Revali's back. You were breathing heavily from the fear you'd been swallowing, and Revali was starting to feel that way, as well. He couldn't seem to get the momentum to fly back up with you on his back. "(Name), if you could get that thing working again, that would be amazing!" He yelled timidly to you. You nodded and got to work.

There were four openings on the bottom that would filter air out at a fast enough velocity to get you moving through the air, so you tried relentlessly to get those to work. After pounding your fists on it and some dumb luck, the air began pumping and Revali was able to get back into the air. Once he landed on the platform, you both collapsed onto the wood; out of breath.

"Well, that's the closest I've ever come to a heart attack." Revali wheezed. "Let's not do this again."

You laughed even though you could agree. "Come on, this is your typical Tuesday afternoon, isn't it?# You teased.

"You... You're lucky I care about you. Otherwise, you'd probably be at the bottom of that reservoir."

"Thanks. Revali." You mumbled while sliding next to him. "For putting up with my crazy, life-threatening antics."

He stopped being so upset and smiled gently. "I don't recall being given a choice."

"Oh well. Sucks for you because you won't be able to get rid of me. I'm supposed to balance you out. You're so... not stupid. Meanwhile, I pull stupid shit like this every day."

He stared at you. "Quite the balancing act." He commented while hugging you close.

"Yup." You mumbled into his comfortable armor with a faint smile on your lips. Yes, you were some crazy inventor, but at least you knew you were never in any real danger with this arrogant Champion by your side.

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