Revali x Reader - World's Apart

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"Well, this is a nice change of scenery." You commented casually while looking around.

"It's a prison cell." Someone else yelled.

You rolled your eyes and responded with, "I was being sarcastic." After that, the random prisoner shuts up.

Yes, you were, in fact, sitting not-so-comfortably in Hyrule Castle's prison cell. Why? Because you were one of the lower-class leaders of the Yiga Clan who just so happened to be out on a midnight stroll by the castle.

Okay, that's only half a lie. You were in the area for no apparent reason, but you also took it upon yourself to assassinate the princess. And, being the smart person you are, you decided to do it alone. Or at least you tried. Turns out the other champions were temporarily staying at the castle; maybe a bit of research would've done you some good.

"This certainly wasn't the way I expected this to end..." You mumbled thoughtfully while inspecting the chains around your arms. You couldn't walk around while wearing them, but your wrists weren't sore, either.

Suddenly, someone stopped in front of your cell. You glanced up and smiled. "Oh, I know you!" You exclaimed. "Yeah, you're the kind gentleman who hit me over the head with that silly bow!" Standing before you was the Rito Champion, Revali. You acted like a sarcastic brat toward him only because you were afraid of him. Every other Yiga has warned you about him. Members are susceptible to archers, so it's in your best interest to not get involved with the best archer in Hyrule.

But of course, you were reckless and went right ahead with your plan before assessing the situation. Because if you knew Revali would be here, you'd honestly run for the hills. That's the long and short of how you ended up in jail.

You licked your lips; a tell of your nervousness. "So, what's next?" You wondered as to try and hide how much of a coward you were. "Do I get executed? Oh, is it you; are you gonna kill me? Please tell me it's you!" You weren't given a response, but it was okay. You smirked. "C'mon! Where's that ego I've heard all about?"

The Rito scoffed. "If it were up to me, you would be killed without a second thought. Fortunately for you, things never seem to go my way around here, and the princess would rather use you for information. So, if you don't want me to shoot your foot, I suggest you cooperate." The archer threatened.

You laughed with a dark aura and said, "You better just shoot me now 'cause you're not getting anything out of me." The warrior growled and gripped his bow tightly. Though, he never aimed it at you. "Oh, I see! You can't even breathe on me without the 'okay' from your precious princess! That's adorable!" And still, no reaction.

"You can expect Princess Zelda within the hour." He muttered with a stoic expression before walking away. Once he was out of sight, you groaned and rested your head against the stone wall behind you.

You stayed in that position for about twenty minutes - Almost falling asleep - before the entrance to the dungeon was opened again. Your eyes fluttered open to see the princess herself standing in front of your cell with her hands behind her back. You smirked and straightened yourself a bit. "I'm so honored to be graced with your presence," You bowed your head mockingly. "Your Highness."

She smiled sincerely as her guard dog opened the cell door for her. Of course, she wouldn't come down here all by herself, but of all people-

Her appointed knight then took off your shackles, and you stood up; cradling your wrists that had fallen asleep. Once the knight took a step back, Zelda held out a bunch of bananas for you.

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