MM!Link x Reader PT2 - A Zora Hero

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Hello, again lovely people! Welcome back to another episode of "Wolfie has returned to Wattpad, let's see how long she lasts this time"! I'm your host, Wolfie ROOD, and yes! I am as rude as my name suggests! Now let's get to it!

This was requested by EnderEmpressS16 and is actually a continuation of the Fierce Deity Link, but I changed it to Majora's Mask Link because there is no Fierce Deity cameo in this one XD


"(Name)!" You heard someone yell from the distance. "What are you doing? Get back inside!"

Instead of listening, you spread your arms out to embrace the heavy rain that poured onto you. The clouds were gloomy and not a single star was in sight. The stormy night brought chills down your spine and tingles in your toes. It was a feeling that brought you nothing but excitement.

After having gone on countless adventures and journeys with Link, you finally had to take a small break. You both decided it would be best to stay with Malon and her family in Kakariko Village for a few days to regain your energy. It also gave your companion a chance to restock on supplies. Now it was your last night in the village, and you should've been resting. But of course, your brilliant mind decided it would be much smarter to play in the rain instead.

The sound of rushed footsteps caught your attention, but you only continued to smile up at the dark clouds above. "(Name), I know you like the rain, but you're bound to get sick if this keeps up."

"Yeah, yeah..." You sighed. "You and Malon are such worry warts. You act like I'll die if I stay out here."

Link stared at you with a concerned expression as he gently grabbed your hand. "Maybe you won't, but... But I'm responsible for you and I won't let you get sick!"

You huffed and pulled your hand from his, crossing your arms. "Geez, what's with all the melodramatics? If what I'm doing is as terrible as you say it is, then I might as well get struck by lightning."

Almost as if the goddesses were mocking you, a flash of light struck the ground scarily close to the ranch. And if the lightning wasn't enough, the deafening crash that quickly followed after had left you shaking.

"U-Um! Maybe we should actually go inside! Like, right now..." You said hurriedly while dragging Link back to Malon's home. He was chuckling the whole way back, and you could see the silhouette of a certain ginger with her arms crossed in the doorway.


Another sneeze from the backside of Epona made the blonde boy snicker as the two of you rode on. "Oh, shut up..." You muttered with a congested nose. "It's not funny."

"It kind of is when I specifically warned you. Honestly, I'm not the kind of person to do this, but..." Link turned his head with a little smirk. "I told you so."

"I cannot believe you." With a defeated groan, you rested your forehead against his back. "I really like the rain..."

"H-Hey, uh! W-What are you doing?" Link stuttered nervously with a small blush on his face.

"Dying..." You grumbled with a pounding headache. Suddenly, you reeled back and sneezed into your arm again. "Definitely dying."

Your comrade laughed and stared up at the clear golden sky. "It's starting to get late. We should stop and sleep here for tonight." The both of you hopped off Epona and got to work on starting a fire. Well, Link started the fire while you sat under a tree and rested. If he was able to laugh at your pain, then he could set up camp all by himself.

"You know, you could just take a red potion. You'd feel better in no time." Link said calmly as he sat across from you. "Why do you always insist on doing things the hard way?"

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