Teba x Reader - Thaw the Snow with Pure Rage

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"Like hell, he will!"

"Please, (Name)! He only wanted to be alone for when you arrived instead of being surrounded by other people!" Saki pleaded as she followed you down the wooden stairs.

You growled and continued your march to the flight range. "Oh, yeah! He can be alone with my foot up his ass!" You yelled. "I send him a letter saying I'm on my way, and he runs for the hills as soon as I'm in sight!"

Teba knew you'd be on your way, but what happens when you get to his place? You find that he's not there! So, you go looking for his ex, Saki, and she says he's off at the flight range! You know, the coldest place in Hyrule!

Let's just clarify for a moment; Saki is very supportive of you and Teba. They had ended their relationship on good terms and are still amazing friends. Teba was the newly appointed Rito Champion, so his life was far more exciting than Saki was comfortable with. In the end, they agreed to part ways. Their son is oddly understanding of the situation he's been put in.

You and Teba met at the castle almost a year ago. The princess had made the champions' garments again, but she decided she didn't fancy the blue anymore. So, she called upon you, an apprentice at Hateno's dye shop, to help her make the champions' clothing and dye them, as well as Link's tunic green instead.

It was difficult to talk to him at first because Teba is naturally off stand-ish, but you eventually got through to him. You'd talk for hours and help each other with your combat skills. You loved the way he tried to tell you no to something even though he knew he'd lose that argument. You loved how warm he was despite the bitter cold winds of Rito Village during the night. You loved how the light of the snow reflected onto his eyes which made them shine even brighter. To put it simply, you loved him!

But Hylia be damned if you let him get away with ditching you!

"(Name)!" Saki said, grabbing your shoulder. "Just... don't be so hard on him, alright?"

Your gaze went from the hand on your shoulder to the Rito woman begging you with her eyes. "...No." You pushed her off and got on your horse; riding to the flight range.

As you entered the snowy region, your anger slowly became sated. Snow fell softly in your hair, and a few flakes even landed on your nose. The calm crunching of snow was dissolving your rage. You were almost at peace.

By the time you were in front of the flight range's ladder, you were a smiling, giggling mess. That's just what snow did to you. You even forgot why you were there for a moment. But, you quickly remembered your task and climbed up to find Teba.

And find him, you did, sitting in front of a pot of simmering fruits. It was your favorite dish. Well, it was your favorite ever since you tried it with wildberries. Wildberries were far better than most fruit in your opinion. Wildberries should be a dish all on their own...

The dim candles and cozy bundles of blankets sprawled on the floor somehow seemed more bright comfortable than you remembered. You couldn't understand why, though.

You glanced around; trying to find your voice. "Uh..."

"What's the matter?" Teba asked in his usual gruff voice.

"I... I came up here to yell at you... but I think my rage broke." You replied slowly.

The Rito chuckled while stirring the fruits. "Well, while you're here, you can sit and eat."

You blinked and sat down. It was almost automatic; you were kind of drawing a blank for a while. Now that you weren't mad, you didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a plate was placed in front of you. You picked it up and could feel the warmth on your palms. "Uh... thanks."

"...is everything alright?" He asked, though his voice held little concern. Not because he didn't care, but because he knew that blank expression of yours would change soon enough. "Just eat. You'll feel better."

Hesitantly, you took a bite of the well-cooked fruit. And that's when you entered heaven. You'd never actually had eaten something cooked by Teba. Whatever you ate was either store bought or made by you. You were not the greatest chef, but Teba - holy shit - Teba was extraordinary. And you never even knew until today.

"Mm!" You exclaimed with your mouth full. "This is so good!"

"I'm glad you like it." He responded. "Now, why were you so upset? Was it something I did?" Teba wondered, but he already knew; you could hear the smugness in his voice.

You glared playfully at him. "Hush. Don't ruin this moment. This food is amazing, but I will happily dump it on you without a second thought."

When the two of you finished eating, you stood on the wooden deck feeling the snow on your face. Teba was more than fine in the cold, but you needed a blanket to stay warm outside.

"I forgot how much it snowed up here..." You spoke quietly. "We rarely ever get snow in Hateno..."

The two of you just stared up at the grey sky. "I don't think I can imagine living in a place that gets little to no snowfall."

You nodded thoughtfully. "That would suck, huh?" Then you smiled. "I wouldn't mind living in a place with lots of snow. It's nice and calming. Plus, my apprenticeship is over, so I could live somewhere else, now..." There, you had dropped the big hint. The reason you were upset for Teba disappearing suddenly; the whole reason you were here, to begin with.

You wanted to move in with Teba, but from what you could tell, he was either A) Messing with you B) Completely oblivious, or C) Avoiding the topic because he didn't feel the same way. And they all made you 110% done with his shit.

"That would be nice. It'd be better than Gerudo." He commented. "It's too hot there, and I wouldn't be able to visit you."

You sighed in defeat and shook your head. "Nevermind." Then, you turned on your heel to go inside.

"Wait," Teba laughed as he reached for your arm. He grabbed your wrist gently, and you turned angrily to meet his eyes. He smiled. "I'm only kidding. I wouldn't mind living with you."

Teba pulled you into a warm hug, and you muttered curses under your breath. "Such an ass..." you grumbled. Even though you tried to sound upset, you couldn't hide the joy in your tone. He held you tighter.

"Yes, but you love me."

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