Vaati x Reader - Happy

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HOT DAMN LOOK AT THAT WORD COUNT. I uh... May have gotten a little carried away, I'll admit. But I couldn't help it! This was just such a good one to write, I couldn't stop!

And uhhh you can consider this super long one shot as an "I'm sorry" gift. I know I've been disappearing and reappearing all the time, so thank you for putting up with that.

Alsooooo, if you liked this, maybe consider checking out my new Ask Vaati blog on Tumblr? Feel free to ask the purple nugget anything you want (though, he can get a lil cranky at times)!

(Word Count: 6,276)







Yes, that was you. A monster in the eyes of man. You had hair, soft as the grass you walked upon, skin as clear as the ocean waters, and a face that would make any man beg for your affection. You were kind and talented, compassionate and forgiving. You were the perfect woman; any female would strive to be you. You looked and felt and acted as human as anyone else. But no, you were a monster.

Cursed from the day you were born, you had a sort of magic that could only be considered witchcraft. Whenever you cried, thunderstorms flooded the rivers near Zora’s domain. Every angry yell set aflame the Faron Woods. Any giggle invited forest animals to come to your village and raid the farms. The people around you avoided you at all costs. Even your family has learned to distance themselves from you.

And so, every day, it rained in your village. Not pouring, but not drizzling either. It was a constant shower every day and night, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. It wasn’t your fault you were spiraling into a depression.

Another day, another small rainstorm. You turned your head to the sky and allowed yourself to be dampened by the falling water. It helped calm your mind and kept you content with the way you lived. Wiping your forehead, you went back to picking the strawberries on your farmland. It wasn’t too difficult, but you were starting to work up a sweat. Still, it was worth it. Tomorrow you’d go into town with your hood on and sell them at the market.

The farm belonged to your parents, and they took amazing care of it. But once you had become of age, they disappeared; leaving you with the responsibility of looking after the farm. And you did your best to make a profit. You were skilled in farming, but being able to sell your crops was hard when nobody wanted to be anywhere near you.

“Oh.” You realized the basket hanging on your arm was nearly full and stopped plucking the fruit from the bushes. Slowly, you made your way back to your small home to put the berries into a barrel. As you walked, you felt the wind follow you, nipping at your cheeks. It was a very comforting feeling. As the sun began to set, you sighed in content. Your farmland coated in the pink and orange colors of the sun was one of your favorite sights.

Once you got closer to your house, you noticed a group of men standing impatiently on your porch. You stopped moving, unsure of how to proceed. They obviously weren’t here for some tea, but they certainly were prepared to hurt someone. Your heart completely dropped to your stomach when one of them spotted you from the distance. You couldn’t hear what he was saying, but you could take a guess when the otherr men looked in your direction with angry expressions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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