Young!Muzu x Reader PT 2 -

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(1103 words)

In the library of the Zora Palace, two young figures sat on the floor reading. A green-scaled Zora boy sat on the carpeted floor against the wall, while a clumsy scientist laid on the floor with her legs crossed over on top of his.

"Hey, Muzu?"

The boy hummed and looked up from his book. "What is it?"

"You haven't turned a single page in the last thirty minutes." You said. He noticeably flinched and turned his head away. You still continued with an oblivious tone. "Something wrong?"

He hesitantly put his book down and stared at you. "I've... been thinking."

"Yikes. You're great and all, but I think it's best if we keep that job for the scientist." You joked. Then you put your book down on the floor as well. "What is it?"

"I... Uh, nevermind. It's nothing!" He exclaimed quickly while scrambling to his feet. "Ii-I'll be right back, okay?"

"Um, Okay then." You mumbled, but he was already gone. "... Strange."

Rushing down the hall, Muzu burst into the throne room. Thankfully the king was actually busy with something else, so the only person inside was Prince Dorephan. The blue Zora looked up with confusion. "The heck is wrong with you? I almost had a heart attack, man!"

"I-I um..." Muzu stuttered. "You know what? Nevermind, it's okay."

Dorephan stood up and stopped his friend from leaving. "It obviously isn't. Just tell me before I smack it out of you." He joked.

"Fine..." The green Zora took in a deep, shaky breath. "I think I love (Name)."

"Well, yeah. An idiot could've figured that out. You've spent almost a year with her, mostly in that library." He responded casually. Then he scratched his neck awkwardly. "That's not good, though..."

Muzu nodded in agreement. As a Hylian, you weren't expected to live very long; you had about 80 more years if you were lucky. Meanwhile, Zoras lived for hundreds of years. Their lifespans were just longer than most races, so you were bound to die far sooner than Muzu. That thought alone broke his heart.

Muzu sighed and rubbed his face. "What am I supposed to do...?"

"... Well, I mean... There's time like the present, right?" Dorephan suggested and his friend looked at him like he was crazy. "What? I've never seen you so happy with a girl before. Certainly, no Zora could make you this lovie-dovie. Go make your move, man."

Muzu blinked in surprise and stood almost paralyzed. "Are... Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why not? Make it worth your while." Dorephan smirked and hit muzu's arm playfully. "I've got your back... Metaphorically speaking, of course. I have a big meeting in like an hour, so...."

His friend laughed. "That's alright. It's the thought that counts." With that thought, Muzu turned around and began sprinting for the exit.

You walked along the edge of the east reservoir, looking over Zora's domain with a sweet smile. You never noticed how beautiful it was during a springtime sunset. The orange and pink colors of the sky reflected against the water surrounding the kingdom, giving its structures a purple-ish hue. Just the mysterious elegance it possesses made you feel lighter than air. This, you thought. This is how to spend an evening alone.

Yes, alone. Muzu disappeared a few hours ago, and you needed to clear your head. Usually, he'd join you, but you couldn't find him anywhere. So instead, you went up to the top of the reservoir by yourself. It was alright, though; if he needed you, he knew where to find you.

You rubbed your arms nervously as thoughts raced in your mind. Ironic considering you came up here specifically to stop your brain from creating more thoughts. But you couldn't help it! It wasn't your fault Muzu was always on your mind.

There was something about him that you couldn't put your finger on. Something that made him almost too perfect for you. Maybe it was shy but adorable personality. Maybe it was the way he stared at you like you were crazy but went along with your insane ideas anyway. Maybe it was how he patched you up after every one of your clumsy trips down the hall.

Maybe it was the way he cared about you after everything you've put him through. Especially since you always pulled him into some dumb plan of yours.

"Oh, crap..." You sighed, knowing you were now officially screwed... "I'm in love."

"(Name)!" You heard someone call out your name, and you quickly turned around. Of course, your quick movements made you slip on the crystal surface of the reservoir.

You rubbed your backside after your not-so-graceful landing. "Ow..."

Muzu slid onto his knees beside you. "Are you okay?" He asked, a little out of breath.

"Yes, I'm fine... Are you?" You wondered. "You disappeared only to show up hours later, breathing like you just ran a marathon."

Muzu completely ignored your question and pulled you to your feet. "I've spent the last three hours pacing back and forth in the library."

"Um... why?"

"Because I was being a wuss!" He declared like it was supposed to be obvious. "Listen, I need to tell you something." You nodded silently, waiting for him to speak. He stuttered and stumbled over his words before turning his back to you. Muzu rubbed his face in aggravation.

"... Muzu, are you alright?"

That's when he turned back around and grabbed your shoulders affirmatively. "I love you!"

Silence swept through the area at those words. A few birds flew off into the distance, and a soft breeze blew past your ears. You smiled up at him, which might have confused him a bit.

Then you scratched your cheek. "Is that it?"

"I-is... what?!" He exclaimed. "What do you mean is that it?"

You giggled and stood on your tippy toes, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "You're adorable, you know that?"

"Y-You're really crazy sometimes." He replied with his own smile.

"I know! It's fantastic!" You suddenly took his hands off your shoulders and pushed him into the reservoir. You watched in delight as he fell into the water below.

He screamed up at you, but it was hard to hear. Without overthinking it, you stepped off the edge of the reservoir and began to plummet to the water below. You landed in feet first and quickly rose to the surface. Adrenaline pumped through your veins and your body tingled painfully.

"What is wrong with you?" He yelled. "You could've died from that fall! And I just confessed my feelings to you! Do you understand how traumatizing that would've been?!"

You only giggled again. "Relax! It was a bit painful, but it's fine. I'm a scientist, I know how to restrain myself."

"You absolutely do not."

You nodded in agreement. "I absolutely do not."


I'm still so in love with this pairing because c'mon! How cute!! And yes, that mean's there will probably be a part three. If you haven't noticed, I specialize in three-shots.  Sorry, guys, but there's no stopping me.

OH! Those of you who asked those awesome questions for the Q/A, be on the lookout because you will be tagged probably tonight or tomorrow!! I had a lot of fun answering all of them - yes, all of them! I love answering questions about myself!

... That was extremely arrogant to say, and I am not sorry. Please don't be mad at my brutal honesty.


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