Sidon x Reader - Traditions

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(915 words)

Sorry in advance if you don't celebrate Christmas, but that's all I know how to do. ^-^"

And yeah, it's a little late, but be glad it came out before JANUARY.


Zora's Domain wasn't as cold as you'd think it would be during the winter. It was a comforting temperature at all times of the day. It was especially temperate during the evening hours, which was good since you didn't feel like shivering while sneaking around.

With the help of King Dorephan, you were snuck into the palace while everyone was asleep. It was well past midnight, and you were exhausted from the long ride here. But you couldn't sleep. Not yet.

You were here to surprise your beloved with a tiny bit of Christmas magic before he woke up in the morning. After you told Sidon about the cheerful holiday, he wouldn't stop doing things. You should've known better, though. Especially after the Valentines day incident...

It started with adorably curious questions. What do you do on Christmas? Where would Santa come in from if you didn't have a chimney? If he was real, how come you've never seen him? It was the sweetest thing, and you couldn't help but give in to his cuteness.

This quickly grew from cute questions to disturbingly large Fir trees in the corner of the library. It took literal hours to decorate that thing. And while you took occasional breaks, Sidon refused to stop until it was complete. He took Christmas spirit to the next level.

His little obsession got to the point where Sidon kicked you out of the entire domain in fear that you'd find the presents he got you. Sure you used to search high and low for them when you were younger, but you'd grown out of that... kinda...

While you found him so endearing during the holidays, you also missed sleeping in bed with Sidon. To put it simply, you were happy Christmas was only hours away.

Even though you didn't spend Christmas Eve with your love, you still felt the need to do something for him. So, you stood silently outside your shared bedroom and put down the huge sack you were carrying around. You weren't the narcissistic type, but you would certainly consider yourself as the cuter Santa Clause.

You pulled out two cute Blanc-furred teddy bears and placed them on both sides of the doorway. One was a boy while the other was a girl, and they wore matching outfits. On their feet was the year they were created. Feeling satisfied, you pulled out the next pair and placed them in front of the first ones.

You told Sidon about all the fun traditions you did with your family except for one. Your family collected festive teddy bears each year and would make a path to the Christmas tree with them. The library was only down the hall and you had a couple generations worth of bears, so you figured you'd reach the tree with no problem.

You placed every pair of teddies with care until the very last one. Needless to say, you were very satisfied with your work. At the bottom of your nearly empty bag was a small box wrapped in red paper. Inside was a pink seashell hooked onto a neck chain. Sure it sounded dumb, but it had sentimental value in a weird sense.

When you first met Sidon, you were tossing rocks and shells into the river, trying to make them skid across the water. The overly-curious Prince was quick to investigate, and he ended up with a seashell to the head. There were lots of apologies thrown about; even more so when you found out he was royalty. Looking back on it now, you were more than grateful for your clumsiness because you got to meet the love of your life. It was amazing... given the circumstances.

You placed the box under the tree in front of the other copious amounts of presents made out to Sidon. Of course, he got the entire Domain involved; that's just what you'd expect of your sweet Prince.

Utterly exhausted, you sat against the wall and shut your eyes. You promised yourself you'd only be a moment, but you knew you would not be waking up anytime soon.

The next morning, Sidon was faster than ever to get up and throw the door open just like a little kid. He was thrown into confusion when he was confronted by a trail of teddy bears leading to the library. He cautiously walked over and pushed the door open to find even more bears, along with a young Hylian laying beside the tree. Sidon finally puts two and two together and put a smile on his face.

Sidon lightly shook you awake. "Love?" He called quietly, and you hummed in response. "Wake up, my Dear (Name)."

"Okay," you mumbled while rubbing your glossy eyes. "I'm up... I think."

Your prince swept you up and held you close to him. You couldn't help but nuzzle your face against his chest; obviously still half asleep. He kissed the top of your head until you looked up at him with a gentle smile. It was the first contact either of you had in a week or two, and just felt right.

"Merry Christmas, Sidon." You said sweetly.

"And to you as well, my love."


Yeah, it wasn't requested but I felt it necessary. An actual request should be around soon. How soon? I have no idea. Sorry, you guys have to put up with my lazy ass, but beggars can't be choosers. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year's, my beebs! ^-^

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