Another fucking update lol

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You may know me as Wolfie, the very careless and irresponsible author of this oneshot book. That's me. I've been gone for what I think is over a year now. Not a single update since before Christmas.


So you may be wondering, "Okay, so where the FUCK have you been??"

Uhhh... Lemme learn you a thing called depression lmao

But seriously. This whole year has been kicking my ASS. I don't know if I've ever told y'all about my mentally and emotionally abusive mother but uh we're living with her now. My dad is in a shelter, and my siblings would much rather be with him than in this hell hole.

So, I've been too depressed to do anything but play video games, roleplay on some fun servers, and overeat. I actually failed 11th grade because of this. Not fun.

Now, I'm not using mental illness as an excuse, hell to the fucking no. While yes, depression can excuse my absence, I still don't like using it as a crutch. I don't want it to sound like, "Oh poooor Wolfie! Woe is me! My life is sooo hard!" Because it's not like that. I don't want any pity or sympathy, don't send fucking flowers or fruit baskets to my house. I'm not dead, even though I lowkey want to be sometimes.

Oh, and no. I'm not getting any help for my depression or anxiety. My mom either doesn't care about the mental state I'm in or... yeah, that's probably it. She just doesn't give a fuck. And when I try to advocate for my siblings who are also hurting and depressed because of our situation, I get called disrespectful and rude. It's disgusting, and I hate her. And of course, it gets worse.

She has custody of us now. I actually just found out last night while snooping through her emails. Yes, I snoop through emails and facebook messages; she's a shady bitch, so I have to be, too. My father never got any sort of notification from her or the court saying that there was a hearing, so he never showed up. So now my mother has sole custody of all four of us. My dad is working to get us back - he's busting his ASS for us like a champ. So I'm not too worried. This does mean I might have to go to court with them, though. Be still, my socially anxious heart.

So this is most of the bad shit that's happened this year. Of course, there has been lots of good. I roleplay like a mofo on this one discord server for Vaatisonas. That's just a fancy way of saying "our own special versions of Vaati". I have like 4 sonas lmaooo (and if y'all wanna hear about them, I might do a chapter just introducing them :D)

I also fell in love. Yup, ya boi has a girlfriend! They're the cutest, sweetest, cinnamon roll I could ever ask for and I am just stricken with love lmao. They have supported me since the day we met and vice versa. UGH I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THEM AAAAAAA.

Ahem. Excuse me.

But yes, they are so amazing and just overall a wonderful human being. Are we going to last until the end of time? Maybe. Hopefully. I would love nothing more than to live out the rest of my days with this gorgeous person. But we're young and shit happens. But even if we don't, it will still have been the best first love I could have ever asked for.

So, this whole post has been... a little mean, I think. I'm definitely not feeling like myself right now, so I probably sound like a total cunt through most of this. Sorry, I'm just feeling like garbage mentally, emotionally, AND physically. But now the question is, "Where do we go from here?"

Well, I have a surprise I think some of you are going to like.

I have two or three oneshots lined up and ready to go. And you're damn fucking right I'm not just going to leave them sitting in my Grammarly account to collect dust! So today right after this is up for like an hour or two, I'm gonna post a cute Ravio x Reader oneshot! :D

So, I hope you all had a better year than I did because you lovely people deserve so fucking much. I love and cherish each and every one of you. So even if I sound like a cunt, just remember that.



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